Primary Education
Impact Of Teachers’ Welfare On Job Satisfaction In Primary Schools In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State
3 years agoon
This study was carried out to ascertain the Impact of teachers’ welfare on job satisfaction in primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised of three hundred and Forty-five (345) teachers from all the 23 primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State while sample of this study was one hundred and fifty (150) teachers from ten (10) selected primary schools in Oshimili South local government area and drawn through Simple random sampling technique to serve as the representative of the entire population. The instrument used for data collection is a structured questionnaire which was structured by the researcher and validated by two experts. 150 instruments were administered on the respondents by the researcher with the help of some research assistants and 136 instruments were retrieved and analyzed. Based on the analysis, the study found that teachers’ welfare has impact on their effective teaching, motivation and standard of living in primary schools in Oshimili South. On the basis of the findings, the researcher recommended among others that teachers’ salary should be increased for better service delivery, government should ensure that teachers are promoted as at when due and teachers should be paid weekly allowances to enable them meet their daily needs.
Background to the Study
Education in the broad sense is the entire process of socialization by which man and woman learn to adapt, and, where necessary, conquer their environment. It is the process of developing the cognitive, affective and psychomotor faculties of the individuals and groups in order to equip them with knowledge and skills necessary to survive and make progress in the human society (Roy, 2015).
The National Policy on Education (2014) states “Education in Nigeria is an instrument “par excellence’ for affective national development… It is therefore, desirable for the nation to spell out clear and unequivocal terms the philosophy and objectives that underlie its investment in education. Ojoawo (2017) posited that education is recognized both as an end in itself and as a mean to achieve many other ends. It is the only sector in the economy that has the primary responsibilities of human resources development from cradle to adulthood for the purpose of national development. Akangbou (2016) wrote that “Education is a service provided in all countries of the world with many objectives in mind. These objectives include the development of the skills required for a more rapid growth of the economy and provision of basic knowledge to the citizens of the country concerned”. Emphasizing the importance of education in the social and economic development of a country, the success, survival and continuity of any organization in a competitive world is ultimately determined by the productivity of its employees (workers) as well as the satisfaction which these workers derive from performing their jobs (Olaniyan, 2015).
The most important information to have regarding an employee is a validated measure of his or her job satisfaction since people join and work in organizations in order to satisfy their personal needs (Berder, 2017). Job satisfaction can be better understood when one considers both the factors related to job and individual (Postanjee, 2015).
Olando (2017) put it that teaching is a demanding job that need to be remunerated well to attract and retain teachers in the profession. This will help prevent teachers from running to other greener pastures. Olando further urges that for any efficient work to take place there is need for favorable conditions. Thus, an individual should be provided with an enabling environment to perform and produce the desired results. Okemwa (2018) notes that teachers working in rural centers are more disadvantaged compared to their urban counterparts due to the under development in their schools.
The teacher as an instrument of success needs the physical, psychological, economical and social comfort. Okemwa (2018) confirms that every organization which has to succeed must have contended workers. He added that one of the signs of diminishing conditions in an organization is low job motivation and satisfaction. It leads to strikes, slowdowns, absenteeism and employees’ turnover. It may also lead to low productivity, disciplinary and organizational difficulties.
According to Kim (2018) teacher’s job motivation was an effective response to one’s situation at work. Thus, teacher job satisfaction refers to a teacher’s effective relation to his or her teaching role. With globalization which is heightening competition, schools must continue to develop tangible products and provide services which are based on strategies generated by teachers. Teachers were extremely important to the schools since their value was essentially intangible and not easily replicated (Meaghan, 2016).
The teacher is regarded as the man or woman who has undergone some professional/academic training to prepare him or her for the task of facilitating the education of children and young learners in the school. The school on its own part is the structured environment organized to provide or encourage interaction between the teacher and the learner in the complex process of learning. Teaching is seen as a matter of great importance and generally a suitable tool to hand down the people or nation legacies from one generation to another. “Teaching should be regarded as a profession. It is a form of public service which requires of teachers’ expert knowledge and specialized skills, acquired and maintained through rigorous and continuing study. It also calls for a sense of personal and corporate responsibility for the education and welfare of pupils in their charge. Indeed, the state of education in Nigeria is below expectation (non-productive) and the level of our teachers’ commitment is a reflection of their welfare packages that is not benefiting. The National Policy on Education (2004) Says “Since no education system may rise above the quality of its teachers, teacher education shall continue to be given major emphasis in all educational planning and development “The goals of teacher education among others is to: (a) produce highly motivated, conscientious and efficient classroom teachers for all levels of our educational system; (b) to enhance teachers’ commitment to the teaching profession. The quality of teachers is as vital as the quality of the students. Experience has shown that owing to social, political, economic and even educational delicacy situation, it has gradually become so difficult to find teachers who know and are motivated to teach their subject in a better way. However, There is need for teachers’ good welfare conditions which would bring about total commitment for the purpose of productivity in the education sector. To ensure effective job performance in any organization, workers must be involved in articulating their own needs and in participating in the making of vital output through their commitment. (Olaniyan, 2015).
For a school organization to be able to perform to the expectations there is need to recognize teachers (staff) personnel services. In line with Olaniyi (2015), a school administrator should be able to administer the personnel services or polices, which would help in high output through:
Recruitment; Selection; Orientation; Assignment; Retention; Development; Supervision; Motivation and Evaluation.
In his view, Eduese (2016) opined that “High productivity is the hallmark of growth and development of every nation all over the world. The level of efficiency, productivity and the ability of the education system to achieve its set goals depend on the teachers as reflected in performing their defined roles because teachers are the fulcrum upon which the whole educational system revolves”. The teachers’ dedication and commitment is subjected to the management system which rest mostly on the remuneration of the teachers.
Loyd (2018) agrees that “Teachers have an important impact on students’ achievement and also play a crucial role in the educational attainment”. Article 8 of the UNESCO charter states that working conditions for teachers should be such as will best promote effectiveness (effective learning) enable teachers to concentrate on their professional task. Both teaching learning process centralize on teachers, for there can be no meaningful socio-economic and political development in any society without teachers. There is general fear that the perceived fallen standard of education in Nigeria is due to regular strike of teachers, this which is majorly based on financial crisis between the teachers’ union and the government agency.
Statement of the Problem
The contributions and productivity of teachers depend on the motivation received from their employer. Indeed, teachers need to be taken care of before they can be committed to their job. It is then we can achieve high standard of education. Over the years, there had been several records of teachers’ strikes and poor performance of students in our educational sector especially at the primary school level. Teachers’ commitment and engagement had been identified as one of the most critical factors in the success and failure of education. It contributes to teachers work performances, absenteeism, burnout and turnout, as having an important Impact on students’ achievement in and around school. Teachers productivity in primary schools may be determined by several factors among which are poor working conditions, delay of teachers’ salaries and allowance, failure of government to grant regular promotion, bad surrounding for learning environment, inappropriate national education policies to mention but a few. All these factors have bedeviled our educational system hence led to low productivity of teachers’ performance. It is against this background that the study is carried out to investigate the Impact of teachers’ welfare on job satisfaction in primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the Impact of teachers’ welfare on job satisfaction in primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. Specifically, the study is carried out to ascertain:
- The Impact of teachers’ welfare on their motivation in primary schools in Oshimili South.
- The Impact of teachers’ welfare on their effective teaching in primary schools in Oshimili South.
- The Impact of teachers’ welfare on their standard of living in primary schools in Oshimili South.
Research Questions
The following questions were raised to guide the researcher in carrying out the study:
- What is the Impact of teachers’ welfare on their motivation in primary schools in Oshimili South?
- What is the Impact of teachers’ welfare on their effective teaching in primary schools in Oshimili South.
- What is the Impact of teachers’ welfare on their standard of living in primary schools in Oshimili South?
Significance of the Study
This study would be beneficial to the teachers, school management, the government, researchers and the field of Primary Education
The findings of the study would help the teachers understand how welfare package Impact their job and motivation which will enable them to voice out so that the relevant authority will look into their welfare package for better service delivery. The findings would also be an eye opener to the school management because it will help them to understand that welfare package goes a long way in determining the effectiveness of teachers at the primary school level.
The findings of the study would help to call the attention of the government through the ministry of basic education to the Impact of teachers’ welfare package on their job satisfaction and the strategies to improve their welfare package for better service delivery. The study would be helpful to researchers who may which to carry pout further researcher related to this one which will also add to the literature in the field of Primary Education.
Scope of the Study
The study is delimited to the Impact of teachers’ welfare on job satisfaction in primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. With particular emphasis on effective teaching, motivation, standard of living and strategies for improving teachers’ welfare package.
Pages: 50
Category: Project
Format: Word & PDF
Chapters: 1-5
Source: Imsuinfo
Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.
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