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Availability And Use Of Instructional Materials In Teaching And Learning Of Basic Science In Secondary Schools In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State




The study was to examine the availability and use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of basic science in secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. To achieve the essence, the study was divided into five chapters. Four research questions were raise and answered in the study, related literature were reviewed in the study. The study used a descriptive survey. The population comprised of principal, vice principal, basic science teacher and the junior secondary school students from the selected five secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. Sample of the study was a simple random sampling technique which was used to randomly select two hundred and fifty (250) respondents from the five selected secondary school in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire which was validated by two lecturers from the school of business education. The method of data collection was mean statistics to answer the research questions. The findings revealed that; availability of instructional technologies tools, teachers utilization of available instructional materials, students utilization of available instructional materials and teachers use of technology materials influence the teaching and learning of basic science in junior secondary school. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that; school authorities should on they own provide adequate instructional materials for the teaching and learning of basic science so that the students can easily understand and do very well, government should supply needed materials facilities to enhance the teaching of basic science and basic science teachers should ensure they go to class with instructional materials. 




  • Background to the Study
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Instructional materials makes it real by  providing  very good strong examples to learning ,many authors have written on the use of instructional material boy in teaching of basic science and other related subjects in order to enhance teaching for desire social and behavioral  change.These authors include Greenworld (2001),Nwanna (2003), and Adekeye (2008) more specifically, it was emphasized in the works of these authors that the use of instructional materials in a sine que non in affecting behavior of learning‘s of every field especially Basic Science. According to Agu (2000) says that educational experiences involving its learner actively participating in concrete examples are retained longer than abstract experiences.

It was equally shown by some of the authors that these materials are important catalysis of social re-engineering and changes,according to the researcher, it is found that without the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning there will not be an effective impacted knowledge on the students.Advanced in technology have bought instructional materials especially the projected and electronic materials to the fore front as the most radical tools of globalization and social development which have affected the classroom teaching-learning situation positively .The teaching and learning becomes more pleasant to both the teacher and students when there is an availability of instructional materials in teaching and learning of the students. A study by Owolabi (2004) revealed that the performance of Nigerian students in ordinary level (i.e. teaching and learning without an instructional material) basic science was generally poor. This was attributed by the author to many factors of teaching methodology/strategy (teaching skills, other methodology was as well considered as an important factor.

The factors can be said to be poor laboratory facilities, inability if the basic science teacher to put across ideas clearly to the over population inOshimili South local government area, Delta state.  Most subject especially science subject like basic science cannot be fully taught or there will be poor impacted knowledge to the students if not taught with instructional which will result to poor performance in the course.

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  • Statement of the Problem

The relevance of education in my society cannot be understood. It’s regarded as single potent factor which lead to the growth or improvement of the individuals as well as the society. The need to provide basic formal educational instructional materials in teaching of basic science in secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area Delta State .The over population has also lead to the lack of availability and credibility of instructional material in teaching of basic science in terms of effectiveness and appropriateness of the instructional material which remained a major problems and issues of interest in Oshimili South Local Government Area.

  • Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was to access the availability of the credibility of the use of instructional materials in teaching of basic science in secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

  • Assess instructional technology tools available to teachers in secondary schools in Oshimili South
  • Determine instructional materials used by the teachers
  • Determine instructional materials used by students in learning.
  • Identify ways teachers used technology materials for teaching of basic science in secondary school in Oshimili South Local Government Area. 
  • Research Questions

In order to achieve the desired objectives the following research questions were posited to guide the society.

  1. To what extent are instructional technology tools are available to teachers at secondary school in Oshimili South Local Government Area
  2. To what extent do teachers use the instructional materials
  3. To what extent do student use the instructional materials in learning
  4. What are the ways teachers use technology material for teaching of basic science in secondary school in Oshimili South Local Government Area. 
  • Significance of the Study
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The researcher will be if significant to the entire secondary school in Oshimili south local government area of delta state especially to the student in their learning field of study. It will help the educational in providing, utilizing and improving the use of instructional material in teaching of the students in schools. In the other hand, it will direct and encourage secondary schools on the useof instructional materials in teaching andlearning of basic science. The benefit of effective use of instructional material as a tool for teaching and learning of the student cannot be over emphasized, poor academic achievement of the students will be minimized.

Finally, the study would also benefit the future researchers who would be interested in carrying out a further research work in the same field. It will be a source of inspiration and the researcher will find it very helpful for their work, it will expose them to so many new things.

  • Scopes of the Study

The researcher confines the study to the five secondary school in Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State. Specifically designed for secondary school students who are engaged in basic science .This means that the application of the researcher findings is generalized within secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area

Pages:  47

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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