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Attitude Of Parents Towards The Teaching Of Sex Education In Secondary Schools In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State




This study examined the attitude of parents towards the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised of 3,309 male and female senior secondary school students (SS 2 and SS 3) in 13 public secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State while a total of 143 male and female senior secondary school (SS 2 and SS 3) students selected through simple random sampling technique to represent the entire population. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled “Attitude of Parents Towards the Teaching of Sex Education in Secondary Schools Questionnaire (APTTSESSQ).” A draft copy of the questionnaire was validated by a lecturer from Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling, Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba. Permission was obtained from the management of the selected secondary schools before the distribution of questionnaire to the students so as to give their parents. The researcher administered 143 copies of the questionnaire to senior secondary school students and teachers in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. 137 copies of the administered questionnaires were retrieved and analysed which was 96% retrieval rate. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation statistics. The findings revealed among others that parents’ attitude has positive effect on the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State to a high extent and cultural belief of parents affects the teaching of sex education in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State to a low extent. On the basis of the findings, it was recommended that parents should motivate teachers encouraging the teaching of sex education at the secondary school level and parents should not allow their cultural belief interfere with the teaching of sex education to their children in Oshimili South.



 Background to the Study

The concept of sex education is erroneously interpreted to mean the education given to a child about the act of “sex”. This is contrary to the idea of posing the child to the natural, physiology as well as physical differences between a male and a female child or the physical sound relationship that may exist between male and female relationship as the integral part of education dealing with inculcation of the knowledge of family living and sexual behaviour which is embedded in the principle of good health (Deck 2000).

Health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2003) is the state of complete physical, mental and social well being  and  not merely the absences of diseases or infirmity. Sex education is an activity aimed at improving, health related knowledge attitude and behaviour. It is used in schools to help students/pupils to make intelligent decision about health related issues. There are many ways to teach health in schools usually instructors create and facilitate health information learning experiences that develop the students’ decision making skills. Above all, teachers provide health information and a concern for factors that influence the quality of life, an example of which is the teaching or sex education m secondary schools (Dubos, 1968). However, these youth sometimes put at risk their health by indulging in behaviours with serious short and long term consequences, including sudden death. There is significant mortality rate and other social problems, which could have been handled, by the parents and schools if sex education in schools had been encouraged and effectively used.

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The neglect and/or inadequate teaching of this signification aspect of the education of the child and the attendant behaviours culminate into incidence of  HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted infection, unwanted Pregnancy and sometimes actions related to homicides, suicides and other unpleasant health related problems (Collins, 2002 and Robin, 2002) Sex education, broadly defined, therefore could mean any instruction in the  processes and consequences  of sexual  activity,  ordinarily in children  and  adolescents (Microsoft  Corporation, 1996). Today. the term usually refers to classroom lessons about sex in primary and secondary schools, usually as part of the Biology class taught in primary and secondary schools Historically, the task of educating adolescents about sex has been seen as the responsibility of parents. However, parent-child communication  in such matters may be hindered by  parental inhibitions or by various re-generation tensions. Some studies have shown that children do not receive adequate information on sexual matters from their parents (Microsoft Corporation, 2003). Consequent upon this, the schools have taken the responsibility of giving the children first hand information about sex so as to equip them adequately on how to deal with the other children of the opposite sex, processes of human reproduction, the workings of male and female sex organs, the origin, spread and the effects of sexually transmitted infections as well as family roles and structure. Historically and in fact up till the present time, the issue of sex education has been a controversy as parents do not seem to agree as to how, when and what to teach children regarding sex education. The attitude of parents towards the teaching of sex education in school has been a matter of serious concern and is affecting the dissemination of vital information on sexually transmitted infections especially HIV and AIDS as well as unwanted pregnancy (Collins 2002 and Robbins 2002).

It is against this background that this study examines the attitude of parents towards the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Statement of the Problem

Sex education is vital to any civilized society no matter the class and people of that society The benefit of sex education is unquantifiable because the knowledge gained will contribute towards reducing significantly or curbing the spread of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and similar deadly sexual transmitted infectious diseases. Though advances have been made in medical sciences including technological breakthrough in some instances, the deadly disease has confined to ravage the whole world now more than before the role that the teaching of sex education could play in schools cannot be over emphasized.

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It is perhaps in realization of this that schools health related agencies, non-govern mental organizations (NGOs) and development partners have been making efforts to educate people, particularly the youths about the ravaging effects and consequences of the dreaded sexually transmitted infections of gonorrhea syphilis, HIV and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

In spite of this concerted efforts by individuals, international and national organization in health related area to arrest this ugly situation, vices related to sexual behaviours are still common among secondary school students As this is not expected to be so people  begin to wonder what type of sex education these children are having and whether or not parents are alive to their responsibility which may be why the problem associated with children sexual behavior continued unabated becomes the problem of the present study to the extent that the present study is predicated on what the attitude of the  parents are towards  the  teaching  of  sex  education   in   secondary  schools.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study are as follows:

  1. To examine the extent to which parents’ personal belief affect the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in Oshimili    South    Local Government Area of Delta State.
  2. To identify extent to which cultural belief of parents affect the teaching of sex education in secondary schools    in    Oshimili    South    Local Government Area of Delta State.
  3. To determine extent to which religious belief of parents affect the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in Oshimili    South    Local Government Area of Delta State.
  4. To determine extent to which moral view of parents affect the teaching of sex education in secondary schools    in    Oshimili    South    Local Government Area of Delta State.

Research Questions

  1. To what extent does personal belief of parents affect the teaching of sex education in secondary schools    in    Oshimili  South    Local Government Area of Delta State?
  2. To what extent does cultural belief of parents affect the teaching of sex education in secondary schools    in    Oshimili    South    Local Government Area of Delta State?
  3. To what extent does religious belief of parents affect the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in    Oshimili    South    Local Government Area of Delta State?
  4. To what extent does moral view of parents affect the teaching of sex education in secondary schools    in    Oshimili    South    Local Government Area of Delta State?

Research Hypothesis

The   following   null   hypothesis   are   hereby formulated to the items used Hi collect data as well as make inference at the end of the study:

  1. There is no significant difference between parents’ personal belief and the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
  2. There is no significant difference between cultural belief of parents and the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
  3. There is no significant difference between religious belief of parents and the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.
  4. There is no significant difference between moral belief of parents affect the teaching of sex education in secondary   schools    in    Oshimili    South    Local Government Area of Delta State.
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Significance of the study

This research is intended to make a survey of the parent’s attitude towards the teaching of sex education in Secondary Schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

The findings of this study will be beneficial to the parents, the local government,   the teacher as well as the students in the following ways.

It will help parents or guardians to discover the importance of sexuality education and encourage them to have open discussions about sex and sexuality with their teenagers/student.

It will create awareness for parents in understanding that negative attitude towards the teaching of sex education are neither government nor society friendly.

It will help both the parents and teachers to know how to approach issues and to impart the necessary knowledge of safe sexual relationships that will suit teenagers/students and their ever changing environment.

It will help the government to make adequate provision for sex education in schools curriculums; and also make them realize the need to organize seminars and workshops that will enlighten young people and help them make wise decision about  sex and other related health issues.

It will provide understanding about the complexity involved in the teaching of sex education, thereby, contributing toward the designing of an effective curriculum to suit the teaching of sexuality education.

It will help in informing the students on how to relate with their parents, Teacher and person sex related issues.

It will expose every stakeholder to the reality that they are all partners

in progress in the effort to avert and completely curb the menace of sexual abuse and sexually related disease in the society.

Delimitation of the Study

Issues of sex and  sexuality  are considered  confidential  by  many people, which made the respondent unwilling to fill the questionnaire To overcome this  limitation, the  respondents were  reassured that then responses would be treated confidentially. Also, respondents were not asked their names nor the names of their children/wards

Operational Definitions of terms

Attitude:                    the opinions and feelings that one usually

Parents                    as about something wards someone or in a particular situation

Parents:                   A father or a mother

Adolescents:          A youth growing, advancing from childhood lo

Sex:                  The characteristics which distinguishes the types of individuals of the same specie between which there is an exchange of hereditary materials (genes) at reproduction

Education:          The increase of skills or development of Knowledge and understanding because of ordered experience

Sex  Education:    The   process   of   acquiring    information   and

forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, Sexual identity, relationships and intimacy

Unwanted Pregnancy:    Carrying or having an unborn baby that is not

planned for

Pages:  75

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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