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Industrial Action By Academic Staff And Its Effect On Students’ Academic Performance In Imo State University, Owerri




The research work investigated “Industrial action on academic staff and its effects on students academic performance in Imo State University” chapter as a case study. A survey design was used to explore the industrial action on academic staff and it effects on students academic performance in Imo state university as a case study. From the population of 634 members of academic staff from the 11faculties, the questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection with a sample size of one hundred and seventy-two (172) members. Purposive simple random sampling technique was used to select the 5 faculties. The method used to analyzed the 15 items was mean score, the  mean score was also used to answer each research question.  The average mean of a likert  scale is 2.5.  based on the findings it was found among others that ASUU Strike is the issue of unpaid staff bonus and entitlement, decrease in budgetary Allocation to education causes strike actions.  The researcher recommends that government should not wait until lecturers have gone on strike before listening to their demands also, government should try as much possible to implement the 15% pay rise of workers before it results to another drastic nation wide strike  in Nigeria.  Industrial action by academic could be solved through proper motivation of the academic staff, adequate provision of infrastructural facilities in school.



In this chapter, the researcher presents the background to the study, statement of the problems, scope of the study, purpose of the study, significance of the study and research question

Background to the Study

Education was given top priority in the affairs of many nations. Over the years, it was the desire of man to acquire knowledge. The attraction which education enjoys stems from the fact that it equips one for life. It is through education that an individual masters his environment and acquires the necessary tools for living worthwhile life. Therefore, the society promotes its members through education which is seen as instrument for societal transformation (Anugom and Obioha, 2014).

Education was defined by various authors in different perspectives. In all, their various approaches to the definition of education remain a general consensus that education is an invaluable process and a basic instrument for individual and societal development. Also Asiabaka (2015) saw Education as the key to national development. It provides the intellectual capability needed by man to harness the human and material resources for scientific and technological

advancement. Education forms the basis upon which economic, social and political development of any nation is founded. Investment in education can help to foster economic growth, enhance productivity, contribute to national and social development, and reduce social inequality (World Bank, 2013). UNESCO (2015) argues that the level of a country’s education is one of the key indicators of its level of development. Globally, education is recognized as a basic human right.

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According to Achunine (2014), higher education includes the universities and other post secondary institutions like’ Polytechnics, Colleges of Education, conventional non-university post· secondary professional institutions that cater for the training of the military, nurses, the police etc. Since the human person is now the focus of development with the sustainable, continuous enrichment of the human condition as its main goal, education at this level is expected to be development-oriented, capturing the entire personhood of the individual. Higher education therefore must be linked with the demands of the labour market, an issue closely linked to the manpower approach of planning education. It is also important to take into consideration the utilitarian values of education. Hence Nigerian’s National Policy on education (2014) as regards Higher Education states its objectives to include:


  1. The acquisition, development and inculcation of the proper value- orientation for the survival of the individual and society.
  2. The development of the intellectual capacities of individuals to understand and appreciate their environment.
  3. The acquisition of both physical and intellectual skills which will enable individuals to develop into useful members of the community
  4. The acquisition of an objective view of the local and external environments

Higher education institution therefore should serve as power houses and think tanks for continuous advancement of knowledge, the generation of innovative ideas, development of the minds of the young and old (through the engagement in challenging intellectual work) and continuous engagement in issues concerning the survival of humanity as noted by Obanya; (2013).

Recently, the different institutions of higher learning in Nigeria have been saddled with serious industrial strikes. The situation has become a phenomenon such that a year could hardly pass without strikes in higher institutions in Nigeria, involving either the academic staff union of such higher institutions or the non academic staff union. Often, with the government or school authorities, most of the misunderstanding could come from issues such as non-payment of salaries and allowances. No matter the cause and nature of strikes, it is an ill-wind that blows no one any good.

It was observed that strike is one of the factors that delays the planned academic calendar of Universities these days. In the American Encyclopedia (2015), “strike is a voluntary concerted suspension of labour by a group of works who seek to gain certain demands from their employer”. Academic of Senior Staff of Universities have always considered strikes as the most essential and potent avenue for collective bargaining and changing of work abnormalities. Strike however, is not a good concept, due to its effects on the organization, societies and the students in particular. This is because strike, no doubt disorganizes the educational aims and objectives in terms of uncalculating what is worthwhile to the students. When strike occurs, it has much adverse effect on the political, economical and social aspects of the entire society, especially in terms of development. The tendency is that there would be fire brigade measures when school resumes after strike to enable the students catch-up with lost grounds. In most cases, this hardly works out. The probability is that the stakeholders and teachers/Lecturers, may resort to promote students in mass promotion produces half-baked graduates.

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It is against this background that the researcher deemed it necessary to investigate on industrial action by academic staff and management of its effect on students’ academic performance in Imo State University, Owerri.

Statement of the Problem

According to Asiabaka and Emenalo (2015), the teacher is the human catalyst who intentionally influences interaction by structuring and restructuring the environment of the learner in such a way that the latter will acquire desire knowledge, skill and attitudes and meaningfully contribute to the development of humanity at an appropriate time. But the government has failed to realize this role that the teacher that teaches the nation plays. Teachers working condition is too poor that there is brain drain in the country, they are not motivated, they are not paid on time, nature of their teaching environment is nothing to write home about, coupled with the low regard of the teaching profession.

It have been observed that for over five academic calendar year, Imo State University have experienced strike by the academic staff, the recent one ended earlier this year where they academic staff joined their colleagues in other Universities to embark on the strike which started November last year till early this year.  Workers views generally are expressed by the workers unions and the extent to which they persuade workers to remain on their duty posts, work productivity, and ultimately achieve the goals of an organization, depends largely on the attitude of employers to the trade union. Most employers’ attitude to the trade union, particularly in the tertiary institutions where the government (state or federal) is both employer and umpire, has been hostile. The union therefore finds it difficult to persuade unsatisfied and unwilling workers to increase their productivity to enable organizations achieve their goals.

Educational sub-sector, specifically tertiary institutions in Nigeria and the Imo State University in particular, have been recording series of industrial unrests in the recent past. The effects of repeated and abrupt closure of universities due to these industrial unrests on academic programmes and the goal for which they were established can better be imagined. Imo State University the major tertiary institutions in the State have suffered tremendous setbacks as a result of incessant workers action.

Educational standard is now believed to be questionable. Many academic calendars in the universities have been disorganized, with some academic sessions out rightly lost. Students’ academic performances have comparatively taken a nose dive, while various forms of examination malpractices are said to be on the increase. The situation has assumed such an alarming dimension that the public now accuses the ‘ivory towers’ of turning out graduates that are ill-equipped in character and learning to contribute to the growth and development of the nation.

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This paper tries to identify the factors responsible for the prevalence of industrial actions in tertiary institutions, the impact; negative or otherwise of these job actions, and measures that could possibly be put in place to arrest the malady.

Scope of the Study

This study covers all the academic staff of Imo State University Owerri. It is delimited in finding out industrial action by academic staff and management of its effect on students’ academic performance. The study will looked at the causes, effect and the management of this industrial action in the University.

Purpose of the study

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the industrial action by academic staff and management of its effect on students’ academic performance in Imo State University, Owerri. But specifically, the study sought to achieve the following objectives:

  • The causes of Industrial Strike actions in Imo State University, Owerri
  • The Effect of Industrial Strike actions in Imo State University, Owerri
  • How to manage Industrial Strike actions in Imo State University, Owerri

Significance of the study

The finding of this research will help the Government, management of various institutions of higher learning as well as the society at large to know dangers incurred by the nation due to incessant industrial actions by teachers in Universities.

It will enlighten the owners and stakeholders of tertiary institutions on the need to seek peaceful settlement to disagreements through constant dialogue,

Furthermore, it will impress upon the Government and school management to respect agreement revealed with workers union and at the same time help to underscore the negative implications of unilateral reputation of such collective agreements to students and the educational process.

The research will provide additional information to the varying institutions on the study of industrial actions and strikes. Lastly, this study will serve as an empirical study and as a relevant literature to subsequent researchers who might be carrying out related studies to this.

Research Questions

In line with the purpose of this study, the researcher formulated the following research questions to guide the study:

  • What are the causes of Industrial Strike actions in Imo State University, Owerri?
  • What are the effects of Industrial Strike actions in Imo State University, Owerri?
  • What ways can be employed to manage Industrial Strike actions in Imo State University, Owerri?

Pages:  70

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF         

Chapters: 1-5                                 

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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