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Education Biology

Influence Of Teacher Factor In The Problem Of Teaching And Learning Of Biology In Secondary Schools In Imo State




The study is on “Influence of Teacher Factor in the Problem of Teaching and Learning of Biology in Secondary Schools in Imo State”. The main objective of this study is to investigate whether the teacher-factor contribute to the problem of teaching and learning biology. Survey research design was used for the study. The population of this study is made up to students in SS2 three government owned secondary schools in Owerri Urban Area. Akwakuma Girls Secondary school, Owerri. Government Secondary School, Owerri. Ikenegbu Girls Secondary School, Owerri and the sample size was 100 respondents. Questionnaire was used for collection of data while the Data collected was analyzed with table and chi-square. Data collected for this study were analyzed using chi-square and frequency tables. The findings reveal that qualification of the teacher has a lot of influence on the effective teaching of biology. Teacher factor constitutes the problems which is a problem in the learning of biology. Curriculum factor brings about a problem in the teaching of account. Curriculum factor bring about problem in the learning of biology which means it is a problem. The school administrative factor create problem in teaching of biology. Students factor bring about a problem encountered in the learning in biology. Based on the findings, study therefore recommends that Providing enough funds which will be used to buy biology education equipment’s. Helping in the training of qualified technical business teachers. Providing adequate libraries with accurate biology education textbooks. Forming supervisory committees who will supervise the activities of biology teachers and providing good working condition and remuneration towards teaching. Curriculum planner should plan biology education programmes properly giving appropriate periods for the subjects in the school time table etc. Teachers should be given enough time to finish their lesson and give assignments to students because it is said that practice makes perfects and this application to the study of biology as well adequate motivation and reinforcement is needed. Biology education teacher should try their best in giving reasonable positive reinforcement to their students to enable them develop interest in the subjects and have spirit of co-operation.



In this chapter, the researcher presents the background of study, and statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, research questions and hypotheses.

Background of the Study

Biology is often regularly defined as the language of science. It is the mode in which biology information is identified, processed, transmitted, and received by relevant parties in biology. Every language has a history, which traces its stages of development and growth. Biology must be as old as business exchange.

Education is highly rated public venture, used as an instrument for excellence in natural development. Students engage in many important social contexts, such relationship include those with peers and with teachers. Studies indicate that those relationship influence achievement with various schools domains  including   social  academic and behavioural arenas (Graziano, 2001), argues that one of the   most   important indicators of students success in school in his / her ability to learn, process and retain information thought. Education is a process of receiving or giving systematic instruction especially at school or university level. According to Fafunwa (2007), education is an aggregate of all the process by means behavior of positive value in the society in which he lives. According to Igbo (2006) education is the process by which society deliberately transmit it’s cultural heritage through instructions such as school, college and University.

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A large number of research studies demonstrated that teachers can motivate their student to perform well in the classroom, if they take time to build relationship and interact with the student. Based on using education for the realization of the national objectives, various other achievement are expected from education standard or behavior and such aims are as follows: better human relationship, self realization, individual and national unity (FGN 2004). According to Olumba (2013) these aims can never be actualized if there are poor relationship existing between the teacher and the student. Bringing these aims to reality depends on the orientation of teachers-students in the educational system because good education requires friend and committed teachers, who will carry the student along with them to achieve the educational goals. Therefore promoting relationship between teacher and student the teacher, must be determined to use the best effective conducive learning experiences that will utilize the content associated with each objectives. Otherwise, there is no sound hope for the learning experience / educational aims and goals to be achieved.

However, these were some minor advance made, these advance led to the introduction of biology in the secondary school curriculum. This has come as a right step in the right direction towards ensuring commercial awareness among the masses. To produce our students’ academic achievement, the quality of education they received, and what they learn. The curriculum must be vast and embark on various field of knowledge. It is against this fact that in the recent time, various level of government is taking time to recognize and re-adjust the educational program by including several subjects.

What motivated the research to carry out this study is the horrible mess which the subject biology has been subjected due to many factors which has led to its poor performance. The philosophical assumption of what to do and how to teach it has all been undermining the learning and teaching of biology in schools. Also since biology education serves the interest of business to be effective, it must keep pace with various stages of business development, it cannot afford to be behind, otherwise it would lose its relevance as an effective means of assistance to business management.

Statement of Problem

It is widely accepted that teachers can make or break a student ability to enjoy a subject like biology and to achieve academic success, this should be taken seriously. It is also said that teachers help student believe that they can succeed. Teacher needs to apply positive reinforcement through interactions and relationship, they build with students so that they can influence the students to set high goals and help them achieve these goals, while negative reinforcement can break the student and demoralize them.

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It is unfortunate that good number of student have last venture of good behavior since there teachers no longer show care, concern, love and affection. Insight of the above problems, the researchers therefore intend to carry out this study in other to emerge with some empirical data relationship. In addition, this nation (Nigeria) is faced with many physical and health problems which demand the knowledge of biology to help solve them. Therefore, it is important to analyze the interaction of teachers with their students in biology class since teachers are often accused of employing wrong pedagogies in teaching their students. If students are well taught and are prepared to learn, it will not be difficult for them to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in Biology in solving the nation’s health problem, hence the need to analyze the interaction between teachers and students in biology classes. The poor performance in most school certificate examinations in biology in Imo State is an indicator that something is definitely wrong with biology education or science education generally in our schools; this problem has therefore led the researcher to carrying out a study on the influence of teacher factor in the problem of teaching and learning of Biology in secondary schools in Imo State.

Purpose of the Study

In view of the statement of the problem stated above, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether the teacher-factor contribute to the problem of teaching and learning biology.

The problem related to teaching and learning can be traced to curriculum content.

School administration contributes to the problem of teaching and learning biology.


Scope of the Study

The study focused on the problem of teacher factor in the teaching and learning of Biology in secondary schools in Imo State. The study will be confined to all public secondary school students in Imo State Educational Zone.

Significance of the Study

This study is hoped to be important to the following groups; teachers, students, parents, researchers and education policy makers.

To the classroom teachers, the study will ascertain the most effective way of the interaction patterns to be adopted for teaching biology. It may follow that if an appropriate teacher student interaction patterns are adopted, in the teaching of biology, students may be more likely to learn better and achieve greater gains in learning biology/science. This gives joy to the science teacher to be able to participate and contribute in the early development of future Nigerian scientists.

One of the findings in this study exposes the nature of classroom; identifications of the interaction or such interaction patterns in secondary school will help to be able to detect the achievement to learners and bring out a god sense of achievement to the teachers of secondary schools.

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Students in this context will benefit from this study as it will permit and encourage them to make choices and manage their own learning as well as structuring their lessons in such a way that exposed themselves to offered many opportunities to participate in decisions about what is to be studied.

Furthermore, the findings of this study, will determine the extent to which teachers educational attainment, teaching experience level of classroom participation and class interaction explains variations in student’s biology/science achievement. This will not only contribute to knowledge but will apply or encourage further research on which lessons were taught that did not create opportunity for constructivism, therefore creativity would not result.

The findings of this study will necessitate our educational planers and practitioners to reassess the teacher preparation programmes such as re-assessment policies, curriculums that enable teacher education experts to find ways, if necessary to improve on verbal interaction between teachers and students through appropriate pre-service and service education.


  1. The Number of students who perceive the teacher factor as leading to the problems encountered in the teaching of biology does differ significantly from the number that has contrary view.
  2. The number of students who perceive the teacher factor as a factors that leads to problem encountered in the learning of biology does differ significantly from the number that has a contrary view.
  3. The number of students who perceive the curriculum factor as a factor that leads to problems encountered in teaching of biology does differ significantly from the number that has a contrary view.
  4. The number of students who perceive the curriculum factor as a factor that leads to problems encountered in the learning of biology does differs significantly from the number that has a contrary view.
  5. The number of students who perceive the school administration factor as a factor that leads to problems encountered in the teaching of biology does differ significantly from the number that has a contrary view.
  6. The number of students who perceive the school administrative factor as a factor that leads to problems encountered in the learning of biology does differ significantly from the number that has a contrary view.
  7. The number of students who perceive students factor as factor that lead to problem encountered in the teaching of biology does differ significantly from the number that has a contrary view.
  8. The number of students who perceive students factors as factors that lead to problems encountered in the learning of biology does differ significantly from the number that has a contrary view.

    Pages:  50

    Category: Project

    Format:  Word & PDF               

    Chapters: 1-5                                          

    Source: Imsuinfo                            

    Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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