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Education Biology

Assessment Of Teachers’ Digital Competence In Biology Education In Federal College Of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta State




The main purpose of the study was to teachers’ digital competence in biology education in Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta State. Three research questions guided the study and the study adopted descriptive survey design. The population of the study consist of all the twenty-two (22) biology education teachers in College of Education (technical) Asaba, Delta state. Due to relatively small size of the population, there will be no sampling. Therefore, the whole population will be used as sample. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire and the population of the study was all biology teachers in Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba. The data collected was analysed using mean, standard deviation and t-test. The study revealed that biology education teachers utilize digital device to low extent for biology education instructions in College Of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta State, Generally, digital devices such as cameras, cloud computing, 3D printing, video conferencing classroom technologies, and animation are available to a very low extent, Also projectors, interactive whiteboards, wi-fi technology and internet, and computer software social networking tools are available to low extent and however, computers, audio recorder, and microphone are available to a high extent..



Background to Study

Educational system generally all over the world is adopting digital technology in its instructional and learning approach. As a result, there is drastic increase in integration of technology in educational system to supplement the use of instructional manuals in teaching and learning. In Nigeria, Several policies have been put in place to enhance the use of digital technology in education particularly in biology Education. The issue of digital technology policy implementation in Nigeria started after the approval for establishment of National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) by the Federal Executive Council of Nigeria in April 2001 (Agyeman, 2007). The body was empowered by the policy to strategically enter into alliances and in collaboration with the private sector to jointly realise the country’s unique vision of making Nigeria an Information Technology (IT) capable country in Africa and a key player in the information society by the year 2005 through using IT as an engine for sustainable development and global competitiveness (Agyeman, 2007). In the past decade the digital technologies have represented a transformation of education policies that have entailed important investments. However, the teacher, as a key element in the integration process of digital technology, still does not trust this process. One of the most outstanding causes of this deficit confidence is the lack of teaching staff competence in the ICT. Nowadays teacher’s digital competence is understood as a part of his professional competence

In this 21st century, training through competencies has become one of the most critical components of education at all levels.  Competencies are today the backbone of educational planning and action, from the outset through to universities and in ongoing education or workers and areas of non-formal education (Porlán and Sánchez 2015). The idea of competence implies putting into effect actions that may often be confused with similar concepts, such as strategy, expertise and ability (Cebrián&Junyent, 2015 cited in Porlán and Sánchez 2015). The term competence has also become increasingly used for basic and general academic education at lower and upper secondary levels. In many countries, the curricula were more and more defined not only in terms of knowledge attainment in different academic subjects, but also of attitudes, skills, abilities, capacities, behaviours, values, competencies or competences (Halász, & Michel 2011). Moreover, technology mediated teaching and learning has been given an increasingly large importance in our society. This has necessitates a consensus regarding the necessity of supporting and developing school-based digital competence. In order to sustain digital inclusion, schools need to identify digital deficiencies and digital competences among its teachers.

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Digital Competence is a fundamental basic skill in technology education instruction. European Parliament and the Council, (2006) cited in Ferrari, (2012) defines digital Competence as the competence that involves confident and critical use of Information Society Technology (IST) for work, leisure and communication. It is underpinned by basic skills in ICT: the use of computers to retrieve, assess, store, produce, present and exchange information, and to communicate and participate in collaborative networks via the Internet. According to Ferrari, (2012), the European Parliament and the Council assertion explains knowledge, skills and attitudes as essential ingredients needed to be digitally competent. The foreseen knowledge includes the understanding of the functioning of main computer applications; of the risks of the internet and online communication; of the role of technologies in supporting creativity and innovation; of the validity and reliability of online information; of the legal and ethical principles behind the use of collaborative tools. The needed skills are seen as the ability to manage information; the capacity to distinguish the virtual from the real world and to see the connections between these two domains; the ability to use Internet-based services and to use technologies to support critical thinking, creativity and innovation. attitudes, the recommendation gauges as essential that citizens are critical and reflective towards information, that they are responsible users and interested in engaging in online communities and networks. During the last 10 to 15 years, much research concerning digital technologies in educational contexts and activities has focused on the concepts of “digital competence” and “digital literacy” (Calvani, Cartelli, Fini&Ranieri, 2008 cite in Holmström and Siljebo, 2013).  Krumsvik (2008) cited in Holmström and Siljebo, (2013) observes that concepts such as digital literacy and digital competence are all linked to citizens’ need to use technology in the digital society.

Digital competence in pedagogical context is the teacher proficiency in using ICT in a professional context with good pedagogic-didactic judgement and his or her awareness of its implications for learning strategies and the digital Building of pupils and students’ (Krumsvik, 2007; Krumsvik (in press)cited in Krumsvik, 2011). Teachers must continually make pedagogic-didactic judgements based on how ICT can expand the learning possibilities for students in their subject areas. According to Krumsvik, (2011) it is reasonable to claim that teachers’ complex digital competence includes (at a fundamental level) the intersection between cognition, metacognition, motor skills, learning strategies, self-efficacy and pedagogic-didactic aspects. The holistic foundations of such a perception of digital competence is much more than merely technical skills and this underlines the need for teachers to acquire such competence. In light of this, biology Education teachers are not left out. They require this digital competence for teaching and learning in all areas of biology education in Nigeria. Moreover, Biology as the science of life is offered in all Senior Secondary Schools in Nigeria which attracts the greatest patronage of both Science oriented and Arts based students (Nwosu, 2006). Urevbu (2010) pointed out that the teaching of Biology is important because it equips the students to comprehend the world around them and equip them with the necessary skills to build a progressive society. Similarly, Nwosu (2005) observed that Biology provides a platform for teaching students to develop the ability to apply science concepts and principlesin solving everyday life problems.

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He observed that biology education more than any other profession has direct impact on the development of the country. Again, biology education contributes so much ranging from the fields of  Biochemistry, Physiology, Ecology, Genetics and Molecular biology that have made the subject a central focus in most human activities including problems like food scarcity, pollution, population, radiation, disease, health, hygiene, family life, management and conservation of natural resources as well as Biotechnology and Ethics.Biology education is practical oriented education which makes it unique in its content and approach thereby demanding special attention and competence to deliver its contents. This is because; it is designed to train biology teachers who can teach at the junior secondary school and senior secondary.

Teachers and instructors are the force or the vehicle used to transmit the content of every curriculum to the final consumers (the learners). For every teaching approach or method adopted or designed by curriculum planners and education administrators to promote teaching and learning in educational sector, teachers and trainers are the proposed or the targeted implementers of those approaches. Therefore, when the teaching force lacks the competency in handling and use of those approaches, the aim is seems to be defeated. Biology education has been proclaimed as one of the driving force of technological, social and economic development of a nation (Cholin, 2005). In consideration of this it, deserves to be taught with quality of equipment and with latest technology. The conventional means or methods of teaching and learning need to be supplemented with or in some cases replaced by virtual lectures, web-based learning and project based, students created movies or computer presentations and animations and so on. (Polk, 2013). This is to broaden students’ assimilating horizon and information application to practice. Modern societies are increasingly based on digital competence (Plessis, 2012 cited in Badau&Sakiyo, 2013). Teachers in institutions of learning should be equipped with this competence in order to handle information and adopts a problem solving approach to generate knowledge in learners. Therefore, this study is poise to assess the digital competences among biology education teachers in College of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta state.

Statement of the Problem                     

The Implementation of ICT has gone beyond mere use of computers, it involves the   ability to collaborate, communicate, create, innovate and think critically on how to utilize the competences in professional practices to achieve the desired goal. The successful utilization of Digital competence by biology education teachers in teaching and learning depends on the level of knowledge and skills they have acquired in ICT to structure their leaning environment. Teaching and learning method and process in technical biology education is mainly teacher-centred, classroom based and lacking adequate demonstration of the practical content  and use of ICT based instructional materials (UNESCO, 2004).  Multimedia instructional activities such as the use of graphics, audio visuals and animation, data and text though are not yet broadly in use but the available are used for entertainment purposes instead of converting them to a veritable tool synergistic learning.  The effectiveness of digital technology as part of instructional tools in education has been reviewed in several literatures as a veritable tool for improving students’ performance and interest. In most of our colleges, biology education teachers lack the knowledge of this current technology in ICT. Consequently, embark in teaching this program without proper practical demonstration of the subject contents. As a result, the students are denied of the opportunity of gaining extra support to achieve effective practical knowledge, skills and competence needed in biology education. Many students have graduated without accomplishing this goal.  It’s against this backdrop that the assessment of teachers digital competence in biology became imperative.

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Purpose of Study

The main purpose of the study is to assess teacher’s digital competences in biology education in College of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta state. Specifically, the study tend to determine:

  1. The availability of digital devices for biology education instruction by teachers in College of Education (technical) Asaba, Delta state.
  2. The extent to which biology education teachers uses digital technologies to  enhance instructions in College of Education ( technical)Asaba, Delta state.
  3. The challenges of adequate utilization of digital technologies among biology education teachers in Colleges of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta state

 Research questions

The following research questions are formulated to guide the study:

  1. To what extent are digital devices available for biology education Instructions in College of Education (technical) Asaba, Delta state?
  2. To what extent do biology education teachers utilize digital device in biology education instructions in College of Education (technical)Asaba, Delta state?
  3. What are the possible challenges of adequate utilization digital technologies among biology education teachers in College of Education (Technical)Asaba, Delta state?

Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses will be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

  1. There will be no significant difference between the mean ratings of male and female biology teachers on the extent they Utilize digital device in biology education instructions.
  2. There will be no significant difference between the mean ratings of male and female biology Teachers on the extent to which digital devices are available for biology education instructions.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be of benefits to the biology education students, biology education teachers, Curriculum planner and administrators.  The findings of the study will encourage biology education teachers and students to develop skills and competencies in Digital technologies for teaching and learning in biology education programme. Curriculum planners will be made to design curriculum that will encourage and emphasize technology driven education at the 21st century in biology education course contents which will improve students’ skills and competencies for employability and self-sustainability. The study will provide improved performance in terms of teaching and learning abilities of Teachers and students of College Of Education (technical)Asaba, Delta state.  Finally the findings of this study will also promote conveniences and flexibility of students through self-paced and time, as well as increased access to instructors of best quality through share of knowledge across borders, viz online and internet connectivity.

Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is delimited to an assessment of teacher’s digital competences in biology education in College of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta state.  Specifically, the study will focus on male and female biology teachers of College of Education (technical)Asaba, Delta state.

Pages:  65

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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