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Primary Education

Impact Of Human And Material Resources On Pupils’ Academic Performance In Basic Science In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State




This study examined the impact of human and material resources on pupils’ academic performance in Basic Science in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.  Thee research questions guided the study. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of four hundred and Forty-eight (448) teachers from all the 23 primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State while the sample of the study was forty-five (45) teachers from ten (9) selected primary schools in Oshimili South local government area drawn through Simple random sampling technique to serve as the representative of the entire population. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire. Forty-five (45) copies of the validated questionnaire items were administered to basic teachers in the selected public schools in Onitsha North Local Government Area of Anambra State by the researcher with the help of two research assistance and 45 of the administered instruments were retrieved and analyzed using mean statistics.  The findings of the study revealed among others that human and material resources such as laboratories, audio-visual materials, audio materials, electronic materials, visual, qualified basic science teachers are readily available for teaching basic science, human and material resources used in primary schools positively influence pupils attitude towards basic science and there are factors that affect effective utilization of material resources  in teaching basic science such as teachers’ inability to improvise instructional resources, large class size, primary school teachers’ and so on. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that government should ensure constant electricity supply and build more classrooms for effective utilization of audio-visual instructional resources in teaching basic science; and government should build basic science laboratories in primary schools to enhance effective teaching and learning of basic science.



Background to the Study

Teaching learning is made possible with the aid of resource which could be human or material. The human and material resources contribute immensely to the achievement of desired objectives. Without these two, teaching and learning cannot be achieved. They are the brain behind every successful teaching and learning.

Contextually, resources are tools for up-lifting the standards of education and the level of compliance in implementing the resource for teaching and learning process is decided at level and the type of education to be provided. The human resources are set of individuals who occupy certain positions in an organization, be it in the business or public sector domain. The material resources are assets that are in form of material possessions and they can be sourced or supplied for achieving organizational or societal objectives (Ronald, 2016). Gbeinbo (2019) asserted that learning occurs through someone’s interaction with his/her environment; that is, a person is capable of generating learning from environment without being taught. Environment here refers to facilities or resources that are available to facilitate students learning outcome. It includes textbooks, audio-visual, software and hardware of educational technology, size of classroom, sitting position and arrangement. Availability of tables, chairs, chalk boards, library, laboratories, school bus, plants, building, well, lighting, ventilation, football pitch, sickbay, suggestion box etc.

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Resources in school can be human or material. Human Resources (HR) of an organization consist of all staff (teaching, managerial, and technical/support staff) engaged in any of the organization’s activities. It is well-recognized that the human resources of any school are its most valuable asset (Ukpabi, 2015). Despite the scarcity of resources, there is the need to expand and reform the educational system and ensure its quality in meeting the popular demand. Of the human resources required for the production function of the school system, teachers are the most vital. This is because they play great facilitative role in the teaching – learning process. Human resources (HR) is the division of a business that is charged with finding, screening, recruiting, and training job applicants, and administering employee-benefit programs (Robert, 2017). Human resources responsibilities include compensation and benefits, recruitment, firing, and keeping up to date with any laws that may affect the company and its employees. While Material includes physical assets like laboratories, libraries, material tools, writing materials, classrooms, etc used to develop student academic performance. Material resources are also seen as physical resources utilized by educational institutions in the process of implementing educational programmes.

Basic science as subject serves as the foundation to the study of the physical, natural world and phenomena, especially by using systematic observation and experiment. Basic Science stimulates and excites pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. It also satisfies this curiosity with knowledge. Omiko (2015) sees basic science  as a science in which concepts and principles are presented so as to express the fundamental unit of scientific taught and avoiding premature or undue stress on the distinction between various scientific fields. Ukpabi (2017) defined Basic Science as a science in undifferentiated form which stresses the fundamental unity of science.

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The situation of Nigerian Educational system has subsequently brought serious concern about the quality and quantity of trained teachers, equipment and facilities in the school set-up. As the public intensifies their criticisms of education system in Nigeria, experts in education are also intensifying their search to enhance the quality of education (Onyesom, 2013).  Hence the need to assess the impact of human and materials resources on pupils’ academic performance in basic science in Oshimili south Local Government Area of Delta state.

Statement of the Problem

Resources constitute the major strategic factor that fosters excellent academic achievement but, what constitutes the resources in education is determined at the level and the type of education to be provided.

Basic science is a subject designed to equip pupils with the basic skills in sciences which will enable them to effective performance in sciences. To achieve this laudable objective, resources such as human, physical facilities and equipment among others are not only important but are expected to be available and effectively utilized in the teaching and learning processes.

Primary school pupils’ academic performance basic science in public examinations of recent is one of the major means by which the general public judges the products from primary schools in Nigeria. This being the case, Nigeria has not fared favorably well in her attempt to providing quality education to her citizens (Ibukun, Oyetakin, Akinrotimi, Akinfolarin and Ayandoja, 2012). Factors such as motivation, leaders supervision, quality and quantity of teaching staff and materials, have influence on pupils’ academic performance (Ibukun et al, 2012). The problem of downward trend in academic performance of pupils has often been attributed to a number of factors among which are the principal’s leadership style, teachers’ quality, home factors, government factors and non-provision of educational resources (human, material, financial and physical resources) Ekundayo et al (2010). However, this study is limited to the provision of human resources and pupils’ academic performance in primary schools. Disparities in performance continued to be noticed as one of the many challenges facing education. These variations had raised a lot of concern as the government expenditure on education was not only aimed at increasing enrolment but also ensuring that academic performance was improved in these institutions at minimum cost.

It is against this backdrop that this study is carried out to ascertain the impact of human and material resources on pupils’ academic performance in Basic science in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to ascertain the impact of human and material resources on pupils’ academic performance in Basic science in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. The study specifically sought to ascertain:

  1. The availability of human and material resources for teaching basic science in primary schools in Oshimili South.
  2. The extent to which human and material resources influence pupils attitude towards basic science in Oshimili South.
  3. Factors affecting the effective utilization of material resources in teaching basic science in primary schools in Oshimili South.
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Research Questions

To effectively carry out the study, the following research questions were raised:

  1. What are the human and material resources available for teaching basic science in primary schools in Oshimili South?
  2. To what extent does human and material resources influence pupils attitude towards basic science in Oshimili South?
  3. What are the factors affecting the effective utilization of material resources in teaching basic science in primary schools in Oshimili South?

 Significance of the Study

The study of this nature would be of benefit to pupils, teachers, government, field of primary education and researchers as a whole.

          The study would be of benefit to the pupils because it will help them understand the influence of human and material resources on their rate of class participation, study habit and attitude towards basic science.

It would also go a long way in making the teachers understand how human and material resources influence pupils’ academic performance which would enable them ensure that the materials resources needed to make teaching and learning lively are made available and accessible to the pupils. This will go a long way in improving their performance.

Findings of the study would also call the attention of the government to the scarcity of human and material resources particularly at the primary school level and the influence such have on pupils’ academic performance. This could enable take the necessary steps in ensuring that resources are made available and accessible, both to the teachers and the pupils.

Finally, the study would add to the literature in the field of Primary Education which could also serve as a reference material to scholars and researchers as a whole.

Scope/Delimitation of the Study

The scope of the study covered impact of human and material resources on pupils, academic performance in Basic Science in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.  The study was delimited to only public primary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Pages:  45

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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