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Business Education

Assessment Of The Methods Of Teaching Financial Accounting In Federal College Of Education Asaba As Perceived By Lecturers




This study was carried out to assess the methods of teaching financial accounting in Federal College of Education Asaba as perceived by lecturers. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised of all the lecturers in Accounting Department of Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta State. However, there was no sampling because the population was manageable. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study and 40 questionnaires with 15 items each were administered to the entire teacher (lecturers). Data were collected and analyzed using mean statistics. The analysis shows among that the methods of teaching accounting courses in colleges of education includes lecture method, demonstration method, discovery method and story-telling method, lecture, demonstration and story-telling methods of teaching are not effective because they are teacher-centered and time consuming, discovery method of teaching provide students opportunity to discover things themselves, using conventional methods of teaching to teach financial accounting makes the teaching uninteresting, lecturers have difficulty in using field trip and demonstration methods in teaching accounting courses because of the large number of students in the class and conventional methods of teaching makes students to lose interest in financial accounting. On the basis of the findings, the researcher recommended among others that innovative methods of teaching should be used by lecturers to enhance students understanding of what is been taught, management of institutions should ensure that plans are made every semester to take students on field trip to enable them see things with their eyes, lecturers should minimize the use of story-telling in teaching accounting courses to avoid wasting time on telling stories and students should be actively involved in the teaching learning process for better academic achievement.



1.1 Background of the Study

Accounting education incorporates a package of instructional programmes designed to educate “would be” accounting teachers, to make them versatile and adaptable to any of the numerous roles they may be called upon to play after graduation (Anderson, 2013). Such education, among other things, seeks to develop concepts, rules, skills, procedures, theories and general knowledge for solving accounting problems.

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It emphasizes the ability to differentiate and integrate alternative problem solving perspectives, the ability to identify accounting related information resources, the ability to structure solutions to problems and develop communication skills as well as the ability to analyze, and interpret problem situations and figure out lasting solutions (Anderson, 2010).

Financial accounting is part of the business education curriculum in the group of business education subjects. Accounting is very important to the Nigerian economy as it provides the basis for preparing future managers, entrepreneurs, accountants and financial controllers whose contribution cannot be overemphasized (Francis, 2014). Accounting goes beyond recording and keeping of business transaction, it also concerns record keeping system, preparation, analysis, and communication of financial information (Francis, 2014).

The importance of financial accounting cannot be over-emphasized. For effective teaching and learning of accounting in tertiary institutions and Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba in particular, conducive-environment, instructional facilities and effective method of teaching are needed.

Effective accounting education lays emphasis on skills acquisition and development of problem solving techniques.

Generally, financial accounting aims at providing specialized instruction to prepare students for career in financial accounting, fundamental instruction to help students assume their economic roles as consumers, workers and citizens, background instruction to assist students in preparing for other professional careers requiring advanced studies in financial accounting; and accounting skills for personal use in future.

Financial accounting is the process of recording, classifying, selecting, measuring, interpreting, summarizing and reporting financial data of an organization to the users for objective assessment and decision making (Asaolu, 2012). Financial accounting data are processed into accounting information through the use of accounting principles and conventions.

In teaching financial accounting, different methods are employed by teachers to ensure effective delivery of the lesson. Some of the methods used in teaching financial accounting are regarded as conventional methods which are not yielding the desired learning outcome. Method of teaching is one of the factors that either affect or promote teaching and learning.

Financial accounting teachers employ various instructional methods in the classroom. According to Cantrell (2009), teaching methods are in a continuum, ranging from exposition to inquiry. The Exposition method of teaching is conventional and widely used in the classroom. In addition, Cantrell (2009) reported the characteristics of exposition method to include the following: leader-centered, leader-active, learner passive and content emphasis. Examples of exposition method are lecture, discussion, traditional demonstration, guest speaker, panel discussion, story-telling, dramatization, reading of textbooks and manuals or handouts. The Inquiry method is an approach where the learner generates his/her own form of information and it is characterized by the following features: learner-centered, leader-facilitated, learner-active and learning process emphasis.

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Teaching methods were techniques used by teachers to deliver materials to students, such techniques were teacher and student-centered approaches. Thus, a teaching method was a key factor that influenced student performance through learning process.  Monrel (2010) evidenced that one among the challenges observed in Secondary Development Plan phase one was poor teaching approaches in the classroom, mostly teacher cantered, with students relying heavily on the teacher and old notes, and classroom time often not being used efficiently and effectively for mental engagement of the students.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Method of teaching plays a vital role in ensuring that the set objectives are achieved. When the method used by a teacher does not bring about improvement in students’ performance, it becomes worrisome. The commonly used method of teaching financial accounting in tertiary institutions in Nigeria and colleges of education in particular is lecture method which though suitable for large class is not effective. This is evident in the performance of accounting students in colleges of education over the years. Method of teaching affect the effective delivery of lesson, the rate of understanding of the topic taught, students’ interest in the subject and students’ performance. This study therefore seeks to assess the methods of teaching financial accounting in Federal college of education (Technical) Asaba, Delta state as perceived by lecturers.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to assess the methods of teaching financial accounting in Federal college of education (Technical) Asaba Delta state as perceived by lecturers.

Specifically, the study seeks to:

  1. Find out the various methods of teaching financial accounting in Federal college of education (Technical) Asaba.
  2. Find out the effectiveness of methods of teaching financial accounting in Federal college of education (Technical) Asaba.
  • Find out the challenges of using conventional methods of teaching financial accounting in Federal college of education (Technical) Asaba.
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1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

  1. What are the various methods of teaching financial accounting in Federal college of education (Technical) Asaba?
  2. How effectiveness of methods of teaching financial accounting in Federal college of education (Technical) Asaba?
  • What are the challenges of using conventional methods of teaching financial accounting in Federal college of education (Technical) Asaba?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study could be useful to teachers, students, government and professional bodies.

The study could help the teachers to know the various methods of teaching financial accounting and their effects on students’ performance so as to be able to improve on their usage of different methods of teaching for better academic performance. It will also help the students to understand the challenges faced by teachers and do everything possible to ensure that they behave the way they supposed to for better teaching and learning.

The study could go a long way to help government to the effectiveness and challenges faced by teachers in using conventional methods of teaching and           help to train and re-train teachers on the use of different methods of teaching financial accounting.   Professional bodies would also benefit from the study because it will enable them to work with the government to ensure that further employment of teachers will be based on not just qualification but also the skills and methodology of teaching.

1.6 Scope of the Study                           

This study centered on the assessment of methods of teaching financial accounting in Federal college of education (Technical) Asaba Delta state as perceived by lecturers. With particular emphasis on the various of methods of teaching financial accounting, effectiveness of the methods of teaching financial accounting and the challenges of using conventional methods of teaching financial accounting Federal college of education (Technical) Asaba Delta state as perceived by lecturers.

Pages:  50

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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