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The Factors Militating Against Broiler Production In Aboh Mbaise L.G.A, Imo State




The broad objective of the study analyzed factors militating against broiler production in Aboh Mbaise L.G.A, Imo State. The study area is made up of 29 autonomous communities and 10 communities were randomly selected. Four research questions guided the study. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire which comprised of 25 items of 4 point likert rating scale. These were grouped under the various research questions which they related. Frequency distribution table, percentage and mean were used to analyze the research questions.  The factors militating against broiler production recorded; poor housing system, poor management of day old chicks, poor health management of broilers, poor quality feeds, inappropriate stocking rate, inadequate funding, among others. The study recommends that the government should provide loans and credits to the farmers at a lower interest rate and provide extension services to the broiler producers in the rural areas to improve broiler production.



1.1   Background of the Study

The term poultry is used to describe all the avian species which include all those birds which are domesticated, fed and generally managed by farmers. These birds which are domesticated include; chicken (fowl), ducks, geese, turkey, and pigeons, among others. These birds are raised for the purpose of obtaining higher yields of the desired products like eggs, meat, feathers and their droppings which are used by man. Nwakile et al (1994).

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Broiler poultry farming is a lucrative business. Generally highly meat productive birds or poultry breeds are called broiler poultry. Broilers are like other common poultry birds reared mainly for production of meat in a shorter time. Roys (2011).

Broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) are a gallinaceous domesticated fowls, bred and raised specifically for meat production. Broilers are typically the cross bred of Plymouth Rock and Cornish. Typical broilers have white feathers and yellowish skin. Most commercial broilers reach slaughter-weight at between 5 to 6 weeks of age, although slower growing breeds reach slaughter-weight at approximately 14 weeks of age. Due to artificial selection for rapid early growth and the husbandry used to sustain this, broilers are susceptible to several welfare concerns particularly skeletal malformation and dysfunction, skin and eye lesions and congestive heart conditions. The breeding stock (broiler-breeders) grows to maturity and beyond but also has welfare issues related to frustration of a high feeding motivation and beak trimming. Broilers are usually grown as mixed-sex flocks in large sheds under intensive conditions but some breeds can be grown as free range flocks. Kruchten,Tom (2002).

Some challenges facing broiler production include; inappropriate selection of site for poultry farm, lack of ventilation, disease outbreak and environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and lightening. Farhan Ali (2012). However, throughout the world, the domestic birds are unique for its popularity in producing both poultry meat and eggs. In order for poultry birds to produce efficiently, there is need to raise them under a conducive environment. We have various ways of rearing birds like the industrialized system of rearing birds, example; the intensive system which include the battery cage and the deep litter system.

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1.2   Statement of the Problem

Broiler poultry is of economic importance to the entire members of the society, because it provides meat for consumption. It has been observed over the years that there are a lot of impediments in the process of rearing birds. Rearing broilers and its success is generally affected by some number of factors, especially in Aboh Mbaise L. G. A of Imo state which include; high cost of feed, adverse environmental factors (weather and diseases), housing system, lack of fund as well as poor managerial skills in broiler production. According to Ihechere (2010), the major problems generally are the stocking rate, feeding (quantity and quality), diseases, sources of day old chicks, breed and management practices. These factors are also bound to militate against broiler production in Aboh Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State.

1.3   Purpose of the Study  

The general purpose of the study is to identify the factors that militate against broiler production in Aboh Mbaise L. G. A of Imo State. The specific objectives include:

  1. to examine the socio-economic characteristics of broiler producers in the area.
  2. to identify the factors militating against broiler production in Aboh Mbaise L.G.A.
  • to find out the management systems broiler producers adopt in the study area.
  1. to find out the strategies for improving broiler production in Aboh Mbaise L.G.A.
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1.4   Scope of the Study

In this scope, broiler production in Aboh Mbaise L.G.A was carefully examined. This study paid particular attention to factors militating against broiler production.

1.5   Significance of the Study

This study focused on the factors militating against broiler production so as to provide some ways of overcoming them. Through the findings, the broiler producers stand to benefit immensely from this study since it is examining the numerous challenges that confront it as an industrial player and also suggest ways of overcoming these identified challenges.

It is expected that if the problems of these broiler producers / keepers in Aboh Mbaise Local Government Area is addressed, it will provide:

  1. solutions to the management problems of broiler producers in Aboh Mbaise L.G.A of Imo State,
  2. help the poultry farmers to fight against poultry diseases in the area,
  3. boost the economy of the farmers in the area greatly.

1.6   Research Question

  1. what are the socio-economic characteristics of the broiler producers in the area?
  2. What are the factors militating against broiler production in the study area?
  3. What are the management systems broilers producers adopt in the area?
  4. What are the strategies for improving broiler production in the study area?


Pages:  63

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF        

Chapters: 1-5

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.

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