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Primary Education

Problems Associated With The Teaching Of Social Studies In Primary Schools In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State




This study investigated the problems associated with the teaching of social studies in primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design.  The population of the study comprised of all primary school pupils and teachers in Oshimili South while the sample of the study was 80 pupils and 20 teachers drawn through simple random sampling technique. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study.  The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire and the method used in analyzing data was mean. Based on the analysis the study discovered that pupils’ attitude, lack of instructional materials, teachers, method of teaching and class size affect the teaching of social studies in primary schools in Oshimili South. On the basis of the findings, the study recommended among others that Parents should encourage their children to study social studies at home and ensure that they do their homework, government should provide adequate instructional facilities to schools to facilitate effective teaching and learning of social studies, teachers should ensure that they use methods of teaching that will enable the pupils to participate in social studies class for improved academic performance and teachers should ensure that home works given to pupils are checked every day before the commencement of the next lesson.



Background of the Study

Teaching of Social Studies provides opportunities for pupils to anticipate and understand some of the issues they will face in a modern Nigeria, and offers them the opportunity to explore ideas and concepts, building a picture of the world in which they are going to live, both before and as they experience it.

The absence of related instructional materials in primary schools, lack of trained social studies teachers and other similar problems serves as barriers to the achievement of numerous objectives in social studies (Dubey, 2017). In view of this situation, the teaching and learning of social studies tends to be ineffective. In the schools, non-specialist teachers are employed to teach social studies and they apply the methods of teaching traditional subjects like History, Geography, Economic, Government and Civics. This kind of arrangement is obviously bad. It is like spreading seeds on a sandy soil. When this happens, the seed will not germinate but rot away. In the same way, if this situation is allowed to continue the essential points or aims about social studies will be lost.

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The social sciences like sociology, economics and political science were thought of as the only subjects designed for the study of social and its institutions. Emphasizing on the objectives of social studies, DuBey (2017) stated that the overall objectives of social studies should be to help students to develop the ability to make reflective decisions in order to resolve individual and social problems as well as participating intelligently in social actions. Social studies emphasize an interdisciplinary approach to the study of man interacting and coping with problems in society. Appropriate method to facilitate such interaction and cooperation among the learners and teachers should be encouraged.

Teaching and learning are usually taken to be major activities or process that takes place in formal school system, particularly, in the classroom. During this process however, there are lot of subjects being taught, especially after the introduction of Western Education (Formal Education) in primary Schools.

Modern Educationists see the study of social studies as not only the best course for fostering good citizenship, but it gives information to students and help them learn about the physical, social and economic Environment in which they live. They also agree that it helps the child to understand the diversity among the peoples of Nigeria, the wider world as well as learning to appreciate the world’s phenomena.

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Statement of the Problem

Social studies is one of the subjects being taught in our schools. The Importance of social studies cannot be overemphasized because it has to do with man and his environment. Social studies is an attempt to reconcile conflicting and distracting statements about man. In other words, it is problem solving. According to Uzoagulu (2016) “In practical terms, social studies is the subject which considers man’s aspirations, hopes, dreams, resentment, hurts and frustrations in order to understand and interpret his behaviours at any particular time”. Uzoagulu added that social studies deals with human beings. Since human behaviour varies from person to person as a result of changes in their mode of life, social studies serve to mould and form man’s behaviour. Although social studies is a new subject in Nigeria, and despite the fact that little is known about its contents, it is a moral oriented subject whose concern is to help people appreciate and solve their problem.

Despite the importance of social studies, the teaching of the subject has generated a lot of public complains which have been attributed to teachers handling the subject to have little or no sound knowledge concerning the it, inadequate instructional materials, improper method of teaching and lots more.

It is against this backdrop that this study seeks to find out the problems associated with the teaching and learning of social studies in primary schools in Oshimili South local government area of Delta state.

Purpose of the Study                                                 

The main purpose of this study is to find out the problems associated with the teaching of social studies in primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta state.

Specifically, the study is aimed at finding out:

  1. How pupils’ attitude affect the teaching of social studies in Oshimili south.
  2. How lack of instructional materials affect teaching of social studies in Oshimili South.
  3. How teachers’ method of teaching affect teaching of social studies in Oshimili South.
  4. How class size affect the teaching of social studies in primary schools in Oshimili South.
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Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study:

  1. How does pupils’ attitude affect teaching of social studies in primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area?
  2. How does lack of instructional materials affect the teaching of social studies in Oshimili South Local Government Area?
  3. How does teacher’s method of teaching affect the teaching of social studies in primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area?
  4. How does class size affect the teaching of social studies in Oshimili South Local Government Area?

Significance of the Study

This research work is significant in many ways:

The study would be useful to teachers, parents, school management and the government.

The findings of the study would help parents to understand different problems associated with the teaching of social studies and assist the school management in any way they can for improved academic performance.

It would also help the teachers understand different problems associated with the teaching of social studies and work with the school management to tackle those problems.

The study would be of great help to school management in Oshimili South to make programmes that will to make instructional materials available for teaching and learning of social studies in primary schools.

Scope of the Study

This study focused on problems associated with the teaching of social studies in some selected primary schools in Oshimili South local area of Delta state. With particular pupils’ lack of instructional materials, teachers’ method of teaching and class size.

Pages:  40

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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