Primary Education
Influence Of Educational Management And Supervision In Achieving The Goals Of Primary Schools In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State
3 years agoon
This study examined the influence of educational management and supervision in achieving the goals of primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. Three research questions guided the study. Literatures related to the research questions and variables in the study were reviewed along-side empirical related studies. The population of the study comprised of one hundred and fifty (150) primary four and five teachers in all the 23 public primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State the sample of the study was fifty (50) teachers from ten selected primary schools in Oshimili South local government area and to be drawn through Simple random sampling technique. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire, titled: Influence of educational management and supervision in achieving the goals of primary schools (IEMSAGPS), structured by the researcher with the help of the supervisor and validated by two lecturers; one in Primary Education Department and one Measurement and Evaluation of Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta State. Fifty (50) copies of the questionnaire was administered on the fifty (50) selected primary teachers in the selected primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta by the researcher with the help of two research assistants and 46 copies of the questionnaires were retrieved and analyzed. The findings from the study revealed that educational management and supervision positively influence staff development, classroom instruction, school records and facilities which aid in achieving the goals of primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. Based on the findings, it was recommended that government should ensure that educational managers and supervisors are well-equipped with relevant skills that will enable them to be effective in terms of staff development so as to aid in achieving the goals of primary schools; educational managers and supervisors should ensure that classroom instruction is well-supervised to aid in achieving the goals of primary schools and teachers should ensure that schools records are well-kept and facilities are maintained for timely achievement of the set goals of primary schools.
Background to the Study
Education is the bedrock of any developing country, and Nigeria is not an exception. It is the best legacy every nation can leave for the citizens. It is a formal system with a special design which is called the school. The Nigerian educational system is designed based on levels, according to the current educational reform; the levels consist of primary, secondary and tertiary education. The basic level is made up of primary and junior secondary level. There are both private and public schools. The primary schools were supported by public funds (i.e by government) with other support from non-governmental organizations.
Public primary schools are for all the children in various communities. Primary school is a social system as it is a collection of people with contribution towards the achievement of self and the country goals. The children at that level are between six to seven years of age, whom are expected to be taught for at least six years in the schools. Teachers, head teachers and other none teaching staff are provided in such schools. School management and supervision was provided by the government to the schools in order to monitor, assess, guide, improve and help stimulate the teachers in order to perform their duties for the achievement of primary educational aims and objectives.
Primary schools are the basic step taken by all the Nigerian children in order to be trained and prepared for the next step of educational level. Therefore, it is very necessary to make primary school organized since it is the educational foundation for all Nigerian children. It is very important to make sure that primary schools are run the way it supposed to be. In order to achieve the aims and objectives of primary schools, school supervision and management must be constant and proper, so that the teacher will be motivated and work harder. School supervisors do not only monitor teachers but it also give them chance to discuss their problems and provide ways to handle them. In addition, it gives room to improve teachers’ development in terms of promotion issues by identifying those that are due for promotion or those that are supposed to go for studies, workshop and conferences. Effective educational management supervision is very important for the benefit of both teachers and pupils.
Educational management and Supervision is a way of stimulating, guiding, refreshing, encouraging teachers with the hope of achieving the educational set goals. It is an age-long device for improving teachers’ skills (Ogunsaju, 2017). Educational management and supervision is one among the many responsibilities of an educational administration performed by school heads. Since education is very necessary in our country, management and supervision must be given a high priority. This is because educational management and supervision deals with the basic needs of schools and it helps in provision, maintenance, assisting and proper placement of both human and nonhuman materials in schools.
Areas where educational managers and supervisors assess in school include, the resources (fund), environment, school and community development, records, staff development, and school instructional material. All these areas are vital which such schools will not remain as schools without them. Therefore, these are areas which if much attention is not given to; the educational goals will never be achieved or cannot be realized (Obed, 2016).
The most powerful force be deviling education as a system according to Justin (2017) is funding. This cankerworm did not spare school management and supervision. An inadequate fund disallows school to conduct several of its activities and programmes. For example, inspection suffers due to non-staff development, most school heads (managers) supervise school activities on the basis of tacit knowledge, in other words, supervision is made on the basis of unconscious experience not through formal training. Also, a problem made by inadequate funds is the inability of schools to procure facilities for record storage. In many schools, files are inadequate let alone shelves for documenting records for future uses and decision making. This results to several fake results and claims by nonexistent students.
In relation to supervision of school environment; schools nowadays are in court with their host communities for claim and disclaim of lands. Most school territorial lands are not known, may be due to lose of records and inadequate supervision of the lands due to ineffective management. This problem has resulted to several disagreements and conflict which result to having bad school-community relationship. The bad school community relationship result, to hostility and affect students’ moral control. In fact, in some cases result to theft of the school’s properties. Moreover, inadequate environmental supervision results to schools becoming bushy, thereby making the school prone to fire disaster and snake bite. Most of these problems are associated with the inadequate school managerial skills and funds for managing primary schools in Oshimili South.
In order to attain the educational aims and objectives in the country, educational management and supervision should be given more attention on the aspect of instructional work because it is the heart of the school. Teachers’ activities and class activities will be assessed by the management to find out the teachers’ level of skills, knowledge and ideas. And also, to observe the pupils’ capacity on learning activities and to realize whether the instruments provided by the government were adequate and used by both the pupils and the teachers (Philip, 2018).
Effective educational management and supervisors will make sure that there is provision of proper school environment with good surroundings, proper cites and area, play-ground equipment and garden with good colorful flowers that will beautify the school, proper arrangement of water devices (Philip, 2017). All these and many more make and encourage teaching and learning in schools.
Another area to be well supervised is the school facilities, the supervisors were expected to investigate the provision, maintenance and functioning of school facilities provided by the school management. School facilities involve; library equipment, tables, chairs, lab equipment, play-ground facilities, toilets, and urinary materials. The supervisors help in the provision of school facilities and maintenance.
The last but not the least area supervised by school managers is the inspection of school records. This is a very important way of having the historical, references, documentation and evaluation of teachers, head teachers and the pupils of the school. School records involves functioning, availability, and maintenance of the school records. If there is proper and regular supervision in this mentioned, areas, in our primary school basically, education in Nigeria will be improved and the aims and objectives will be attained not only in primary school but also in the higher academic level of education and the output or the graduates will be more qualitative in terms of skills and knowledge, because primary school is the foundation of any knowledge if there is concrete foundation. Hence the need to ascertain the influence of educational management and supervision in achieving goals of primary education.
Statement of the Problem
Educational management and supervision plays vital role in staff development, instructional resources, school records, environment and the overall teaching and learning. It ensures that teaching and learning at all levels of education, particularly the primary school level is effective and the overall goals are achieved.
The standard of primary education in Nigeria seems to be falling. This is because there seem to be decline in the performance of students who just finished primary school which many attributed it to ineffective management and supervision.
As a result of ineffective management and improper supervision, education lacks its quality, because there are inadequate facilities, no harmony and good relationship between school and the community, no proper maintenance and availability of school records and also the instructional works were not given maximum attention. It appears that schools are facing a lot of problems which cause the backwardness in educational sector. These therefore, call for this research so as to find out the influence of educational management and supervision on achieving goals of primary education in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to ascertain the influence of educational management and supervision in achieving goals of primary schools in Oshimili south Local Government Area of Delta State. Specifically, the study sought to examine:
- The influence of educational management and supervision on staff development in primary schools.
- The influence of educational management and supervision on classroom instruction in primary schools.
- The influence of educational management and supervision on school records and facilities in Primary schools
Research Questions
To effectively carryout this study, the following research questions were raised:
- What is the influence of educational management and supervision on staff development in primary schools?
- What is the influence of educational management and supervision on classroom instruction in primary schools?
- What is the influence of educational management and supervision on school records and facilities in Primary schools?
Significance of the Study
The study will be of immense benefit to pupils, teachers, educational planners, government, researchers and the field of primary education as a whole.
The teachers will benefit from this study because it will help them to understand the influence of educational management and supervision on achieving the overall goals of primary schools.
It could go a long way in helping the government to identify the influence of educational management and supervision on achieving the goals of primary education and the ways in which it could be enhanced for effective service delivery.
The study could add to the literature in the field of primary education which could also serve as a reference material for researchers who may wish to carry out related study.
Scope of the Study
This study is delimited to the influence of educational management and supervision in achieving goals of primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. With particular emphasis on staff development, classroom instruction, school records and facilities.
Pages: 50
Category: Project
Format: Word & PDF
Chapters: 1-5
Source: Imsuinfo
Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.

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