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Education Biology

Impact Of Motivation On The Performance Of Biology Teachers In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State




 The study investigated the impact of motivation on the performance of biology teachers in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. Four research questions were raise to guide the study. A descriptive survey design was adapted for the study. The population comprised of all fifty eight (58) teachers teaching in seven (7) public secondary school in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State, sample of the study was a purposive sampling because they are manageable. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire which was validated by experts in measurement and evaluation. The method of data collection was mean statistics to answer the research questions. The findings revealed that irregular payment of teacher’s salary, lack of motivation on biology teachers, poor working condition and poor career advancement   influences the performance of biology teachers. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that government should ensure that teacher’s salaries are regularly paid which will motivate the ability of the teacher and school authorities should motivate biology teachers with fringe benefit and incentives in other to make them increase their teaching performance



 1.1 Background to the Study

Motivation and performance are very important factors in terms of organization success and achievements. (Latt, 2008). Motivation plays an important role in the organization because it increases the productivity of employees and the goals can be achieved in an efficient way. The behavior of employees can be changed through motivation in any organization. From situation to situation, the level of motivation differs with an individual (Robbins et al 2005). Motivation also plays an important role in efficiency of teachers because it helps to achieve the target in an efficient way. Teacher motivation is very important because it improves the skills and knowledge of teachers because it directly influences the student’s achievement (Mustafa, and Othman, 2010). If in schools, the teachers do not have sufficient motivation then they are less committed to their work which directly influence the students and the educational system. The teaching profession previously was accorded with respect, honor and dignity. And this was a sort of motivation to many teachers. Teachers profession not only afford life career and permanent membership but also renders services to the public. It has code of ethics; the code of ethics for teachers is contained in the handbooks of the Nigeria union of teachers. But recently, the government and all its organs neglect teachers and the educational sector, while motivation can be brought about by adequate remuneration, fringe benefits and recognition. They can also be made to occupy high social status in the society. Adelabu (2005) found in Nigeria that teacher’s motivation is very poor and teachers are also dissatisfied with their working environment and salary conditions. The reason behind the poor motivation of teachers is that they having low salaries as compared to other professionals, poor work environment, no decision making authority, and also not giving them opportunity to develop their career. Motivation guide people‘s actions and behaviours toward achievement of some goals (Analoui, 2000). In work and other contexts therefore, motivation is often described as being ―intrinsic or ―extrinsic in nature (Sansone & Harackiewicz, 2000). Intrinsic motivation, deriving from within the person or from the activity itself, positively affects behavior, performance, and well being (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Extrinsic motivation on the other hand, results from the attainment of externally administered rewards, including pay, material possessions, prestige, and positive evaluations among others. Teachers‘ job performance is a concern of everybody in the society. Oxford Advanced Learner‘s Dictionary defines performance as ―the act or process of carrying out something or execution of an action or a repetitive act or fulfillment or implementation (Hornby, 2000). In this respect, teacher performance connotes the teachers‘ role of teaching students in class and outside the class. The key aspects of teaching involve the use of instructional materials, teaching methods, regular assessment of students, making lesson plans, assessment of pupils, conduct of fieldwork, teachers‘ participation in sports, attending school assembly and guidance and counseling. Therefore, teacher job performance is the teacher‘s ability to integrate the experience, teaching methods, instructional materials, knowledge and skills in delivering subject matter to students in and outside the classroom.

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Education is a vital tool of change and it unlocks the door to civilization. The biology teachers holds the keys to the door of education and also, he/she is the facilitator that transable educational policies into practice and programmed into action and his/her adequacies in terms of what he/she knows and how he/she can make a difference in the life of learner and teachers mistakes, failure and inability to impact knowledge will have negative effect on the learner. The teacher therefore, are a vital component of educational system because he/she is the main determinant of the quality of the system. Therefore, motivation of the biology teachers s’ performance is very important to the long term growth of any educational system of the world. This is because it has effects on the academic performance of students and overall standard of education.

Adebayo (2011) pointed out that though there are many factors that job is excellently rooted upon, and these factors includes; educational policy, leadership style, pay and fringe benefit, material rewards, achievement among others. Adebayo (2001) further stated that the influence of motivational factors on the teachers performance could be positive or otherwise. Motivation can be inform of regular payment of salaries fringe benefits such as allowance, bonus on the job training, promotion of the teachers, provision goods work environment, maintaining of high degree of relationship and improving the teachers general well being. Hence any teacher that enjoys the above name items is bound to give in her best in discharging of her duties. Thus there is need to motivate teachers in order to enable them teach the students very well. The teachers should be paid salaries on time and the parents of the students should co-operate with teachers and the government society should respect and honour teachers

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Furthermore, Bulya (2007) observes that the delay in the payment of teachers salaries is responsible for the poor image of the teacher. He further added that in 2013, primary school teacher salaries were delayed in Kano states for months, in the same year teachers in Bauchi local government appealed to the state government to do everything possible to ensure that school teachers were paid arrears of their two months salaries. The nonpayment of secondary schools teacher’s salaries on time makes it difficult for them to meet their family financial obligation at home. Hence teachers needs to be motivated by the government to enable them perform well in the secondary schools. Musa (2000) stated that the delay in the payment of salaries of teacher and other fringe benefit are sufficient evidence for this nonchalant attitude of teachers to welfare. He further added that the nonpayment of teacher salaries has reacting consequences on our educational system and its products. Outstanding among these consequences also the falling standard of education. When the teachers do not teach the students well, and do not go to classes which will result in the student  not performing well. When teachers go to strike the effect is not felt immediately so the government do not care and the student rejoice that they are free. When the teachers resumes from strike, they tend to rush the students or skip some topics in the scheme of work, which will make the students not to know some of the topics the teachers skipped.

Furthermore, teachers’ motivation is very vital and non motivation of teachers is affecting the performance of the students which may lead to falling standard of the educational system which the government set up. It is therefore on this ground that this research work stands to investigate on impact of motivation of biology teachers’ performance in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

There are many factors associated to the falling standard of education as regards to this topic, impact of motivation on biology teachers. The falling standard of education which also leads to the poor academic achievement of students has been a major concern to parents, teachers, government and the society at large. Some of this lack of problems has attributed to poor achievement of students this include; poor remuneration, salary, leadership style, lack of fringe benefit career advancement, teachers motivation, promotion, working condition, environmental and societal acceptance. The absent of motivation may have a negative effect in the standard of education in the country as the students are being deprived of the needed knowledge that should be imparted on them by a well motivated teacher.

Hence, this study will investigate on the impact of motivation on the performance of biology in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

1.3 The Purpose of the Study

The broad purpose of this study is to examine the impact of motivation on the performance of biology teachers in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

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The specific objective are:

  1. To find out if poor remuneration of teachers affects teachers performance
  2. To investigate the impact of motivation on biology teachers
  3. To verify extent of the working condition of teachers influence on their teaching performance.
  4. To identify the influence of career advancement on the performance of biology teachers

1.4 Research Question

The following questions is raise to guide the study

  1. To what extent does poor remuneration of teachers affect teacher’s performance?
  2. What are the impact of motivation on biology teachers?
  3. To what extent has the working conditions of teachers influence on the teaching performance?
  4. To what extent has career advancement influence the performance of biology teachers.

1.5 The Scope of the Study

This research study was limited to Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State; Seven public secondary school was used for this study in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The result of the Study should be of great benefit to the teachers, educational administration, the parents, the government, the society and educational researchers

The result of the study should be of great important to the educational administrations, because it will enable them understand the important of teachers motivation in uplifting the standard of education in relation to the National objectives.

The study should also sensitize the government and state holders in education on the need for teacher to be well motivated. The finding of the study or research as the case may be, should serve as a source of literature for future educational researchers in related field study.

1.7 Definition of term

Motivation: This is the means of activity the behaviour of an individual towards the achievement of certain goals

Standard of Educator: This can be defined as the bench mark drawn by the government in term of skills, knowledge and technical knowhow of her citizens for the brining of a better tomorrow and forward the growth of the economy fringe.

Benefit: This can be defined as benefit provided by the employer to an employee, example can be; tax exemption bonus, promotion incentives.

Teacher: This can be define as a person which is acquainted with pedagogical skills of impacting knowledge and skills leadership and leadership style. Leadership can be define as the action of guidance, control, management of individuals to be attainment of set goals and self actualization.

Leadership Style: This can be referred to as a leaders way of providing direction, implementing plans and motivating the subordinates.

Promotion: Promotion can be defined as the activity that supports or provides active encouragement for the furthermoreance of a cause venture or aim. It is also the action of raising someone to a higher position or rank or fact of being so raised.

Pages:  56

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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