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Influence Of Women Education On The Socio-Economic And Political Development In Owerri Municipal Council




The study investigated the influence of women education on the socio-economic and political development in Owerri Municipal Council of Imo State. The study adopted descriptive research design involving three research questions and three hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. This study was carried out in Owerri Municipal Council. The sample size for this study is 500 respondents which were drawn using simple random sampling involving balloting. Instrument for data collection was the questionnaire which were validated by different specialist in the various areas of specialization in education department. Data were analyzed using percentage scores. Hypothesis were tested using Chi Square (X2) at a probability of 0.05 test of significance. Findings were made in the process of answering the research questions. It was discovered that majority of the respondents indicated that women education contributes to community and political development to a high extent and uneducated women affects negatively the socio-economic and political development to a high extent. The ways women education can be improved are also indicated by the respondents. Recommendations were made by the researcher, that there should be no preferential treatment between the male and female sexes by parents when it comes to education. And legislation to ensure education to senior secondary school level compulsory and its implementation should be enforced. The government should do this because any legislation passed by the government is binding on all the people.



In this chapter the researcher will focus on the background of the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study, purpose of the study, significance of the study, research questions and hypotheses.

Background to the Study

Women education is a complex issue and debates surrounding education (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Health education in particular). It includes area of gender equality and access to education, and it’s connection to the alleviation of poverty and political development. Also involved are the issue of single-sex education and religious education, in that the division of education along gender lines, and religious teaching on education have been traditionally dominant, and are still highly relevant in contemporary discussion of female education in global consideration(Anyabuike 2004).

In Nigeria before 1920, primary and secondary education was within the scope of voluntary Christian Organization. Out of a total of 25 secondary schools established by 1920, three were girls only and the remainder were exclusively for boys. Women have had various challenges in order to obtain equal education in all forms of formal education in Nigeria.

Adisa (2001) postulate that the action greatly affected the status of women in many societies with regards to contributing to the meaningful development in the society right from their respective family and community. This assertion means that women are not allowed to access formal education, it made them not to be in a high status or to occupy sensitive positions in the government and contribute to the development of the society. In supporting this assertion, Uruakpa (2008) said that this was as a result of the culture in the past which saw women education as a waste by parents since women will not propagate the name of her family but can only be useful to her husband.

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According to Agada (2006), he said that it was also the belief then that women education ends in the kitchen, as a result of this, the traditional education was preferred (for the women) to formal education. All these were prevalent till in the 1960s, when most African states began to gain their political independence, the United Nations made universal declaration of human right and UNESCO’s educational plans for Nigeria were announced in a conference held in Adis Ababa, Ethiopia. A target was set to achieve hundred percent Universal Primary Education in Nigeria by the year 1980.

Because of the high enrollment schools represent the largest components of the investment in human capital in any society. Rapid social economic and political development of a nation as been observed to depend on the caliber of women and their education in that country. According to Amanze (2017) equally believed that there are glaring evidence that the women who are well educated have contributed a lot to community development both socially, economically and politically in Nigeria. It must be understood by the saying that goes that “he who educates women educates the nation”. This means that the women because of their nature and position in the family, if they are well educated will cause development right from their respective families to their different societies.

In the political process in the 19th century, the formal political world largely excluded women. They did not obtain the right to vote at the parliamentary level until 1918 and then only for women aged over 30. It was until 1928 that they were able to vote on the same terms as men. This took effect because of the national and international organizations formed to coordinate efforts to get the voting right, especially the International Women Suffrage Alliance (founded in 1904 Berlin, Germany) and also worked for equal civil right for women. In Nigeria, women right to vote was granted in the year 1958. This was achieved through the help of educated women who was in constant agitation for their freedom. Before this time women in Nigeria does not have the right to vote and to be voted for. They do not participate in politics in any form. The women does not occupy any sensible position in government because they were not allowed to contest for any political position(Blackmore and Cooksey 2008).

In the economic sphere, women were also limited to participate in the economic development because of not having the opportunity to access education. Women dominated the agricultural system in Nigeria but they do not have access to the technologies that could be used for massive productivity which will lead to economic growth and development in the country(Azikiwe 2007).

It was because of the unjust and inhuman treatment meted on women in  our society that motivated the researcher to embark on this research to enlighten people to realize the importance of women in the social economic and political development. Women need education to take their position in the nation building, because women have important roles to play in every  society especially in developing nations like Nigeria with regards to development which can not be achieved without education.

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Statement of the Problem

Until recently, women education has not received favourable attention from the traditional society. This is because most of the ethnic groups in Nigeria does not see women as people that can make a good contribution to the societal development. For instance, in the part of Igbo culture in Nigeria, women were prohibited from participating in some affairs concerning family and community that is involving ritual, making of laws as well as

decision making within the community. According to Agada (2006) said that it was also the belief then that women education ends in the kitchen, as a result of this, the traditional education was preferred (for the women) to formal education. This means that in the past, meaningful development was left for the men folks alone. But recently more emphasis is layed on girls-child education.

In recent time, equality of the sexes in terms of men and women’s command over resources, their access to education and health and in terms of freedom to develop their potential has an intrinsic value in it’s own right. The treatment of the sexes for intrinsic reasons is in the parlance of welfare economic, the equity, reason for reducing gender imbalances.

If with equal education, women’s contribution to economic and political development is comparable to men, then reducing gender imbalances in education will enhance women’s capacity to contribute to socio-economic and political progress. Therefore, this research want to expose the various ways educated women can contribute to economic and political development. The research also exposes the ways imbalance education of the sexes can be eradicated in Nigeria. The research will also figure out how women education could be improved to increase the number of women enrollment in education and the educated ones in helping to the development of the nation right from their respective communities.

Scope of the Study

The research topic aims at finding the influence of women education on the social, economic and political development in Owerri Municipal. It will also examine how the educated women has contributed immensely to the development of their respective communities. The research will also aim at exposing  ways of improving women education to serve the needs of the developing nations like Nigeria’s principles of development.

Because of time, finance and population, this study will be limited to study only the women in Owerri Municipal and the influence of women education on the social, economic and political development.

Purpose of the Study

Generally, this study is to ascertain out the influence of women education on the social, economic and political development in Owerri Municipal.

Specifically, the objectives of this study sought to;

  1. Analyse the impact of women education on  community development.
  2. Find the negative impact of poorly educated women on community development.
  3. Investigate the ways of improving women education.
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Significance of the Study

The study will be of immense benefits to the following: the women, the government, the academic field of study and the society and future researchers.

The women will benefit from this study because it will help them to be active contributors to the development of women education. The study will help in increase of women enrollment into formal education without any barrier. This study will help the women to see themselves as equal to the men In terms of education and societal development. The research will enable the women understand the importance of education because education is the key to the human capital development.

The research will be of Immense benefit to policy makers in the human resources functions in the educational sector. The government will benefit from this study because it will help them to eradicate sexes imbalances in education in the society and formulate policies that will guide the right of women to participate or have access to formal education. The study will help the  government  to realize the importance of women in governance and decision making of the society and stop seeing them like people that have nothing to contribute to societal development. The study will enable the government to plan on how to improve women education and to plan education to be accessible for women.

The society will benefit from this study because the study will review the contributions of the educated women to take full participation in the development of their various societies and this will encourage the uneducated ones to enroll in education to join hand with others in the development of the society. This study was embarked on because if there are no limitations to women development there will be progress different spheres of society.

Lastly, the findings of this study will be useful for academic purpose. The study will also serve as empirical study and relevant materials to subsequent researchers who might intend to carry out a related topic on this in future. It will also serve as a reference point for subsequent researchers.

 Research Questions

The researcher formulated the following research questions to guide the study.

  1. To what extent does women education contribute to community and political development.
  2. To what extent does uneducated women affect social, economic and political development of Owerri Municipal.
  3. In what possible ways can women education be improved.

Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses are formulated at 0.05 level of significance to guide the study;

 Ho1 There is no significant different between western education and women mobilization.

  1. Ho2 There is no significant different between women education and social, economic and political development.
  2. Ho3 There is no significant difference between the strategies for improving women education and societal development.

    Pages:  82

    Category: Project

    Format:  Word & PDF         

    Chapters: 1-5                                 

    Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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