Library and Information Science Course Description and Units, Imo State University, Owerri
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Library and Information Science Course Description and Units, Imo State University, Owerri
On this article we are going to outline and give brief description of course code and title of courses offered in the department of library and information science, Imo State University
Course Description
LBS 101 Introduction to Librarianship (2 Units)
The course trace the history of libraries from antiquity to the present. Early Libraries including those of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Romans and monastic libraries are also covered. Libraries during the dark ages. Evolution of western Libraries. The beginning of professional librarianship.
LBS 102 Libraries and Society (2 Units)
A Study of the cultural, political, economic and social environments in which libraries function. Factors that favour the emergence of libraries. Types of libraries and their characteristics, establishment and pattern of library services in the society, library as a medium of communication in the society. Non-literate clientele’s print and non-print media are fully discussed.
LBS 103 Introduction to Information Science I (2 Units)
The course overs issues and themes in information Science, like; definition of concepts in information science, information science as an emergent discipline, attributes and characteristics, of Information, relationship to other disciplines, career prospects for information scientist, sources of information as a commodity, generation and production of information.
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LBS 104 Multimedia Libraries (2 Units)
Definition, functions, uses and organization of multi-media resources. Types of Multi-media materials; formats, evaluation and control of multi-media materials. Overview of problems of selection, evaluation, acquisition, and uses of non-print resources. Emphasis on the role of each medium in changing societal, academic and library environments. The role of the librarian as a resource integrator is emphasized.
LBS 105 History of Books and Printing (2 Units)
Traces the development of the book in its many forms in relation to contemporary society, education and culture Manuscripts origins, the nature and development of the printing and graphic process from earliest times to the present times. Evolution of writing from the earliest drawing to current alphabetical scripts, the emergence and development of written records from Sumerians to the present day, including brief histories of printing and book production.
LBS 106 Introduction to Information Science II (2 Units)
Information Institutions or agencies and information professionals. The concept of information explosion and bibliographic control in various disciplines. Diffusion and utilization of information, types of information and application of information technologies in the storage, preservation, retrieval and dissemination of information society-issues and problems.
LBS 107 History of Nigerian Librarianship (2 Units)
Evolution of Nigeria libraries from pre-colonial to post-independence period; Islamic scholarship and growth of Arabic collection; forces in the emergence of modern libraries in Nigeria; development of Nigeria libraries by types; library legislation; library association; international organizations and other external agencies in Nigeria library development.
LBS 211 Organization of Knowledge (2 Units)
The development and application of standards and rules to the construction and use of catalogues in media centers and libraries. Overview of classification theory, principles of descriptive and subject cataloguing, catalogue design and subject heading list. Special attention is given to the (AACR) Anglo-American Cataloguing rule, The Dewey Decimal Classification and the Library of Congress list subject heading. Technological application in the organization of materials and information. Practical laboratory work required.
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LBS 212 Cataloguing and Classification I (3 Units)
Theory and objectives of cataloguing; functions and purpose of the catalogue. Types and kinds of catalogue. First and second levels of description; sources of determination access point; problems in descriptive cataloguing. General theory of classification of knowledge ; major classification schemes – outlines and characteristics; functions of library materials. existing systems for the organization of and access to print and non-print materials. Practical cataloguing and classification of documents is required.
LBS 223 Introduction to Library Management (2 Units)
The concept of management as applied to libraries with reference to the librarian’s roles, powers and responsibilities, delegation of authorities; staff committee; library committee; evaluation; setting goals and developing action plans. A course in management theories and principles and their application in library systems and services. Skills and judgments in the several managerial decisions and functions are developed. The role and scope of various types of libraries.
LBS 230 Introduction to computers (2 Units)
Introduction to the operations of the computer. Types and generations of the computer. Brief history and parts of the computer. Introduction to software; input and output devices. General outline of computer software; operations and Microsoft word. Starting the computer, opening the menu, creation of files. Introduction to peculiar computer functions. Practical session on computer operations.
LBS 235 Collection Development and Use (2 Units)
Introduction to the basic principles, practices and resources needed for the selection, acquisition and use of materials in various types of libraries. Highlights of this course are the joint nature of the book selection process, selection of book suppliers, and criteria for the selection, method of acquisition (purchase, gifts, exchange, membership of societies, etc). acquisition procedures and selection and acquisition policies. proper arrangement of books on shelves, shelves and shelf-reading.
LBS 241 Information Systems and Networks (2 Units)
(Information Systems)The concept of information system, system approach to problem-solving, files and databases, data organization. The internet (access, applications, utilities, search tools, Netiquette). Managing information technology, security and ethical challenges, computer crimes. (Information Networks) The concept of information network, network network architecture and protocol; types of network architecture. programming language (high level and low level). Systems analysis. Data collection stages, media and choice.
LBS 242 Community Information Service (2 Units)
Definition and conceptual framework; factors affecting communication and information transfer; The concept of community information centre/service; community analysis, methods, tools and sources of rural/community information. Components of rural library/information service – (a) the two-step information flow theory, (b) the uses and gratification information theory and (c) the agenda-setting theory. Direct and indirect information dissemination and utilization, designing community community information centres. Evaluation of community information; characteristics of rural Nigeria; occupation and recreation; information networking in the rural areas; role of rulral information in national development. Problems of rural/community information service in Nigeria.
LBS 243 Oral Tradition and Cultural Literature (2 Units)
The aim of this course are to define oral literature and to deal with oral history and culture of people. The concept of Oral media. Oral literature as sources of materials for research. Characteristics of oral literature; Identification, recording and organization of oral literature. Folklore and epics as research techniques and examination of contemporary literature in its environment from the oral tradition viewpoint. Value and uses of oral literature. Problem and prospect of preservation, storage and retrieval and the role of libraries in collection transcription and documentation. Instruction and practice of oral presentation for librarians to serve in all aspects of the development and administration of oral history collections.
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LBS 251 Library Automation (2 Units)
Definition and planning of library automation projects. Survey of library automation as a tool for improvement of library processes and services. Study of application in acquisition, cataloguing circulation control, reference and administration. Some elementary system analysis techniques and their impact on staff and library users. Examples of successful automated bibliographic systems. Library automation in developing countries; status of library automation in Nigeria. Appropriate softwares for library automation.
LBS 254 Information Storage and Retrieval (2 Units)
Definitions of the concepts of information storage and retrieval. Traditional and modern information/document retrieval systems. Technologies for information storage and retrieval. A survey of documentation programmes and information systems and their applications in traditional librarianship. Use of information retrieval in Libraries and information centers. Selected commercial systems are examined in detail.
LBS 261 and 262 Reference Sources and Services 1 and 11 (2 Units for each course)
The core areas in the courses are the evaluation, theory and objectives of reference services. Types of reference materials. Reference questions, techniques of literature searching, current awareness/alerting services, selective dissemination of information and translation services, reference and information services in different types of libraries, organization and evaluation of reference services, The objective of reference service in libraries and introduction to the method by which assistance is given to readers in securing information. Types of reference materials and their uses in the reference work. Skill in matching questions with reference sources. Application of ICT in reference services.
LBS 264 Management of Technical Services (Units)
Management of services that takes places outside the public area, including acquisition, cataloguing, circulation procedure, binding, reprography and library security. Present day issues in the growth, organization, housing, maintenance and conservation of library collection and documentation. Recent technologies applicable are discussed.
LBS 271 & 272 Practical Laboratory Work 1 & 2 (2 Units for each course)
Students have opportunities to gain practical knowledge and skill as complementary aspects of theories, routine library functions such as shelving and shelf reading, book charging and discharging are practiced.
LBS 281 The Information User (2 Units)
Definition of information and information user. Categories of information users and their work environment, users of information, characteristics of the user of information and their information needs, users information seeking behavior patterns, user studies; User education; Forces determining information transfer and utilization. Information packaging and dissemination.
LBS 311 Cataloguing and Classification 11 (2 Units)
Cataloguing of Non-Book Materials (Serials, audio-visual i.e. A-V sources, etc.). MARC formats as tools for creation, communication, storage, retrieval and manipulation of bibliographic information. Online databases are analyzed. Practical laboratory work required.
LBS 314 Indexing and Abstracting (2 Units)
Theory and practice of evaluating document. Concepts and method of indexing and abstracting, types of indexes and abstracts. Plan, design and execution of indexing and abstracting projects. Generating appropriate descriptions, matching content with descriptors. Indexing and abstracting services. Emphasis on most used indexing and abstracting systems and problems encountered by Librarians and other Information Specialists. Practicum is required.
LBS 316 Advanced Cataloguing and Classification (2 Units)
Theory of subject heading and classification system with practical emphasis on the Library of Congress, DDC and UDC schedules. The foundations of Ranganathan’s general theory of classification and the logic and development of Colon Classification. The concept of free faceted classification scheme. The Classification Group and developments in library classification. Special needs of African collection and languages, a well as, non-print media.
Project Materials
IMSU Info contains over 1000 project material in various departments, kindly select your department below to uncover all the topics/materials therein.
Project Topic Search
- Accountancy 6
- Adult & Non-Formal Education 1
- Agric. Economics & Extension 7
- Anatomy 1
- Animal & Environmental Biology 10
- Architecture 2
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- Arts & Social Science Education 2
- ASUU Strike 17
- Banking & Finance 6
- Biochemistry 8
- Biology 1
- Building 3
- Business & Loans 17
- Business Administration 6
- Business Education 17
- Business Law 1
- Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry 5
- Civil Engineering 3
- Computer Education 4
- Computer Science 5
- Curriculum and Instructional Technology 3
- Development Studies 2
- Economics 16
- Education 32
- Education Accountancy 42
- Education Administration 1
- Education Agriculture 12
- Education Biology 25
- Education Chemistry 2
- Education Economics 33
- Education English 10
- Education Government 16
- Education History 2
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- Education Physics 2
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- Educational Psychology 1
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering 5
- English & Literary Studies 11
- Environmental & Applied Biology 2
- Environmental Science 5
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- FUTO News 3
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- Geography & Environmental Management 2
- Government & Public Administration 6
- Guidance & counseling 6
- History & International Studies 8
- Hospitality & Tourism Management 47
- Human Physiology 1
- Human Resource Management 1
- IMSU News 218
- Industrial Technical Education 1
- Insurance & Actuarial Science 15
- Integrated Science 1
- JAMB News 29
- Language Education 6
- Law 2
- Library & Information Science 29
- Life Science Education 9
- Linguistics and Igbo 2
- Management Studies 6
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- Mass Communication 14
- Mechanical Engineering 3
- Medical Laboratory Science 16
- Microbiology & Industrial Microbiology 4
- Nursing Science 10
- Nutrition & Dietetics 27
- NYSC News 17
- Office Management & Technology Education 7
- Opportunity 25
- Optometry 10
- Others 45
- Physics/Industrial Physics 6
- Political Science 12
- Primary Education 25
- Project Management Technology 1
- Psychology 7
- Psychology & Counselling 2
- Public Administration 2
- Public Health 6
- Quantity Surveying 2
- Radiology 1
- Religious Studies 11
- Scholarship 29
- School News 43
- Science & Vocational Education 1
- Science Education 4
- Social Science Education 36
- Sociology 10
- Sociology of Education 1
- Soil Science & Environment 3
- Sponsored 3
- Statistics 1
- Surveying & Geoinformatics 2
- Theatre Arts 3
- Theology 1
- Urban & Regional Planning 7
- Veterinary 2
- Vocational and Technical Education 3
- Vocational Education 76
- WAEC News 2
- Zoology 6

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