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Education Accountancy

Factors Affecting Funding Of Tertiary Education In Imo State




This study investigated the factors affecting funding of tertiary education in higher institutions in Imo State. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. Four research questions guided the study. The sample consisted of 24 lecturers and 600 students. Rating scale was the instrument for data collection. Findings showed that inadequate fund leads to lack of facilities, lack of provision of qualified lectures and unemployment. The study recommends among others that there should be sufficient budgetary provisions for the management of school facilities.



The researcher presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study purpose of the study, significance of the study and research questions.

  • Background of the Study

World over, it is a truism that education remains the ultimate instrument and a veritable tool for enforcing a more reliable and radical societal change. In this wise, the national policy on education (2007:3) state that education in Nigeria is no more a private enterprise, but a huge government venture that has witnessed complete and dynamics intervention and active participation.

Also, the federal government of Nigeria has adopted education as an instrument per excellence for effective national development. The above, no doubt indicate how relevant education is the nation, and this is so because the nation uses education to develop the natural potentials of Nigerians, thereby shaping their skills for effective labour force with high Productivity and reliable prospects for continuously pushing the nation progressively forward to the height of development and service to humanity.

Based on this, it deems it necessary that every school in Nigeria must be adequately funded to achieve this purpose of education stated by the Federal Government in its National policy on Education (N.P.E.).

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This implies that for educational objectives to be realized in given nation, there is a need to invest substantially in the education sector in order to standardize it which will in turn bring the academic excellence of the students and eradication of illiteracy.

The university according to Emma Obasi (2010:35) is at the apex of the apex of higher education system in Nigeria and offer academic performance leading to the award of Bachellor Degree (B.Sc, B. A, Ed, B. Tech; LL.B etc) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degrees in various field of learning. Therefore since the university is at the apex of higher learning. The aims of higher education in Nigeria as identified by National Policy of education are wide in scope and could not attained if there is struggle in the finding.

This is because there is no achievement in life without proper funding. Many schools in Nigeria are seriously underfed as Federal University of Technology, Owerri cries out that its major problems is funding. This also accounted for why in the 70s and 80s, that oils crisis resulted in the decline of education in Nigeria. Till today e.g finding the Imo State University I of great utility value because it forms parts of the state pride. “when it is adequately funded, candidates will not hesitate to apply for admission and parents likewise will make it mandatory for their children to school there, but because of this bad scenario created as a result of inadequate funding, many families including the writers would prevents their children from schooling in Imo State University.

For example, improper funding in Imo State University gas resulted in not having a single school hostel where students can lodge at a reduced price and this has in effect affected a considerable numbers of students who cannot afford the huge amount of being paid by hostels off campus, because of this, there is a need for adequate finding in the education sector in order to realize the educational objective to its fullest.

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  • Statement of the Problem

Over the years, it has been generally observed that higher institutions in Owerri have been experiencing poor funding (Prof. Jude Njoku, Vice Chancellor of the federal University of Technology Owerri, FUTO) in an interview with the senior editor of champion newspapers afore-mentioned poor funding as one of the major problem confronting the school.

He lamented that, under-funding is fundamental to all the problems of the University, that when you hear there is crisis in the system, it is obviously due to inadequacy of fund. Poor funding in the University has resulted to the shortage of infrastructural materials to teach and to do research, and as a result the welfare of the staff and students are jeopardize thereby resulting to poor academic performance of the students.

Therefore, the research in this study, tends to expose how adequate funding will lead to the academic performance of the students.

  • Scope of the study

This study aims at finding out the factors affecting funding of education in higher institution in Imo State. The institutions; Imo State University, Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) and Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education.

  • Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to examine the level of funding in tertiary institution in Imo State and how adequate funding will lead to the academic excellence of the students.

Specially, the study aimed at funding out;

  1. The level of funding in higher institution in Imo State
  2. Whether the poor academic performance of the students is as a result of poor funding.
  • How adequate funding will increase academic excellence of the students.
    • Significance if the Study
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Considering the importance of education as a foundation of the academic development of a child in such that any mistake in its proper funding will automatically affect the academic performance of the students at all level.

This study therefore, mopes to x-ray the need of finance for development in education, how a well funded school can minimize the academic performance of students and at the same time. The necessity of fund for societal development.

Finally, this study will enable the educational planners to plan a programme of study that will enhance a good education for all.

  • Research Questions

The following questions guided the study

  1. To what extents do school facilitate enhance teaching and learning?
  2. To what extent are school facilitate adequate.
  3. What role has the authorities in the provision of adequate facilities in school?
  4. To what extents does school administered action makes provision for adequate funding in school?
    • Hypotheses

The hypotheses were formulated at 0.05 level of significance.

  1. i) There is a significant difference in the rating of the responses of teacher regarding the role of adequate funding the enhancement of teaching and learning and consequently students’ excellence.
  2. ii) There is no significant difference in the rating of the responses of teachers on schools that have adequate funding and the schools that do not have.
  3. iii) There is no significant in the rating the role of authorities in schools.

There is no significant difference in the rating of the responses of teachers regarding the role of school administration in the provisions of adequate school facilities.

Pages:  70

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo                            

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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