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Primary Education

Influence Of Instructional Materials In Teaching And Learning Process In Primary School In Isoko North Local Government Area Of Delta State




This study investigated the Influence of Instructional Materials in Teaching and Learning Process in Primary School in Isoko North Local Government Area Of Delta State. Three research questions guided this study. A descriptive survey design was adapted for the study. The population comprised of all primary school teachers in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State, sample of the study consisted of one hundred and twenty five (125) primary school teachers in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire which was validated by two lecturers in school of education. The method of data collection was mean statistics which was used to answer the research questions. The findings revealed that ineffective use of instructional materials by the teacher, inadequate provision of instructional materials by the teacher and types of instructional material used by the teachers influences teaching and learning process in primary schools. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that Primary school teachers should provide the instructional materials needed to facilitate teaching and learning process in primary schools and government should supply needed instructional materials to enhance teaching and learning in primary school since the availability of teaching aids makes students performance better.



Background to the Study

          Primary school is the foundation of a child’s formal educational development. The quality of teaching at this stage will not only influence the child’s rate of learning, but will to a very large extent determine the quality and direction of his academic achievements and career later in life. This underscores the need to make teaching and learning very interesting, stimulating and meaningful to the child. One of the ways of achieving this is through the proper utilization or assessment of instructional materials (Ijaduola 2015).

According to Gage (2012), Teaching is a form of interpersonal influence aimed at changing the behavior, potential of another person. It is primarily involving class room talk which takes place between teacher and pupil and occurs during certain definable activity. Robert (2011), is of the view that learning is a change in human disposition or capability that persists over a period of time and is not simply ascribable to processes of growth. He further stated that learning process is an expensive article on the part of the pupils but what make it attractive and acceptable is the nature of instructional materials through which the topic is presented by the teacher.

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Agugbem (2010) view instructional materials as the equipment, devices, objects, and formation materials which the teacher uses to facilitate learning process. In other words, they are the specific things used by the teacher in the classroom to make the pupils learn easily and quickly. Instructional materials are important to the teaching-learning process, but often teachers do neglect them during their lesson when instructional materials are used effectively, they help to simplify what is being taught, motivate the learners and make the lesson meaningful. The idea of making teaching and learning meaningful, functional and purposeful is to enable the pupils see what they are to learn clearly and also afford them the opportunity of making use of instructional materials. Learning tend to be more effective when individuals activity participate in learning experience in selecting what he/she is to learn and receive feedback or result soon after response is made having made use of specified instructional materials. Meaningful learning is said to be possible through the active involvement of a learner in the learning situation. It is what the learner sees or does that he/she is likely to learn meaningfully. In a class where instructional materials are used, the learner is an active participant in the learning process.

The influence of instructional materials in teaching and learning in educational development is indisputable. The materials used by teachers to teach and drive home their subject points at the primary school levels of our education system is incontrovertibly a paramount issue in practical classroom interaction and successful transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the learners. Instructional materials are materials which assist teachers to make their lessons explicit to learners. They are also used to transmit information ideas and notes to learners (Ijaduola 2015). Instructional materials include both visuals and audiovisuals such as pictures; flashcards; posters; charts, tape recorder; radio; video; television; computers among others. These materials serve as supplement to the normal processes of instruction. The teacher alone cannot provide all the needed condition for an effective teaching and learning process, other supporting materials should be provided. The pupils learn better when most of the senses are checked to the instruction and use of instructional materials.

Based on the above premise, the researcher focused on the influence of instructional materials in teaching and learning process in primary school in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State.

 Statement of Problem

Despite the importance of instructional material in the teaching and learning process, it has been observed that the teaching and learning process is done without the use of instructional materials. Today, teachers are found giving abstract explanation on what necessarily should have been made easier with the employment of instructional materials. Students, on their part, do not bother to use their textbooks during classroom instruction. Many of them still do not use them after school as an additional learning resource. The deteriorating state of our educational system is quite worrisome. The problem teachers and students encounter in our educational system include inadequate teaching and learning materials.

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Nevertheless, it has been realized that there is a need for a coordinated source of information for pre-service teachers on the preparation and utilization of instructional materials. This may likely help to reduce most of the problems in the teaching and learning process. Inspite of the importance of instructional material, there are many problems militating against their use in primary schools. These include; lack of electricity supply to operate some visual aids, lack of qualified educational technologists to operate them, unavailability and inaccessibility of media, non-existence of Education Resources’ Centers (ERC), incompetence of teachers, large classes, lack of facilities, centralized funding and media acquisition arrangements. However, curriculum planners should emphasize the use of instructional materials by teachers for a break-through in educational attainments. Thus, this makes it imperative to assess the influence of instructional materials in teaching and learning process in primary schools in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State.

Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of this study is to determine the influence of instructional materials in teaching and learning process in primary schools in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State.

Specifically, the study sought to:

  • Determine the type of instructional materials used by the teachers in the teaching and learning process in primary schools in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State.
  • Determine how effective the teacher uses instructional material in teaching and learning process in primary schools in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State.
  • Determine whether there is adequate provision of instructional materials by the teacher in the teaching and learning process in primary school in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State.

Research Question

  • To what extent does the type of instructional materials used by the teachers influence teaching and learning process in primary schools in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State?
  • To what extent does the ineffective use of instructional material by the teacher influence the teaching and learning process in primary schools in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State?
  • To what extent does inadequate provision of instructional material by the teacher influence the teaching and learning process in primary schools in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State?
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Significance of the Study

The study would be of immense benefit to learners, pupils, teacher, government and researchers. The use of instructional materials gives the learner opportunity to touch, smell or taste objects in the teaching and learning process. Consequently, knowledge passed unto the students at different levels of educational instructions should be well planned and properly allied with relevant instructional materials for clarity and comprehensibility. Hence the significance of this study will be of immense benefit to the students, teachers, curriculum planners, educational system and the society at large.

To the pupils, the effective use of instructional materials would enable them to effectively learn and retain what they have learnt and thereby advancing their performance in the subject in question. This is because according to Nwadinigwe (2010), learning is a process through which knowledge, skills, habits, facts, ideas and principles are acquired, retained and utilized; and the only means of achieving this is through the use of instructional materials.

The study would help enhance teachers’ teaching effectiveness and productivity. This is in line with assertion of Ekwueme and Igwe (2011) who noted that it is only the teachers who will guarantee effective and adequate usage of instructional materials and thereby facilitate success. Consequently a teacher who makes use of appropriate instructional materials to supplement his teaching will help enhance students’ innovative and creative thinking as well as help them become plausibly spontaneous and enthusiastic. Oremeji (2012) supportively asserts that any teacher who takes advantage of these resources and learns to use them correctly will find that they make almost an incalculable contribution to instruction. He further says that instructional materials are of high value in importing information, clarifying difficult and abstract concepts, stimulating thought, sharpening observation, creating interest and satisfying individual difference.

The study is also significant to the educational system and society at large. This is because when teachers solidify their teaching with instructional materials and the learners learn effectively, the knowledge acquired will reflect in the society positively. Pupils will be able to understand the functioning of the economy, interpret government’s economic policies and activity and perform economically better in the choice of life and work.

Scope of the Study

The scope of the study focuses on the influence of instructional materials in teaching and learning process in primary school in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State.

Pages:  53

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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