Primary Education
Influence Of School Environment On Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State
3 years agoon
The study examined the influence of school environment on academic performance of primary school pupils in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. To achieve the essence, the study was divided into five chapters. Three research questions were raised, related literature were reviewed in the study. The study used a descriptive survey. The population comprised of one hundred and fifty (150) primary schools teachers in Oshimili South Local Government Area, both private and public schools. Sample of the study was a simple random sampling technique which were used to select one hundred and twenty five (125) primary schools teachers in Asaba, Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire which was validated by two lecturers; one from the department of primary education, and the other from measurement and evaluation in school of education. The method of data collection was mean statistics to answer the research questions. The findings revealed that, school facilities, unconducive environment, and school location influences the academic performance of primary school pupils. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that primary school teachers should adjust their attitude/behaviour in a way that will help motivate or improve the performance of pupils, government should supply needed instructional materials to enhance teaching and learning in various primary schools since the availability of teaching aids makes pupils performance better, student should make effort to develop interest in learning by paying attention during classroom lesson and parents should provide the basic needs of their child in the learning and also endeavour to check their children note every day.
Background to the Study
Primary school is the foundation of a child’s formal educational development, the quality of teaching at this stage will not only influence the child’s rate of learning, but will to a very large extent determine the quality and direction of his academic achievements and career later in life(Ijaduola 2015).
According to Nakpodia and Achugbue (2012) Primary means first and the first stage of formal education. Primary education studies as a field of study has attracted much attention and concern from the government, educationists and parents because this primary education level is most crucial and fundamental to Nigeria’s future educational stability. It serves as the springboard and holds the key to the success or failure of the whole system of our education. Its popularity is evidenced by the launching of the universal primary education (UPE) by the federal government in 1976. Though its implementation is not without hitches, it has recorded tremendous success hence; federal government has taken various devices and means to protect this level of education (Weber 2015).
School environment is the thread that connects to the various activities on the school. In many respects, this thread is almost invisible, yet everyone experiences its influence. Dudek (2013), opines that it is external influences in the school that can influence academic performance of pupils, irrespective of their intelligent quotient. School environment can also be considered as a major factor in teaching and learning, since space has the power to organize and promote pleasant relationships between people of different ages, to provide changes, to promote choices and activities and for its potential for sparking different types of social and affective learning (Okeke, 2011).
The school environment, include the classrooms, libraries, technical workshops, laboratories, teachers’ quality, school management, teaching methods, peers, and others are variables that affect pupils’ academic performance (Ajayi, and Oluchukwu, 2011). Hence, the school environment remains an important area that should be studied and well managed to enhance pupils’ academic performance.
School environment also include the planning of instructional spaces, administrative places, spaces for conveniences, equipments, the teachers as well as the pupils are all essential in teaching-learning process (Mbadugha, 2016). The extent to which pupils’ learning could be enhanced depends on their location within the school compound, the structure of their classroom, availability of instructional facilities and accessories. It is believed that a well planned school will gear up expected outcomes of education that will facilitate good social, political and economic emancipation, effective teaching and learning process and academic performance of the pupils (Nwaokolo 2014).
According to Williams, Persaud, and Turner (2018), safe and orderly classroom management and School facilities were significantly related to pupils’ academic performance in schools. Therefore a comfortable and caring environment among others could help to contribute to pupils` academic performance. According to Frazier (2012), the physical facilities of the school have a variety of effects on teachers, pupils, and the learning process. Poor lighting, noise, high levels of carbon dioxide in classrooms, and inconsistent temperatures make teaching and learning difficult. Poor maintenance and ineffective ventilation systems lead to poor health among pupils as well as teachers, could lead to poor performance and higher absentee rates, these factors can adversely affect pupils’ behavior and lead to higher levels of frustration among teachers, and poor learning attitude among pupils’.
It seems that the direct effect, poor facilities have on pupils’ ability to learn, the uncomfortable and uninviting workplace for teachers, the frustrating behavior by pupils, including poor concentration and hyperactivity makes room for more stress and stressful conditions for teachers. It is possible that the mentioned characteristics of school facilities have an effect upon the academic performance of pupils (Eze 2017).
School Environment is thus defined as an avenue that provides training, resources, and technical assistance in the establishment of a school/community environment that is physically and emotionally safe, well disciplined, and conducive to learning (Mkpugbe, 2015).
It is therefore noted that the academic performance of pupils depend on the conducive environment of learning, which implies that the learning environment of pupils’ should be highly conducive in other to help improve their academic performance whereby the school administrators, teachers, and parents provide the necessary facilities that will make learning conducive. This therefore makes the researcher to investigate on the Influence of School Environment on Academic Performance of Primary School Pupil in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
Statement of the Problem
School environment being an important aspect of educational planning, unless schools have well suited buildings, adequately constructed, well equipped and the facilities well utilized and maintained much teaching and learning may not be effective. In some cases, pupils sit on the ground to receive lessons, also many of the classrooms, laboratories, libraries, playing grounds are in a terrible state of despair. Ahmed (2013), stated that in most of the primary schools, teaching and learning take place under a most uncomfortable environment, lacking basic materials. Pupils’ academic performance may not also be guaranteed where instructional space such as classrooms, library, laboratory, technical workshops and others are not structurally in good condition or lacking. The importance of school environment to the pupils cannot be over emphasized because the school environment has a lot play in the life of a pupils, despite the important, the way school administrators and teacher run the school activities is so pathetic because they do not think of the welfare of the pupils anymore rather they think of their money and forget to make the school comfortable for pupils’, most factor of school environment include the location of the school (some schools are located in a busy place such as market), lack of facilities and material, inappropriate use of facilities by the teachers etc. However, the researcher haven observed all this factors seeks to investigate on the influence of school environment on academic performance of primary school pupil in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of this study is to determine the influence of school environment on academic performance of school pupils in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
Specifically, the study sought to:
- Examine how school facilities affect the academic performance of primary school pupils in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
- Determine how unconducive classroom influence the academic performance of primary school pupils in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
- Examine how school location affect the academic performance of primary school pupils in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State
Research Questions
- To what extent does a school facility influence the academic performance of primary school pupils?
- To what extent does unconducive classroom influence the academic performance of primary school pupils?
- To what extent does school location influence the academic performance of primary school pupils?
Significance of the Study
The result of this study will be of immense benefit to the government and policy makers, principal, teachers, parents and pupils at large.
The findings will help the government and policy makers in formulating effective planning and implementing policies and programmes for improved school academic activities. It will also provide policy makers intelligent analysis and forecast of the future needs of the schools in the area of the school principals, teachers, parents, pupils and future researchers.
It will provide the school principals the opportunity to improve in instructional spaces planning, administrative places planning, circulation spaces planning, spaces for conveniences planning, accessories planning. It will help the school principals to improve in school supervision so as to ensure both quality teaching and learning in the schools as well appreciate the contribution of school facilities and equipment on pupils’ academic performance.
The findings will enable the teachers to enhance their teaching, depending on their location within the school compound, the structure of their classroom, availability of instructional facilities and accessories. Also appreciate the need for proper use of conducive environment for effective instructional delivery. It will help the teacher to improve both in teaching effectiveness and increased productivity in the schools.
It will help the parents in determining the choice of the type of school for their children. This is because, their children will enjoy good school learning environment that will lead to quality school personnel and product of the school. It will also help the Parents Teacher Associations (PTA) of schools in promoting the academic performance of pupils’. This is because at PTA meetings, parents know their functions and responsibilities at home, to help solve their children’s problems both home and school environment.
It will be of good benefit to the pupils because it will enable them know how they contribute to their poor academic performance in school.
Scope of the Study
The scope of the study focuses on influence of school environment on academic performance of primary school pupil in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
Pages: 53
Category: Project
Format: Word & PDF
Chapters: 1-5
Source: Imsuinfo
Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.

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