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Accounting Information As An Aid To Management Decision Making In Secondray School In Owerri Municipal




The study is on “Accounting Information as an Aid to Management Decision Making in Secondray School in Owerri Municipal”. The study has four objectives and three research questions.  Survey research design was used for the study. The population of this study made up of the entire accountants, directors, Clerks and Administrator of Imo state Universal Basis Educational Board (IMSUBEB) and secondary Education Management Board (SEMB). The accounts are made up of 30 workers from IMSUBEB and 20 workers SEMB. The clerks are made up of 20 staff from IMSUBEB and 20 staff from SEMB. The administrators consist of 30 workers from each board. The findings of this study revealed that the managers rely on Accounting Information   for adequate decision making, which help to give accurate state of affairs on an organization, Accounting Information influence management decision making in an organization, Accounting Information refers to report on relevant financial information regarding the economic activities of an organization. Based on the findings, the study therefore recommends that organization or economic institution should consult professional accounts when establishing a business. Organizations should employ professional accountants for provision of accurate Accounting Information and its interpretation. The organization should be encourage to develop themselves by becoming professionals in their career, this will affect the organization to grow and develop positively.



Background of Study     

The chapter is discussed under the following subheadings background of study, Statement of the problem, Purpose of study, Research Question, Significant of study.

Accounting system is the major quantitative information system in almost every institution. It refers to facts, data, and observations or per captions which are of finical character that add to knowledge about a particular entity.

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According to Uchegbu (2008) accounting is a science as well an art. It refers to the art of identifying, classifying recording analyzing summarizing, interpreting and reporting of financial information to user.

The need for this information becomes inevitable for management decision making in Imo State Universal Basic of Education Board. This accounting information is organized in such a way that it provides quantitative and qualitative information for the board decisions.

Robert (2012) opined that accounting information refers to report of relevant and financial information regarding the economic activities of an organization. This information is provided by the accountant for communicating data necessary for making intelligent decision. Therefore, this information must be timely, accurate, concise, and reliable. Basically, development in Imo State Universal Basic Education Board is achieved through effective and efficient use of accounting information at the Board’s disposal

Agunanne (2004), sees management as a function. Management comprises of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling of an organization to achieve goals.  In order words, a manager must have relevant information. So as to make effective planning decision and control of operations in the organization.

The Oxford Dictionary or current English defined the term decision making as “the action of carrying out or carrying into effect”.

The word “decision is derived from the Latin words “de ciso” which means “cutting away or Cutting off, or in a practical sense to come to conclusion.

Decision making involves the selection of a course of action from among two or more possible alternatives in order to arrive at a solution for a given problem. Gauracy Akrani (2010), opines that decision making is an essential aspect of modern management. It is a primary function of management. A management major job is to make sound and rational decision.

Decision making is the key part of manager’s activities and organizational actions.

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The need accounting information is basic for concertinaed explicit management decision to ensure the success and survival of an organization and since the aim of any constitution or organization is to achieve its objectives, accounting information is therefore indispensible to achieving this goal.  Hence, the research work studies how effective and efficient the instrument of good accounting information is on management decision in the educational institutions. This also reveals that good accounting information helps in making the profitability target of an organization

Statement of Problems

The major purpose of the use of accounting information is the minimization of risk and uncertainties that are likely to occur in the cause of running an organization. With respect to Imo State Universal Basic Board (IMSUBEB) and Secondary Education management Board (SEMB) despite all the accounting information provided to the management for decision makings the management control on decision making still fails. A critical review of available literature shows that proper accounting records are not kept by the Accountant of the organization.

Another important factor to consider is the high incidence of fraudulent practices, resulting from manipulation of figures. The issue of inexperience in administration of schools and inadequate training of staff of the Board makes the management decision ineffective and inefficient. Another factor identified for the study is the mismanagement and misappropriation of resources. By the time all these problems are studied, Imo State universal Basic Education Board will appreciate the importance of keeping accurate accounting information system.

Purpose of Study

The general purpose of the study is to ascertain the role of accounting information on management decision making in educational institution. The following are the purpose for this study

  • To ascertain why managers rely on accounting information in management decision.
  • To determine whether accounting information has influence on management decision in an organization.
  • To find out how accounting information affect preparation of financial report for management decision in an organization.
  • To identify the extent accounting information provide management with data needed for planning control and decision making.
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Research Questions

The study will be guided by the following research question

  • To what extent do managers rely on accounting information in management decision?
  • To what extent does accounting information has influence on management decision in an organization.
  • To what extent does accounting information affect preparation of financial report for management decision in an organization.

Significance of Study

This study is significant in many ways, especially to user of accounting information, administrator, employees, general public as well as Imo State Universal Basic Education Board as it will help identify the relevance of accounting information.

First it is significant to the educational managers because it will help in educational administration curriculum planning teaching and recommendations on teaching methods in accounting education management.

The study will serve as reference material to accounting students.

It is also beneficial to employees because it teaches basic accounting and financial management.

It is also significant/immense benefit to the general public because it will prepare the work force to work in government establishment and in the private sector.

In addition this study is beneficial to secondary education management Board (SEMB) as well as to Imo State Universal Basic Education Board (IMSUBEB) as it as reference point accounting information.

Delimitation of Study

This study is use secondary education management Board (SEMB) as a case study the study will try to find out of adequate and accurate accounting information is supplied and used by management in making managerial decision.

The scope therefore covers management decision making in the organization.

Pages:  42

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF        

Chapters: 1-5                                 

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.

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