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Education Biology

Assessing The Challenges In The Application Of E-Learning By Secondary School Teachers In Isiala Mbano Lga Of Imo State




The study was conducted to assess the challenges of the applications of e-learning in secondary schools in Isiala Mbano LGA. For this investigation random sampling was used. The sample size of the study was 225 respondents which are made up of teachers and students in the secondary schools in Isiala Mbano LGA. The instrument for the study was questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed to elicit information from the respondents which was developed for the study through extensive review of available literature. The data were collected using the instruments and were analyzed using mean (x) scores. After the analysis of the data, the following findings were revealed that Problems hindering e-learning and also identified strategies to be employed in solving these problems. The study concludes that students should avail themselves of the available ICT resources in their schools as recommendations were made.



The chapter is organized under the following sub­headings; background of the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study, purpose of the study, significance of the study and research questions.

Background of the Study

In this age of Information and Communication Technology (ICT),
there is basically a growing concern for the use of resources such as the
computer, scanner, printer, Intranet, Internet, e-mail, videophone systems, teleconferencing devices, wireless application protocols (WAP), radio and microwaves, television and satellites, multimedia computer and multimedia projector in curriculum implementation. In e-learning, curriculum content in the form of texts, visuals, e.g. pictures, posters, videos, audio/sound, multicolor images, maps, and graphics, can be simultaneously presented online to students in both immediate locations (classroom model of e- learning) and various geographical distances (Distance Education model of e-learning).

E-learning in education is the wholesome integration of modern telecommunications equipment, particularly the internet, into the education system. Tracy (1995) defines the internet as the international network of communications in which computers in the Wide Area Network (WAN) talk to each other. Shavinina (2001) defines ICT as all the digital technologies, including: computer, scanner, printer, telephone, internet, digital satellite system (DSS), direct broadcast satellite (DBS), pocket-switching, fiber optic cables, laserdisc, microwaves, and multi- media systems for collection, processing, storage and dissemination of information all-over the world. E-learning as an aspect of ICT is relatively new in Nigeria’s educational system. It is a departure from the conventional approach in curriculum implementation. The main purpose of e-learning is to transform the old methods and approaches to curriculum implementation and not to silence the curriculum or to extinguish or erase the contents of curriculum. E-learning is driven by the curriculum. It should follow the curriculum and should not rob the curriculum of its essence.

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E-learning should ensure effective pedagogy and curriculum implementation in the computer age. According to Nicholls and Nicholls (1999), Mkpa (2007), and Offorma (2002), curriculum implementation is the planning and execution of the contents of curriculum in order to bring about certain changes in the behavior of the learners and the assessment of the extent to which the changes take place. The primary purposes of implementation are to achieve the objectives of instruction, and achieve retention and transfer of knowledge. E-learning is an instructional medium that permits alternative approaches to curriculum implementation in an ICT age. Richmond (2007) observed that, there is a great link between the curriculum and ICT and that there are three major areas that technology can influence learning. They include:

  1. Presentation, demonstration and the implementation of data using productivity tools.
  2. Use of curriculum – specific applications such as educational games, drills and practice, simulations, tutorials, virtual laboratory visualizations and graphics, representations of abstract concepts, musical composition and expert systems.
  3. Use of information and resources on CD-Rom, online encyclopedia, interactive maps and atlases, electronic journals and other-references.

Similarly, the role of ICT in curriculum implementation is recognized by the Nigeria National Policy on Education (FRN, 2004, p. 53) where it stated that, “the government shall provide facilities and necessary infrastructures for the promotion of ICT and e-learning.” It is against this background that the researcher intends to find out the extent of availability and use of e-learning materials by teachers in secondary schools.

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Statement of Problem

The emphasis on application of e-learning in secondary education is to infuse and inject efficiency and effectiveness in curriculum implementation. However, in developing countries like Nigeria, e-learning is challenged with the problem of material devices such as computer, computer laboratories, internet and e-mail facilities, videophone systems and teleconferencing devices, fax and wireless applications, digital library, digital classrooms, multimedia systems and the problem of multimedia courseware development among others (Global Information Technology Report, 2005). Other studies indicated that there is dearth of trained teachers for e-learning, lack of facilities, infrastructures and equipment (Ikemenjima, 2005; and Jegede & Owolabi, 2008).

The problem of this study therefore is that e-learning in secondary schools are faced with the challenges of the new technologies in terms of availability and use of e-learning materials which hinders appropriate implementation.

Scope of the Study

The geographical scope of this study is government owned secondary schools in Isiala Mbano LGA of Imo State. The content scope of this study seeks to address issues such as; ICT and students academic achievement, how ICT can help to develop teaching strategies, how students academic performance can be enhanced with ICT and implications of non-use of ICT.

Purpose of the Study

The specific objective of the study is to examine challenges in the application of e-learning by secondary school teachers in Isiala Mbano Local Government Area of Imo State, Specifically, the study sought to;

  1. Ascertain the availability of e-learning materials for curriculum
    implementation in secondary schools.
  2. Investigate the extent of application and use of the available e-
    learning materials by teachers.
  3. Find out the strategies for improving e-learning application in
    secondary schools Isiala Mbano LGA of Imo state.
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 Significance of the Study

It is expected that the findings of this study will be of great benefit to all educational stakeholders ranging from the government, educational management board, the school principals, classroom teachers and the students.

First, the findings of this study will help the government to put in more funds in the .schools by paying more attention on improving and providing ICT in different schools in Imo State.

It is also hoped that the findings of this study will motivate Educational Management Board to ensure the establishment of ICT centers in secondary schools.

In addition, the findings of the study will help school principals to engage school teachers in in-service trainings to enable them get more equipped on the knowledge and use of ICT for effective teaching and learning.

Furthermore, students will benefit from this study in the sense that improved teaching leads to improved learning. When teachers teach effectively with the help of ICT, students are more likely to achieve more academically

Lastly, the researcher hopes that the result of the study will be useful to future researchers with interest in examining further the effects of ICT on students learning that can generate new ideas for the better implementation of ICT in secondary schools.

 Research Questions

In line with the purpose of the study, the following research questions will be asked and answered in order to guide the study.

  1. What are the e-learning materials available to secondary school
    teachers for curriculum implementation?
  2. To what extent are the available e-learning materials used
    by the teachers?

What are the strategies for improving the use of e-learning materials
in secondary schools?

Pages:  58

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF         

Chapters: 1-5                                 

Source: Imsuinfo                            

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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