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Education Government

Factors That Influence The Academic Performance Of Secondary School Government Student In Case Study Of Owerri Municipal Council




This study received the factors that influences academic performance of secondary school government students in Owerri municipal council. It gimed to determine and cross examine the different factors that militate against student academi performance. Random sampling technique was adopted, this involved nine (9) secondary schools in the area. The total respondents selected was four hundred and fifty nine (459) which include fifty (50) students and nine (9) teachers, the data for the study was muti-demension involving a wide of spectrum of research instruments such as questionnaire. Fifteen items was administered to four hundred and fifty student and eleven (11) items also was administered to nine (9) teachers. They were shared among the sample population. Sample arithmetic mean was used for data analysis and interpretation. It was deduced that there is mis-mere been what the teachers is teaching. Also teachers work load also affect their teaching activity. However, the researches came to give such recommendation as, government should try as much as possible to employ qualified teacher stoutly on what person studied. Education planners and implementers should try to reduce the teacher non-curriculum work load so as to effectively utilize the teacher’s motentias in teaching pirless for academic performance.



                This chapter discuses the following subheadings, background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study and research question.

Background to the study

Education is one of the most important aspec of human resources development. The academic performance of student is a by features in education (Rono 2013. It is considered to be the centre around with the whole education system revolves. Warad out Abdullah (2016)f aid that the academic performance of student determine the success or failure of any academic institution. Singn, milk and Singh (2016) also argued that academic performance of student have a direct impact on the socio-economic development of a country. similarly, Farooq, Chaudlhry shofiq and behanu (2011), Asscerted that student academic  performance seine as a bedrock for knowledge acquiresition and the development of skills.

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Maina (2010) asserts that school resources influence the academic performance of student, he started that it is lectal to make provision of resources that can be utilized to enhance the acade=mic performance of student such as note, liberary facilities etc.

Audari, (2010) stated that the role of percent also has a role to play in the academic performance of a student that have is a place from where the learning and educate begins. It is vital for the parent, children and other family members to encourage a learning atposphen within homes.

Spinivas and ulakutkrishnam, (2010) assert that phechological and health factors also is an influence in the academic performance of a student factors like stress, dreiety, fear, truuma, depression or physical health problems prove to be inpedencies  within the curst of their academic achievement.

Galthnment as one of the school subject is concerned with aridening our practical horizon andpolitical education fouselra the state. Anyana (2010) was of the opinion that a student that “Iguore government will have it’s scial life compromised.

Beside the above, it has been widly claimed tha government is not a compulsory subject to offer, this influence is reinforced by the widely held notion that those that study government are politicians there is also perption held by the lay public that pactice is a durly game.

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Hence, as a result student may have deppethoped higative thought about the subject which may have influence te academic performance of government students. It also be true that the student lack of enthusian for government subject brough about low academic performance  of government student.

Therefore, it is against this backdrop that the researchers deceived it necessary to explore and highlight appropriately most of the factors that contributes to academic performance of secondary school government student in owerri municipal council of Imo state.

Statement of the problem

Observed the problem of poor academic performance of students have created an interiet to emback on this study. The problem is reessitated by many variables such as outable homes, fianncial’ constains, lack of te subject matter by the student and teacher work load etc. to maintain a few to achieve the objective of education, government student needs to perform well geadenildally and acquire the requisite knowledge from the subject matter.

Purpose of the study

The general purpose of this study is to investigate  factors that influence the academic performance of government student in secondary school in owerri municipal council. Specially, this study tends to; invesiage how teachers home both found to have a propound affect on student academic performance in secondary school in owerri municipal council Imo State determine financial constrains as a factor on the influence of student academic performance in secondary school Imo State.

Determine lack of learning facilities and learning materials as a notable factor on the influence of student academic performance in secondary school in Imo State.

Scope of the study

This study covers all the public secondary school in owerri municipal council Imo State. This is limited to identifying the factors responsible for the poor academic performance of government student in secondary school. This study will cover some variable that hindrances the academic performance of secondary school students such as lacks of experience teachers financial constrains and inadequate learning facilities and learning materials as a factor that influence students performance.

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Significance of the Study

The finingds of this study when implemented and applied will be beneficial to the following: stakeholders, curriculum planners and principals.

The findings will enable stakeholders in education government curriculum planners and teachers etc. to identify those factors that contribute to poor academic performance of student in government.

Te findings will lso enable curriculum planners, teachers, parents and student to see government as out subject that develops the power of critical thinning, implanting of moral valves which among other things, promote national understanding, enhance the growth and development of the nation and enrichment of human experiences.

The findings will provide the school principal the opportunity to improve in school supervision so as to ensure both quality teaching and learning in the school.

Finally, this study will carry out an enlightment campaign about the important of government to the student and government.

Research Questions

In line with the purpose of the study, the following research questions guides the study:

How does the teacher’s qualification affect student performance in secondary school?

What are the challenges/factors that student fact which influence the academic performance in secondary school.

What are the factors that influence the academic performance of secondary school government students?

Pages:  59

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo                            

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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