Computer Education
Availability And Usage Of Instructional Materials In Teaching Computer Studies In Junior Secondary Schools In Onitsha South Local Government Area Of Anambra State
3 years agoon
This study was carried out to investigate availability and usage of instructional materials in teaching computer studies in junior secondary schools in Onitsha South Local Government Area of Anambra State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised of 3421 junior secondary school students and computer studies teachers while the sample of the study was 342 junior secondary school students and computer studies teachers selected at random to represent the entire population. Three research questions were raised to guide the study. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire which was developed by the researcher and validated by two experts; one in Measurement and Evaluation and one in Biology Education Department of Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba. 342 copies of the validated questionnaires were administered to the students and the teachers in Onitsha South Local Government Area of Anambra State and 336 questionnaires were retrieved and analyzed. On the basis of the analysis, it was found that audio and audio-visual materials such as audio tapes, monitors, speakers are used in teaching computer studies and poor electricity supply and poor state of facilities affects the use of instructional materials teaching computer studies. Based on the findings, it was recommended that government through the ministry of power should ensure constant electricity supply for effective use of instructional materials in teaching computer studies and there should be training and re-training of computer studies teachers on the practical aspect of computer studies.
Background to the Study
In teaching, it is highly desirable to know exactly what one aims to achieve as it is in all great undertaking. Teaching is regarded as one of the oldest human activities or occupation. Some see it as an activity, a profession or occupation. Teaching is the process where an expert, a more experienced person with more knowledge and skills assists a less experienced or knowledgeable individual to gain knowledge and experience; Onwuka (2012), viewed teaching as a process of making impression on passive students. The preoccupation of teachers involved in this method is to hand over to the students whatever the teachers themselves received from others. This conception of teaching was based on the misconception that the students’ heads were empty and blank. The teacher’s role then was to fill the empty heads with facts irrespective of whether they are relevant, understood by the students. It is an attempt to bring about desirable changes in the learner’s behavior and it reflects the expected behaviour needed in improving on the learner and the society where he lives.
The aim of teaching is to bring about a desirable change in behaviour of the learner. Learning is achieved through teaching and observation. Frender (2010) defines learning as changes in perception; knowledge of an individual, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills is generally regarded as a constructive activity such as working-memory capacity and general knowledge. Gibbs (2012) suggests that learning is much more an evolutionary, sense making, experimental process of development than simple acquisition. Therefore, learning is a process which causes a change in behavior of an individual. Teaching is the process of developing the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of or power of the learner through giving the learner knowledge of facts about subject matter, reinforcing or developing in the learner certain physical or manipulative skills (Akande, 2010).
Adesina (2013), asserted that the quality of education that children receive bears direct relevance to utilization of instructional facilities, which include teaching aids and the overall atmosphere in which learning takes place. Instructional materials according to Joan (2012), are kind of tools or equipment that can help the instructor effectively in theory teaching classroom or in practical assessment. They are also materials that aid in the transference of information from one to another. Also, Akande (2010) pointed that instructional material are aids the teacher uses to arouse the interest of the learner there by enabling the learner to gain direct experience. Instructional materials are assumed to have being in place right from the primary school level but if not properly utilized, enhancement of learning is thwarted. The neglect of the use of instructional materials by teachers pose negative effect in the process of teaching and learning of integrated studies and computer. Akande (2010) pointed out that at present, schools are continually faced with financial problem and this could increase the likelihood that teachers will make more use of free or cheap teaching materials to supplement their own ageing resources.
The extent to which instructional materials are made available also determines the extent to which they are being utilized in teaching and learning of computer studies. Onwuka (2012) indicated that instructional materials help the teacher to convey the intended message effectively and meaningfully to the learners so that the learner receive, understand, retain and apply the experience gained to reach an educational goal. Instructional materials are some of the most important devices which both teachers and learners can use to enhance the quality of instruction. They are good sources of acquiring factual information and help to make learning permanent (Kingsley, 2012). Man is naturally endowed with five senses: smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste. learning or change in behavior is through these senses. In effect, these senses should come into play for effective learning. In the classroom the teacher therefore, must sensitize the sense of the learner through the use of instructional materials.
The various topics in junior secondary schools in integrated studies and computer demand the use of instructional materials by the teacher from the preparation and delivery of their lessons to student. Instructional materials include all terms of information carriers that can be used to promote and encourage effective teaching and learning activities. They could be in form of text book, reference books, journals, posters, chart, programmed text, non-print materials, such as films, tapes, models, picture, recorders etc. Furthermore, instructional materials are anything the teacher turns for help in his goal-seeking activities. The help may be in form of information, idea, formulae, generalization or experiences.
Tremendous changes have taken place in the development of studies and technology. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and the school boards are supposed to provide schools with funds for the procurement of instructional materials likewise, the teacher should use the available materials in his everyday teaching learning process, bearing in mind that the interest of children will be aroused more when they see things in their natural setting and the educational goal will be achieved as well.
Statement of the Problem
The extent of use of instructional materials should not be excluded in teaching and learning of computer studies. They supply a concrete basis for conceptual thinking and hence reduce meaningless word responses of students. It was observed that the result of student in computer studies at junior secondary school certificate examinations (JSSCE) are consistently poor (Roy, 2015). Some of the causes of this poor achievement is related to lack of understanding of the concepts. Also, the populations of students in continuation of studies subjects in senior secondary schools are drastically reduced. One would ask, are there no knowledgeable teachers who can impact the knowledge of the concepts effectively. For a teacher to be effective in her work, she must know the principles of teaching which also include the use of instructional materials. Teachers have neglected the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of computer studies which has impacted negatively on the students’ academic performance. They engage themselves with chalk and talk method which leaves the student with little or no understanding. This study therefore, sough to investigate the extent of the availability and usage of instructional materials in teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools in Onitsha South Local Government Area in Anambra State.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to determine the extent of the availability and usage of instructional materials in teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools in Onitsha South local Government Area in Anambra State. Specifically, the study seeks to find out:
- Extent of the availability of audio, visual and audio-visual Materials for Teaching and Learning Computer Studies in junior secondary schools in Onitsha South.
- Extent of the use of audio, visual, audio-visual and improvised instructional materials for teaching and learning computer studies in junior secondary schools in Onitsha South.
- The challenges of the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools in Onitsha South.
Research Questions
To effectively carry out the study, the following research questions were raised:
- What is the extent of the availability of audio, visual and audio-visual Materials for Teaching and Learning Computer Studies in junior secondary schools in Onitsha South?
- To what Extent are audio, visual, audio-visual and improvised instructional materials used for teaching and learning computer studies in junior secondary schools in Onitsha South?
- What are the challenges of the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools in Onitsha South?
Significance of the Study
The study would be useful to teachers, students, school management, ministry of education and the field of computer studies.
The study will help the teachers to find out the available instructional materials for teaching and learning computer studies and how to utilize them for better teaching and learning of computer studies.
Students will also benefit from this study because it will help them know the available materials that they can use to improve their skills and for better understanding of what has been taught.
It will help the school management at the junior secondary school level to know the challenges facing the availability and utilization of instructional materials in teaching computer studies and find ways of making available instructional materials for effective teaching and learning of the subject. The ministry of education would also benefit from the findings of this study because it will help them to identify the challenges of using instructional materials in teaching computer studies and find out the strategies to improve the use of instructional materials in teaching the subject. Finally, the study will add to the literature in the field of computer studies which would also serve as a reference material for those who may wish to carry out similar study in this area.
Definition of Operational Concepts
The following concepts have been defined as used in this work:
Availability: Is the quality or state of something being available
Utilization: Means putting something into use or using something
Instructional Materials: Also known as Teaching/Learning Materials, are any collection of materials including animate and inanimate objects and human and non-human resources that a teacher may use in teaching and learning situations to help achieve desired learning objectives.
Computer Studies: Computer studies implies teaching and learning of computer.
Teaching: Teaching is the process of inculcating moral values, abilities, skills by an experienced person to an inexperienced person in order to ensure positive change in behavior useful in developing oneself and the society.
Learning: Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences.
Scope of the Study
The study focuses on the extent of the availability and usage of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Computer Studies in Junior Secondary Schools in Onitsha South local Government Area in Anambra State. With particular emphasis on extent of the availability and use of audio, visual and audio-visual materials in teaching computer studies, extent of the use of improvised instructional materials and the challenges of the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning computer studies.
Pages: 51
Category: Project
Format: Word & PDF
Chapters: 1-5
Source: Imsuinfo
Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.

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