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Impact Of Gender Sensitivity And Entrepreneurial Skills Development In Oshmili South Local Government Area Of Delta State




This study investigated the impact of gender sensitivity and entrepreneurial skills development in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. Four research questions guided this study. A descriptive survey design was adapted for the study. The population comprised of five hundred (500) registered entrepreneurs under the corporate affairs commission in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. Sample of the study was 150 registered entrepreneurs which were drawn from five categories of entrepreneurial ventures randomly selected out of 500. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire which was validated by experts in Measurement and Evaluation. The method of data analysis was mean statistics to answer the research questions. The findings revealed that entrepreneurial skill affects the economic development, gender discrimination has on entrepreneurial skills development, and entrepreneurial programmes of the government influence gender sensitivity on entrepreneurial skill in the development of Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.



Background to the Study

Individuals go into business for the sake of obtaining regular income, becoming self employed and also help others. Although there are different kinds of business enterprises that female and male can go into, often times, some business are regarded as more suitable for one sex and not the other. This means that there are some gender discriminations in the choice of business one goes into and by extension, in entrepreneurial skills. Apparently, gender attitudes and behavior may have positive or negative effect on entrepreneurial skills in a society or economy.

Gender sensitivity as it relates to the fifty percent of the world’s population is    of concern in the entrepreneurial skills (Schumpeter 2011). According to (Orhungur and Belovices in Osuala d2010) gender is the expectation a society has formed about someone simply because the person is a woman or man.  The population census in Nigeria reveals  that  women  make  up  about  fifty  percent  of  the  140  million  people (Nwabudike, 2011).  These women constitute  about  45%  of  the  70%  unemployed population (Meanudre, 2010). So the women play a key role in entrepreneurial for national development. In  most of  the  developing  world,  women  form  the bed rock of the society  because of  their entrepreneurial skills.  However, they are always at the receiving end of negative impact of any distressed economy being mothers as some of them have fatherless children, as widows or single parents. Hence, they are saddled with the sole  responsibility of  bringing up these children. But in Nigeria, and especially  in  Delta State,  some married women still shoulder the responsibility of managing their homes acting as a support to their husband’s success as the saying goes “that behind every successful man is a good woman”.  So, gender  sensitivity in  entrepreneurial  skill  needs  investigation  in  view  of the crucial role of women in the society.

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Encarta Dictionary (2010) defines an entrepreneur  as  a  risk  taking business person. An entrepreneur is somebody who initiates or finances new commercial enterprise (Longenecker, Nwachukwu, and Osburg 2012).  He/she is somebody who has taken risks, an owner, or manager of a business. He/she contributes something  and  identifies  business  opportunity  by  starting  new  business  she/he  is innovative and provides job for others. They are founders of a business  firm and always look for opportunities or market.

An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people (interpersonal skills) Osuman, (2011).

Entrepreneurial, as an emerging field of study and as an area of human endeavour, has received increasing interest of researchers, academicians and policy makers the world over. It has equally provoked controversies over its concept and definition. Entrepreneurial is seen as an effective means not only of combating unemployment, poverty and under-development in the developing nations, but also as a strategy for rapid economic development in both developed and developing nations (Schumpeter, Harper, Morris & Lewis, 2010).

Entrepreneurial activities have been found to be capable of making positive impact on the economy of a nation and quality of life of the people. Studies have shown it positive relationship to stimulation of economic growth, employment generation and empowering of the disadvantaged portion of the population which include men and women, Raghava (2010). According to Adejumo, (2000) The experiences of developed economies in relation to the roles played by entrepreneurship buttresses the fact that the importance of entrepreneurship cannot be overemphasized especially among the developing countries. In order to highlight its significance in relation to the growth and development of a given economy, entrepreneurship has been variously referred to as a “source of employment generation”. This is because entrepreneurial activities have been found to be capable of making positive impacts on the economy of a nation and the quality of life of the people

Studies have established its positive relationship with stimulation of economic growth; employment generation; and empowerment of the disadvantaged segment of the population, which include women and the poor (Oluremi and Gbenga, 2011; Mueller and Thomas, 2000; Reynolds, 1987).

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This research work therefore intends to take a critical look at impact of gender sensitivity and entrepreneurial skills with particular reference to Oshimili South Local Government of Delta State in general, and also to suggest the possible solution to indentified problems and give recommendation where necessary.

Statement of the Problem

Women’s population of 68.3 million constitutes almost half of the entire country’s population, of 140 million (National Population Commission, 2006). This numerical strength has not been translated to equal treatment in the society. Apart from numerical strength, women have great potentials to evolve a new economic order, thereby helping in accelerating social and political development and consequently transforming the society into a better one. Olawoye (1995) describes Nigerian women as a crucial factor in production. The author further posited that, they are largely responsible for the bulk production of crops, agro-based food processing, preservation of crops and distribution of yields from farm centres to market in both rural and urban areas.

Nigerian women are contributing their quota to the development of the nation, but their potentials seem not to have been fully tapped due to some constraints. Disparities still exist between men and women in business, employment and income opportunities, control over assets, personal security and participation in the development process (Rahman &Naoroze, 2007). This may be as a result of lingering constraints including poor economic condition of Nigerian women, lack of adequate legislation and policies to support the rights of women, unequal access to education, limited access to land, lack of assertiveness among women etc. Level of education, income level, and men’s perception on the need for women’s participation in development have been viewed as determining factors in women’s participation in development processes. With regard to political participation, women have been grossly underrepresented. The last general election revealed a 6 percent representation of women across all levels of elected offices across the country. With regard to Enugu State, out of the 17 local government areas of the state, no woman was elected as the executive chairman and only five women are in the state house of assembly that has 24 members. This is a gross under representation of women who make up about 50 percent of Nigerian population (WACOL, 2008). Affirmative action has not been fully adopted by either governments or political parties. There is still low level of education among women.

Many programmes have been put in place at local, state, national and international levels. These programmes and initiatives aim at widening women’s access to business, encouraging women’s full participation in cash economy, politics and reviewing laws on status of women. These initiatives are organized by both women themselves, and governmental and non-governmental organizations and include the provision of micro-credit facilities, educational programmes, skill acquisition, political participation, and related activities. This research will therefore assess the entrepreneurial initiatives available in OshimiliSouth Local Government Area in Delta State and how it has impacted on gender sensitivity. Thus, proffering solution to the discrimination of women in entrepreneurial skill

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Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of this study is to access the impact of gender sensitivity and entrepreneurial development in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. Specifically the purpose of this study is:

  1. To determine the extent to which entrepreneurial skill affects the economic development of Oshimili South Local Government Area in entrepreneurship.
  2. To determine the effect in which gender discrimination has on entrepreneurial skill development in Oshimili South Local Government Area.
  3. To determine whether entrepreneurial programms of the government discourage gender discrimination in entrepreneurship in Oshimili South Local Government Area.

Research Question

The following research questions guides the study:

  1. To what extent does entrepreneurial skill affects the economic development of Oshimili South Local Government Area?
  2. To what extent does gender discrimination effects entrepreneurial skills development in Oshimili South Local Government Area?
  3. To what extent does entrepreneurial programmes of the government discourage gender discrimination in entrepreneurship in Oshimili South Local Government Area?

Significance of the Study

The importance of the study will be beneficial to business student, it will help female entrepreneurs and government at large.

It will help business student to contend with gender related issues that might influence their success in business.

It would be of great benefit to female entrepreneurial who have been discriminated on the business probable because the society taught that the business is meant for male’s only to trade on.

Finally, it is hoped that the study will assist government and her agencies in the process of developing entrepreneurial skills programmes.

Scope of the Study

The research work will centered on the impact of gender sensitivity and entrepreneurial skills in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Based on the factor militating on gender sensitivity and entrepreneurial skills, this study will be restricted to five categories of business ventures in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Pages:  57

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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