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Implication Of Success Factors On Project Implementation Effectiveness [A Study Of Selected Construction Companies In Imo State]




This study focused to examine implication of success factors on project implementation effectiveness, a study of selected construction companies in Imo state. This study’s specific objectives are to; assess the extent, cost and budget attainment affect project implementation effectiveness, determine the extent managers’ professionalism contribute to project implementation effectiveness and as ascertain the effects of stakeholders activities to project implementation effectiveness on some selected construction companies in Imo state. This study adopted survey design, data collected through primary and secondary sources. In the cause of this study, 140 copies of descriptive stationers, with likert formula were distributed but 100 copies were completed and returned back. This study analyzed the data collected and weighted the score distribution using principal maximum likelihood with probit regression analysis to capture the implication of success factors of cost, professionalism and stakeholders activities of the project sampled. The probit analysis results showed that projects approved in 2010 – 2018 performed better than projects approved in earlier years with 75%, which is 10% higher than those approved in 2001 – 2010 (60%). The average GDP and political stability indents indicated positive and scientific at 5% significant levels which clearly suggest that economic condition and political stability significantly affects the success of projects in Nigeria. Cost/budget, managers’ professionalism and stakeholders’ activities executed significant effects on the probability of effective project implementation. The study therefore concluded that collective responsibility among project stakeholders is a paramount condition for project implementation effectiveness. Also, that stable and sustainable economic and political condition is very necessary for all sectors project implementation effectiveness. It was therefore recommended that the economic and political atmosphere in Imo state and Nigeria at large should be conducive and managers should be professionals in cost budget estimation for effective and efficient implementation of projects.

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1.1 Background of the Study

The process of project implementation, involving the successful development and introduction of projects in the organization, presents an ongoing challenge for managers. The project implementation process is complex, usually requiring simultaneous attention to a wide variety of human, budgetary, and technical variables. As a result, the organizational project manager is faced with a difficult job characterized by role overload, frenetic activity, fragmentation, and superficiality. Often the typical project manager has responsibility for successful project outcomes without sufficient power, budget, or people to handle all of the elements essential for project success. In addition, projects are often initiated in the context of a turbulent, unpredictable, and dynamic environment. Consequently, the project manager would be well served by more information about those specific factors critical to project success. The project manager requires the necessary tools to help him or her focus attention on important areas and set differential priorities across different project elements. If it can be demonstrated that a set of factors under the project manager’s control can have a significant impact on project implementation success, the project manager will be better able to effectively deal with the many demands created by his job, channeling his energy more efficiently in attempting to successfully implement the project under development.

Much has been researched in the field of project management. The outcome of this has provided a lot of good ideas and methods, both theoretical and practical. Frameworks for measuring project success have been introduced, the idea of a balanced scorecard, critical success factors and so forth.

It is however worthwhile to mention that the  factors of successful project implementation effectiveness in Nigeria may vary from other countries of the world, especially advanced nations such as the USA, Japan, Canada, Britain, etc. Even though that same processesor factors of implementation and delivering successful projects are concerned.

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Projects can simply fail, although all planning and execution is near perfect, simply because they are ethically challenged and time was not reserved to evaluate ethical aspects. Project can be technically perfect, its planning and execution are excellent but it may fail because it goes against virtue, does not facilitate well-being of many, goes against what we would like to see as the categorical imperative project manager or work against the rights of people involved in the project and the society.

 1.2 Statement of the Problem

Over the years, there have been several theories and suggested strategies for successful project implementation effectiveness management based on the critical success factors as identified by Pinto and Slevin [1989] and Schultz et al [1989]. Thus these suggested factors have enhanced and improved the success level of project management implementation and practices in some countries such as U.S.A as reported by Wilemon and Baker [1993].

Then, why is project management practice and implementation effectiveness in Nigeria still in an undefined state. It is crystal clear that the landscape of Nigeria is lettered with several abandoned projects, even projects that are completed have minimal satisfaction, much more expansive in the cost of execution and most time delivered behind the schedule or end time and most often below the designed specification, even when all necessary condition of fund, technical knowhow, security and other supports are there. Furthermore, the big question here is, is it that the critical factors identified by the researchers do not apply in the case of projects implemented in Nigeria? However, even if these identified success factors are implemented, how effective were they implemented after all? Otherwise why then is it that our project management professionals have not used them to improve their project implementation effectiveness level all this while. Finding the solutions to the above stated problems is the paramount concern of the study.

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1.3     Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to analyze the Success Factors on Project Implementation Effectiveness.

To this extent the specific objectives of this study includes:

  • To assess the extent to which the project implementation effectiveness can be attributed to environmental, economic, social, cultural and technical/technological factors.
  • To measure the extent mangers skills, experience and competence affect project implementation effectiveness.
  • To assess the implication of project estimates, schedule and design on project implementation effectiveness.

1.4     Research Questions

Finding answers to the following questions is of importance to the realization of the stated objectives.

  • To what extent are environmental, economic, social, cultural and technological factors more implacable to project implementation effectiveness?
  • To what extent is managers skills, experience and competence correlated to project implementation effectiveness
  • To what extent is project implementation effectiveness more reliable on project estimates, schedule and design?

1.5     Research Hypotheses

In order to test the statistical validity of effects of answers obtained on the above question to project implementation effectiveness, the hypothetical proposition is tested:

H01:    There is no significant relationship between implicable success factors, such as environmental, economical, social, cultural and technological factors and project implementation effectiveness.

H02. There is no significant relationship between manager skills, experience and competence and project implementation effectiveness.

H03. There is no significant relationship between project estimate, schedule and design and project implementation effectiveness.

Pages:  55

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF         

Chapters: 1-5                                 

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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