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Full List of Microfinance Banks That Offers Loans in Nigeria



Full List of Microfinance Banks That Offers Loans in Nigeria

Full List of Microfinance Banks That Offers Loans in Nigeria

In this article, we will be walking you through the full List of Microfinance Banks That Offers Loans in Nigeria which will guide you in decision-making when choosing a MFB to obtain a loan.

If Knowing the full list of Microfinance Banks That Offers Loans in Nigeria is your interest or concern at the moment, kindly read till the end.

Before we move further, let’s understand the major role of Microfinance Banks in the country.

Microfinance Bank

Microfinance banks (MFB) thrive on providing services to the “unbankable”. Therefore, they provide services to those that can’t access regular commercial bank services. Essentially, they cater to all the immediate and potential needs that one may have.

Microfinance banks are mainly patronized by low-income earners, especially those without high-value assets which are needed to obtain loans from commercial banks. One of the major services provided by these banks is to salary earners. There are MFB that give loans to salary earners, allowing them to pay them back some time later.

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Below is the full list of MMicrofinance Banks that give loans in Nigeria

Full List of Microfinance Banks That Offers Loans in Nigeria

  1. Lapo microfinance bank
  2. Purple money microfinance bank
  3. CIT microfinance bank
  4. AB Microfinance bank 
  5. Grooming microfinance bank
  6. Addosser Microfinance bank
  7. Asset Microfinance bank
  8. Bowen Microfinance Bank
  9. Capstone Microfinance Bank
  10. Cardinal Rock Microfinance Bank
  11. Cashconnect Microfinance Bank Ltd
  12. Cedar Microfinance Bank
  13. Chanelle Microfinance Bank
  14. CIT Microfinance Bank
  15. Corestep Microfinance Bank
  16. Cowries Microfinance Bank
  17. Credit Afrique Microfinance Bank
  18. Credit Express Microfinance Bank
  19. Crossover Microfinance Bank
  20. Daylight Microfinance Bank
  21. Desmonarchy Microfinance Bank limited
  22. Echo Microfinance Bank
  23. Edo Microfinance Bank
  24. Empire Trust Microfinance Bank
  25. Enrich Microfinance Bank limited
  26. FFS Microfinance Bank
  27. Finatrust Microfinance Bank
  28. Finex Microfinance Bank
  29. First Option Microfinance Bank
  30. Flourish Microfinance Bank
  31. Fortress Microfinance Bank
  32. Giant strides Microfinance Bank
  33. Global Initiative Microfinance Bank
  34. Glory Microfinance Bank
  35. Green energy Microfinance Bank
  36. Hackman Microfinance Bank
  37. Headway Microfinance Bank
  38. High street Microfinance Bank
  39. GTI Microfinance Bank
  40. IBILE Microfinance Bank
  41. Ipodo-Ikeja Microfinance Bank
  42. Island Microfinance Bank
  43. Jessefield Microfinance Bank
  44. Kayvee Microfinance Bank
  45. Kudimoney Microfinance Bank
  46. Lawebod Microfinance Bank
  47. Leadcity Microfinance Bank limited
  48. Letshego Microfinance Bank
  49. Lifegate Microfinance Bank
  50. Links Microfinance Bank
  51. Magnet Microfinance Bank
  52. Main trust Microfinance Bank
  53. Mainstreet Microfinance Bank
  54. Manny Microfinance Bank limited
  55. Lovonus Microfinance Bank
  56. Maritime Microfinance Bank
  57. Sunrise Microfinance Bank
  58. Supreme Microfinance Bank
  59. Surbpolitan Microfinance Bank
  60. Susu Microfinance Bank
  61. Touchgold Microfinance Bank
  62. Townserve Microfinance Bank
  63. Treasures Microfinance Bank
  64. TCF Microfinance Bank
  65. Ultimate Microfinance Bank
  66. VCL Microfinance Bank
  67. Verdant Microfinance Bank
  68. Verite Microfinance Bank
  69. VFD Microfinance Bank
  70. Wesley Microfinance Bank
  71. Vineland Microfinance Bank
  72. Virtue Microfinance Bank
  73. XSLNCE
  74. YCT Microfinance Bank
  75. Zikado Microfinance Bank
  76. NPF Microfinance Bank
  77. Okengwe Microfinance Bank
  78. Oros Capital Microfinance Bank
  79. Owotutu Microfinance Bank
  80. Parallex Microfinance Bank
  81. Parkway Microfinance Bank
  82. Pecan Trust Microfinance Bank
  83. Pennywise Microfinance Bank
  84. Personal trust Microfinance Bank
  85. Petra Microfinance Bank
  86. NIRSAL Microfinance Bank
  87. Projects Microfinance Bank
  88. Providence Microfinance Bank
  89. Primera Microfinance Bank
  90. Purple money Microfinance Bank
  91. Rhehoboth Microfinance Bank
  92. Renmoney Microfinance Bank
  93. Ric Microfinance Bank
  94. Richway Microfinance Bank
  95. Pyramid Microfinance Bank
  96. Qube Microfinance Bank
  97. Reliance Microfinance Bank
  98. Rigo Microfinance Bank
  99. Royal blue Microfinance Bank
  100. Royal Exchange Microfinance Bank
  101. Safe Gate Microfinance Bank
  102. Seed Capital Microfinance Bank
  103. Shalom Microfinance Bank
  104. Shepherd Trust Microfinance Bank
  105. Snow Microfinance Bank
  106. Solid Allianze Microfinance Bank
  107. Solid trust Microfinance Bank
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Some Frequently Asked Questions

Are There MFBs that Don’t Offer Salary Loan Services?

This is a great question to ask, to be honest, most, if not all microfinance banks, offers loans to salary earners. It is a basic service offered by financial institutions, including commercial and microfinance banks.

What are the Requirements To Apply For a Salary Earners MFB Loan?

The major eligibility requirement while applying for this loan is that your salary account is domiciled with the bank. Therefore, when your salary is paid at month’s end, they can easily deduct your loan repayment. Also, your salary needs to be up to a particular amount for you to access a certain amount of loan. In all, they would present you with the available options during the application.


Microfinance Bank’s primary function is to offer financial services which also include giving out loans, especially to salary earners.  So if you are a salary earner, you can easily walk into any legitimate microfinance bank and request a loan.

However, before collecting any loan from Microfinance Bank, make sure to properly go through their terms and conditions which include their interest rates, duration of the loan, etc.

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