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Primary Education

Factors Responsible For Moral Decadence Among Female Students In Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro




This invested the factors responsible for moral decadence among female students in Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro. The population of this study comprised of one hundred and fifty five (155) female students in Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro, Delta State. Due to the number of the population, a simple random sampling techniques was used to sample three one hundred and eight (108) female students only from Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro. The instrument used for this study was questionnaire. In other to ensure face and content validation of the instrument, the researcher gave the instrument to two lecturers in the school of childhood education and the other in measurement and Evaluation Department. The researcher administered to the respondents by the researcher. A total of 108 questionnaires were distributed. Method used in analyzing the data collected was mean statistics. The result revealed that several factors cause moral challenges among female students in tertiary institutions and immorality has negative on students’ academic, physical, moral, health and social lives. Based on the findings, it was recommended that school authorities should promote guidance and counseling services to help handle the problem of immoralities in youths and the teachers should try and see and the learner learn without being disturbed by any family or moral challenges.



Background of the Study

It is amazing to find out that the youths of these days are morally bankrupt. Our society has witnessed a tremendous deterioration in its moral, social and educational values, especially among the youths, (Chima, 2010). However, the issue of moral decadence in our society has become a very controversial issue because the society seemed not to know the disparity between what is morally right or wrong. Ugwu (2010), described morality as “the astuteness of one’s conduct and behavior which enhances good conduct and fair relationship. Muraino & Ugwumba (2014) asserted that Morality is collectively upholding of certain beliefs, ideas, values and behaviors, rules and regulations which are considered good, right and acceptable by the society and to which members of the society are bound. Gert (2012), posited that the descriptive definition of morality explains moral as set of conduct put forward by any group; including a society; and the normative definition which is based on the idea that what is moral should have a code of conduct, that is put forward by a society and that it should be accepted as a guide to behavior by members of that society. Therefore, from the above definitions, morality seems to be a set of code of conducts put forward by any group, society or nation that is acceptable members of the group.

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Odeh (2013), asserted that moral decadence is the failure to uphold sound morality in our society. Muraino and Ugwumba (2014), asserted that moral decadence is the process of behaving in a way that shows low moral standards. It means gross reduction in the moral values in a particular society. Thus, moral decadence appears to be a fall’ in the moral standard of the society. It seems to be deterioration or a collapse in upholding our societal values, beliefs, norms and ethical standards.

The increasing awareness among Nigerian of the need to instill moral conduct in the youth is a sign in the right direction. Morality has been recognized as a way of shaping the youth on what they can become and what they can do with their human capabilities. Thus, as Thiroux (2011) puts it, morality deals with how humans treat other beings so as to promote mutual welfare, growth, creativity, and meaning, striving for what is good over what is bad and what is right over what is wrong. In this light, morality gives a sense of purpose and a philosophy of life. It gives people values that serves as guiding principles by which they can direct their thoughts, actions, opinions, behaviors and serves as a sort of bedrock or foundation allowing for spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth (Matsumoto, 2012).

The benefits that accrue to the individual and the state through morality are manifold. This is because the type of moral training that is offered to the youth by teachers does not only determine the quality of adults they become to their family, community and the nation, but also maintain sound environmental hygiene, love humanity, appreciate communal life and respect authority and work hard. It is in this regard that instilling good moral conduct among the youth is seen as an investment for any nation. Thus, the education of the child without attention on good moral behavior is seen as a farce. It is not therefore, surprising that many adults who cherish high moral principles and know how they have benefited from practicing them, have expressed their dissatisfaction about the fact that good virtues, principles and accepted practices have virtually disappeared from the country. For instance, the Government of Nigeria decision to reintroduce the study of Religious and Moral Education on the syllable of both basic and second cycle institutions in its educational reform has been praised by many educationists as a way of showing its commitment to this fight. However, there are noted lapses which contradict the tenets of religious and moral education. Teachers also do not handle religious and moral education as a way of life and some teachers’ lifestyle does not depict a life of a role model. The study therefore is motivated by the desire to determine the factors responsible for the moral decadence among female students of Delta State Polytheistic Ozoro

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Statement of the Problem

Policy makers, educators, religious leaders and others involved in education are seeking ways to utilize the limited resources effectively and efficiently in order to identify and solve problems in the education sector and instill discipline and good moral conduct among the youth. Discipline, the obedience to rules and orders and outward mark of respect in accordance with standing agreements. Discipline is absolutely essential for smooth running of any society or institution and that without discipline no institution could prosper. Schools with high discipline do not only have high output but also help students to grow up as responsible citizens (Boakye, 2012).

In spite of the numerous attempts and calls by the government, religious groups and other stakeholders to instill moral discipline in the youth as a result of the numerous benefits associated with it, moral decadence or immorality among the youth has become a big problem and worrisome to individuals, parents and the society as a whole. Series of immoral acts reported by the media in our educational institutions are indications that all is not well in the society concerning discipline and morality among the students in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The problem that induces the reason to embark upon writing this project is the modernization and western technology which are encroaching into the youths which they consider as civilization. The cherish values and customs of the youth will make it parts and parcel of their life, especially in the learning strategies. Some youths feels proud to be recognized, because their mode of dressing and other activities that  where  adopted had conformed them with western values, such values involves mal-adjustive behavior like, cultism, smoking, prostitution, examination mal-practices, drug abuse, alcoholism, stealing etc. Something effective must be done to improve the condition of Nigeria youths. The youths’ situation can be described as one of the worst in the world. There is an urgent need to instill in youths, not only in knowledge and skills but also in motivation and values, to enhance their physical and mental health. Homes, schools, health care institution, community groups, peer groups, and the media must help in health promotion, emphasizing health education building life skills and enhancing knowledge of human psychological system, so that youths can have good  interpersonal behaviors and through understanding of the state of their health so that they can avoid risk behaviors.

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Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study examined the factors responsible for moral decadence among female students in Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro. Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Examine the moral challenges and its causes among female students in tertiary institutions.
  2. Determine the effects of immorality on students’ academic, physical, moral, health and social lives.
  3. Assess the strategies taken by school authorities to minimize immorality among female students.

Research Questions                                                                                             

The following research questions were raised to guide the study

  1. What are the moral challenges and its causes among students in Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro?
  2. How does immorality affect students’ academic, physical, moral, health and social lives?
  3. What strategies can be taken by the school authorities to minimize immorality among students?

Scope of the Study

The study is limited to the factor responsible for moral decadence among female students in Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro

Significance of the Study

This study would be of benefits to the following: government, tertiary institution students, and school managements of tertiary institution of learning.

This project is of great significant to the government, as it will guide the government to provide programme on war against moral decadence in Nigerian institutions of learning, especially the free intermingling of the opposite sex. In the light of the above, the research can therefore help the government to have more information on the causes of moral decadence in Nigerian Institution of learning and on how to arrest such problems. It will also help Nigerian government in solving some of the problems about the moral activities such as: school cultism and drug abuse. The research will also be of help to the Nigerian government in solving some of the problems about the moral activities such as school cultism and drug abuse.

This research will be of vital use to tertiary institutions of learning as it will help the school authorities or the administration to arrest the prevailing cases of immorality.

This study will be of great importance to student in general and those in tertiary institution in particular (especially those engaged in cults and disorders) to realize how to adjust their way of life, in order to bring an end to the immoral characters exhibited by students which will eventually improve the spiritual, academic, social, emotional and physical aspect of their lives.

Pages:  57

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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