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Vocational Education

Instructional Problems Associated With The Poor Performance In Secondary Schools By Technical Education Students




In recent times, there have been numerous cases of student’s poor performance in Physics Education in most external examinations. Worried by this trend of events, the researchers took an in-depth investigation into students variables and how there influence students academic performance in Physics Education in Secondary Schools in Calabar Municipality, Nigeria. Using questionnaire and student’s academic achievement test, the researchers carefully collected data on the variables viz: sex, age and attitude towards Physics Education. Independent t-test and One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used for data analysis.

The result of data analyzed showed that the three student’s variables: sex, age and attitude have a significant influence on student’s academic performance in Physics Education. it was recommended that government and school administrators should consider helping school children achieve functional academic achievement when they are still young and that parents should encourage their children to go to school younger to enable them perform better in schools.

Pages:  70

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF         

See also  Extent Of Compliance With Government Financial Regulations

Chapters: 1-5                                 

Source: Samphina

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.   


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