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Nursing Science

Attitude Of Parents Towards Sex Education To Their Children Age (10-19) Years In Ogbue Ihube, Okigwe Local Government Area Of Imo State




This research study was conducted to determine the attitude of parents towards sex education to their children age (10 – 19) years in Ogube Ihube Okigwe Local Government Area of Imo State. Based on the purpose, four objectives were stated which are; to assess the attitude of parents towards imparting sex education to their children, to find out factors influencing the attitude of parents towards sex education, to ascertain the consequences of not imparting sex education and to determine ways of changing the attitude of parents towards sex education. Literatures were reviewed in which opinions and ideas of different authors were gathered about the topic. A descriptive research design was adopted in which structured questionnaires were formulated and used for data collection while simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 100 respondents out of 250 target population. Responses and data collected was arranged using simple percentile tables and bar charts and was analyzed using Likert scale as findings was discussed and based on the findings, it was concluded that parent’s attitude towards sex education was negative with a grand mean score of 2.3 which is below a decision rule of 2.5 in Ogube Ihube Okigwe L.G.A of Imo State. Recommendations were made to help curb these problems such as sex education should be taught through media like television and radio education and also organizing workshops and seminars for parents in order to boost their knowledge pertaining to sex education.

Key words: Attitude, sex education, children, age.



Background of the Study

World Health Organization (WHO) 2012, defined sex education as constructions on issues relating to human sexuality including emotional relation and responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, age of consent, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, birth control and sexual abstinence.

WHO (2012), also defines as adolescent as any person between the age of 10 and 19 years.

Kodogoda (2012), said that adolescent period (10 to 19) years old is a crucial phase of life and it is a stressful period in which the adolescent tries to adjust to his/her varied physical, emotional and psychological changes. Some parents have a negative perception about sex education, they deemed sex education to be a taboo to their adolescent children.

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According to Derek (2015), all theories of adolescent development gives sexuality a central prominence in negotiating the transition from childhood to adulthood. Sexual education may be properly used or abused, because the association between sex and adolescence has often been described as a period of storm and stress suggesting that this is tumultuous and critical stage of life,.

Globally, research has shown that in developed countries like America, Canada and European countries, adolescents constantly want to receive information about sexuality from their parents and teachers. Parents and their children do discuss numerous issues related to sexuality but the frequency of these discussions and the topics covered varies. Adolescents being highly restless and inquisitive group of people will always seek to learn about sexuality from neighbours, electronic media, music, books and internet. They also learn through planned activities in faith communities and schools (International Planned parenthood federation, 2013).

In developing countries especially African, a confluence of cultural, religious and geographical factors create a sensitive environment where issues of sexual and reproductive health have remain highly a taboo for decades. Sexual health suppose to be an important determinant of productivity and national development globally, yet in Nigeria, a mere mention of “SEX” seems to invoke itchy feeling in both the young and old. Adults have usually refrained from discussing sexual matters with the young and traditionally, children are brought up with strict discipline and fear and are punished for questioning their parents on sexual matters. In attempt to catch up with the adults and societal demand, they therefore engage in sexuality complexities such as extra-marital sex which is surrounded by consequences like unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortion and sexual transmissible diseases (EzimoKhian, 2015).

Presently in the developing countries, very few parents have embraced positive sex education and are actively inculcating it to their children. But majority of the parents still have divergent views on sex education which poses a lot of problems making them to refrain from imparting sex education to their children. (Ansah-Addor, 2014).

Nevertheless, these parents are ignorance of the importance of sex education which aims at reducing the rate of unwanted pregnancies, transmission of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. It also offers accurate information about sexuality for young people to develop and understand their values, attitudes and beliefs about sexuality which goes a long way to improve the adolescent sexual health life. (Ragan, 2015).

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Augus (2011), also states that home based sexuality education by parents and school based sexuality education by teacher complements and auguments the sexuality education children receives from their peer groups, religions and community, so as to inculcate the understanding of positive sexuality view as well as provide them with information and skill s about taking care of their sexual health and help them make sound decisions now and in the future.

Ragan (2015), also contend that sex education or family life education is very vital and parents should start very early to impact right information to their children. This present research study narrates the attitude of parents towards sex education to their children age (10 – 19) years.

Statement of Problem

Today, the problem resulting from lack of sex education to the adolescents are numerous. The researcher on an open interaction with some parents of adolescents in Ogube Ihube Okigwe Local Government Area of Imo State observed that they reacted negatively towards inculcating sex education to their children. Some of them sees it as a taboo and a way of teaching them to be promiscuous.

The researcher also observed that in Ogube community that there are high incidence of unwanted pregnancies, increased abortion, high incidence of sexually transmitted disease and high rate of sexual promiscuity among adolescents (10 – 19), poor school performance and high rate of school dropout.

All these problems observed in Ogube Ihube Okigwe motivated the researcher into writing this inorder to determine the attitude of parents towards sex education to their children inorder to proffer solution to this social problems.

Objective of the Study

The broad objective of this study is to investigate on the attitude of parents towards sex education to their children age (10-19) years in Ogube Ihube Okigwe LGA of Imo state.

The specific objectives of this study is to;

  1. Assess the attitude of parents towards imparting sex education to their children.
  2. Find out factors influencing the attitude of parents towards sex education.
  3. Ascertain the consequences of n not imparting sex education.
  4. Determine ways of changing the attitude of parents towards sex education.
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Research Questions

The following research questions have been carefully drawn to achieve a successful work;

  1. What are the attitude of parents towards sex education on their adolescents?
  2. What are the factors that influence the attitude of parents towards sex education?
  3. What are the consequences of not imparting sex education?
  4. What are the ways of changing parents attitude towards sex education?

Significance of the Study

This study will enable parents to appreciate the need for them to develop a positive attitude towards sex education and imparting the knowledge to their children.

The study will help to improve adolescence reproductive health thus minimizing the rate of promiscuity, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, sexual transmitted infection and school dropout. Possible findings from this study will widen the researcher’s knowledge on the subject matter.

To the nurses and other health care professionals it will enable them to make references and carry out more studies related to this work.

The outcome of this study will provide data for reference point in Academics and for policy makers in the area of sex education with such information, the relevant government agencies will draw up guidelines for teaching of sex education in primary and secondary schools.

Scope of the Study

This study was carried out in Ogube Ihube Okigwe in Okigwe Local Government Area of Imo state.

The study is limited to parents of children aged (10 – 19) years in Ogube Ihube Okigwe L.G.A of Imo state.

The study is to investigate the attitude of parents towards sex education to their children aged (10-19) years.

Operational Definition of Terms

  • Attitude: Thoughts and feelings that encourage someone to act as if he/she likes or dislikes something.
  • Parents: Father or mother from which younger ones are derived.
  • Sex: Sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse.
  • Sex education: An instruction on issues realign to human sexuality, emotional relations and responsibility.

Pages:  85

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF        

Chapters: 1-5

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.

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