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Education Biology

Causes Of Dwindling Enrolment Of Students Biology Education In Colleges Of Education In Delta State




This study investigated the causes of dwindling enrolment of students into College of Education in Delta State. Two research questions guided the study.  A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. Literature were reviewed based on conceptual framework and empirical related studies. The population of the study comprised all the five hundred (500) students in Colleges of Education in Delta State. Fifty biology education students (50) in Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta State and Delta State College of Education Mosogar were randomly selected and used for the study. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire, which was structured by the researcher and validated by an expert in Biology Education and an Educational Measurement and Evaluation in Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba. Fifty (50) copies of the validated questionnaires were administered to the selected students Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta State and Delta State College of Education Mosogar by the researcher with the help 2 research assistance, 46 copies of the instruments were retrieved and analyzed using mean statistics. The study found among other that lack of adequate facilities and lack of interest in education related courses are responsible for the dwindling enrolment of students into colleges of education in Delta State which affects the standard of education in the state. Based on the findings, the study recommended among others that the teaching profession should be repositioned to be one of the best rewarding profession and Colleges of education should be equipped with relevant teaching materials.



Background to the Study

Education is the best legacy every nation can pass to her citizenry. It is the key to the development of any nation. No nation can experience progress and even development without standard education. It is the foundation for every profession and career.

Education according to Onyeachu and Onyeachu (2017) is a veritable tool for national development. This being the case according to them, there is every need to prepare teachers who will educate the citizenry. To that end, Onyeachu et al (2017) opined that for any nation to develop rapidly, there must be a teacher that does the work of educating its citizens. Hence, Mkpa (2016) stated that there can be no meaningful formal education in the absence of the teacher. Education is nothing without qualified teacher. The Federal Republic of Nigeria (2012) averred that no education system may rise above the quality of its teachers. As a result of the above assertion, teachers have to be well prepared practically for effective performance to their duties.

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Since education is the key to science and technological advancement and even development, teachers are the bedrock of education at every level. Without them, the goals of education cannot be achieved. They play vital roles in ensuring that the overall goals of education at all levels are achieved (Roy, 2015).

Teachers are specially trained for this very important task. For effective training of teachers who will in turn teach and train the younger generation, colleges of education were established and charged with the responsibility of training competent teachers in the country. They produce teachers with the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) which happens to be the minimum qualification for entering into the teaching profession. Regular students spend minimum of three (3) years and part-time students spend 4 years in college of education in other to obtain the said qualification; after which they will be registered as professional teachers by Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN). TRCN is a body responsible for registering teachers in Nigeria (Obed, 2018).

Colleges of Education, according to Olabode and Bello (2018) are the institutions that award the Nigeria Certificate In Education (NCE), and this is obtained after a three – year post – secondary school pre – service teacher education programme.

In recognition of the pivotal role of quality teachers in the provision of quality education at all levels, teacher education shall continue to be emphasized in educational planning and development (FGN, 2014:43). Teacher education is the education given in institutions of learning after secondary education. It is through teacher education programme that teachers are prepared for effective performance of their duties. (Onyeachu & Onyeachu, 2016).

In Nigeria, Teacher Education has several levels. These according to Olayanju and Opatayo (2017) are: National Certificate in Education (NCE), Bachelor’s Degree in Education (B. Sc (Ed) or B. Ed ), Professional Diploma in Education (PDE), Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), Master’s Degree in Education (M. Ed) and Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph. D).

More so, the Federal Republic of Nigeria (2014:43) outlined the objectives of Teacher Education as to:

  1. Produce highly motivated conscientious and efficient classroom teachers for all levels of the educational system;
  2. Further encourage the spirit of enquiry and creativity in teachers;
  3. help teachers fit into the social life of the community and the society at large and enhance their commitment to national goals;
  4. Provide teachers with the intellectual and professional background adequate for their assignment and to make them adaptable to changing situation and
  5. Enhance teachers’ commitment to the teaching profession.
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Onyeachu and Onyeachu (2017) noted further that the well-articulated objectives of teacher education cannot be achieved if teachers are not well prepared for effective performance of their duties.

Student enrollment is the process of arranging to attend an institution and specific classes. This term may also describe the number of students that currently attend a school or a course. Student enrollment refers to the act of signing up for school and/or specific classes or co-curricular activities at that particular school (Robert, 2016). The enrollment process is completed after a student is granted admission to a particular school. Students can then select courses to take through their school’s online student information service.

Statement of the Problem

The decline in enrolment of students in colleges of education in Nigeria and Delta State in particular is at an alarming rate.  This has become a matter of concern and has led to people questioning the future of education in Delta State. This is because teacher are the key drivers of education.

The dwindling numerical strength of students in the colleges of education in the state has been attributed to falling standard of teaching profession and the poor remuneration of teachers who are already in the service. It is seen as a profession that welcomes everyone trained and untrained, thereby making it look like unprofessional. Students seem to have lost interest in teaching because those who are already in it are always complaining about non-payment of salaries, poor working environment, poor salary structure and many other issues.

There exist some measures of discrimination, bias and negligence by the society towards NCE especially at the point of job entry and on the job. The society is of the opinion that NCE is meant only to train students to be professional teachers of which most parents and students are not interested in, rather parents prefer their children reading professional courses like engineering, medicine, law, accountancy, pharmacy and the like.

It is against this backdrop that this study is carried out to investigate the dwindling enrolment of students into biology education in colleges of education and proffer solutions to or improve/enhance students’ enrolment in Delta State.

Purpose of the study

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the causes of dwindling enrolment of students in biology education in colleges of education in Delta State. Specially, the study seeks to ascertain:

  1. The causes of dwindling enrolment of students into biology education in colleges of education in Delta State.
  2. The effect of dwindling enrolment of students into biology education on standard of education in colleges of education in Delta State.
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Research Questions

To effectively carry out the study, the following research questions were raised:

  1. What are the causes of dwindling enrolment of students into biology education in colleges of education in Delta State?
  2. What are the effects of dwindling enrolment of students into biology education on standard of education in colleges of education in Delta State?

Significance of the study

The study of this mature could be useful to students, teachers, government, researchers and the field of Biology Education

The study could enable the students to understand the causes of dwindling enrolment of students in biology in colleges of education in the state and how it affects the standard of teacher education. This could help them to play their role by being good ambassadors of teacher education.

It could go a long way in educating the teachers about the dwindling enrolment of students in biology in colleges of education in the state which could help them to work with the government in ensuring that necessary strategies are applied to increase enrolment of students.

The findings of the study could also go a long way in calling the attention of the government through the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) to the dwindling enrolment of students in biology in colleges of education in the state so that they can device a means of increasing enrolment and ensuring that teacher education in the state maintains its standard.

Finally, the study could add to the literature in the field of Biology Education which could also serve as a reference material for researchers who could carry out a similar study.

 Scope of the Study

This study was carried out to investigate the causes of dwindling enrolment of students into biology in Colleges of Education in Delta State. With particular emphasis on causes of dwindling enrolment of students, effect on teacher education and the strategies for increasing enrolment of students in biology in colleges of education in the state.

Pages:  50

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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