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Urban & Regional Planning

An Assessment Of The Impact Of Physical Development On The Indigenous People Of Abuja Municipal Council



Chapter One


1.1 Background of the Study

The formation and further development of the federal capital city has attracted the influx of diverse ethnic groups to settle alongside with the indigenous people of Abuja. This development has resulted in the urbanization of the Abuja city. Abuja is the capital city of Nigeria located within the Federal Capital Territory. The city was developed in the 1980s but was formed in 1991.

Abuja city host the federal government as the sit of power of the presidency and is the administrative and political headquarters of the country. Abuja” was in the earlier 20th century after a nearby town now called Suleja. The indigenous inhabitants of Abuja are the Gbagyi (Gwari) as the major language, Bassa, Gwandara, Gade, Ganagana, Koro etc. Consquently, the urbanization of the city leads to drain on basic amenities as water, housing, land use, social amenities etc. and thereby requires expansions on infrastructures and basic amenities.

Massive rehabilitation and expansion of urban infrastructure is required to meet the needs of the city growth and changes. (Abiodun, O. 1985). This development however, affects the initial structure and landscape of the indigenous people. The study seeks to proffer an assessment of the impact of Physical development on the indigenous people of Abuja municipal council.

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1.2 Statement of the Problem

The rapid growth of the population in urban city exact significant pressure on city infrastructure and existing basic amenities. Therefore, plan for the expansion of amenities and infrastructure is imperatives such as housing, good road network, Water, health facilities, schools. Physical developments bring changes in structure and city landscape and also affect the social economic and social life of the indigenous people. Collaboration and partnership is required between private developers and government to ensure compliance with government city development plans. Physical development on flood prone areas and non-compliance to physical development regulations could lead to flooding, damage to properties and public infrastructure. Also inappropriate construction could destroy the environment, infrastructure, threaten human lives, means of livelihoods as well as loss of land areas. It believed that General environmental problems are as a result of developmental processes and therefore affects sustainable development. The problem confronting the study is the assessment of the impact of Physical development on the indigenous people of Abuja municipal council.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The fundamental objective of the study is to proffer an assessment of the impact of Physical development on the indigenous people of Abuja municipal council.

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The specific objectives of the study include;

  1. To determine the level of physical development in Abuja municipal area council.
  2. To appraise the impacts of physical development on the indigenous people of Abuja municipal area council.
  3. To determine the challenges posed by the physical development to the indigenous people of Abuja municipal area council.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. What is the level of physical development in Abuja municipal area council?
  2. What are the impacts of physical development on the indigenous people of Abuja municipal area council?
  3. What are the challenges posed by the physical development to the indigenous people of Abuja municipal area council?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

Ho1: The level of physical development in Abuja municipal area council is not significant.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study intends to draw the attention of stakeholders on urban development on the need to align physical development in urban city to have positive impact on the development of the indigenous people.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The study focuses on the appraisal of the impact of Physical development on the indigenous people of Abuja municipal council.

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1.8 Limitation of the Study

The research was restricted to Abuja municipal council due to logistics and geographical factors.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Urban Growth Defined

Urban growth is associated with the rise in the number of people living in a particular city or town.

Slum Defined

This consists of those areas that are abandoned and lacking good living standard, security and basic amenities.

Insecurity Defined

The state of being subject to danger; vulnerability .The condition or quality of being insecure; lack of safety; danger; hazard.

Smart City Defined

A city with quality living standard and good social amenities.

Economic Development

This is defined as Progress in an economy or the increase in the standard of living of the people, or the adoption of new technology for the development of the economy.

Pages:  70

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Samphina

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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