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Academic achievement of Chemistry students in public secondary schools in Ideato South L.G.A of Imo State




The study investigated Effects of teacher-student relationship on the academic achievement of chemistry students. The study was carried out using SSI – SS III students in public secondary schools kin Ideato South local government area of Imo States. The researcher formulated four research questions to guide the study. Related literatures were reviewed, data was collected using structured questionnaire and sample of (189) one hundred and eighty nine respondents were drawn using census survey technique. Data were analyzed suing weighted mean. From the results, it was found that there is a high effect of teacher-student relationship, which means that to a very high extent, the type of relationship that exists between a teacher and the student (be it positive or negative) significantly affects the academic achievement of the students. The study recommended among others that to solve the problem of poor teacher- student relationships, teachers should avoid the use of threats and punishment and then create supportive classroom environment.



Background to the Study

There is no doubt that education is an instrument for national development. It has become an instrument which every country across the globe has adopted for their development. Education tries to groom students in different fields of which science subject (chemistry inclusive) are part of Chemistry as a student of matter, its properties, how and why substances combined or separated to form other substances, and how substances interact with energy offers excellent background for various professional studies and competence in effectively relating what is learnt in school to real life outside school (Eryilmaz, 2010).

It has been acknowledged as a pre-requisite for the study several courses in the universities. For example medicine and other applied science courses need chemistry. Chemistry education is generally aimed at equipping the individual learner with such knowledge, skills and attitude that will enable them live a meaningful development of the social economic and cultural benefits (NERDC, 2006).

Sciences as “a body of knowledge is acquired through systematic and procedural processes bared on tentative and observation and experiment”. In the sight of the above, science may be viewed as a way of thinking in the pursuit of understanding nature, a way of investigating and a body of established knowledge.

Chemistry as a branch of science is derived from the Arabic word “al-kimia” meaning “the art of transformation”. Chemistry began as the study of alchemy. Most alchemists were searching for the “philosophy’s stone” a fabled substance that could turn common metals into gold. According to Bargley (2017) chemistry is defined as the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances, and how, why substances interact with energy. It comprises or embraces many b ranches, which includes, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Biochemistry. With also fields of study such as Food Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Agricultural Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Geochemistry, Forensic Chemistry among others.

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Chemistry is of vital importance for useful living in any society. It is at the center for producing resources necessary for socio-economic, scientific and technology advancement needed for any nation considering chemistry, many branches and field of study as said above, its importance in a nation’s economic advancement cannot be overemphasized. It consequently becomes very requisite that efforts are tailored towards finding lasting solution to students’ academic achievement in Chemistry.

According to Mirriam – Webster Online Dictionary (1982) Chemistry is defined as a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo and the energy that is released or absorbed during these processes.

Receiving a quality education is an important corner stone in the lives of every individual. It is important that students have the tools they need to be successful, tools that include motivation and engagement. For some students, motivation is not always intrinsic. It therefore, falls to others to guide students along the path to their own education. As teachers spend incredible amount of time with their students over the course of the year, it is a teacher’s responsibility to foster an inclination for learning. Research has indicated that the relationship between teachers and students is an important predictor of academic engagement and achievement. Infact, the most powerful weapon that teachers have, when trying to foster a favouable learning climate, is positive relationship with their students.

A sizeable literature and some other scholarly article suggest that if teachers take the time to build a relationship, they can motivate their students to learn. Further research also suggests that teachers need to have a strong belief that building relationships are important to the motivation process. There is need to capitalize on their belief for the students to benefit. It is important that educators recognize the impact they have on their students and consider strongly their students perceptions of them (Eschanmann, 2009). Teachers have to ensure that they are meeting student’s needs, both academically and emotionally.

One of the most pure and deeply inspirational relationships is that of a devoted teacher and willing students. Almost everyone has a favourite and those we liked less, it totally depends on how the student teacher relationships were developed, nurtured and given space to evolve. Kim Lee (2006), aligned with the attachment theory, positive teacher students relationship enable the students to feel secure and safe in their learning environment and proved scaffolding for local and academic skills. However, inability of the teacher to develop and form positive relationship with his/her students serves as one of the factors that influences and hinders the students from performing very well in their academics. For instance, in the area of Chemistry, it is been regarded as the subject for males, just few females have the courage to study this course (Chemistry) if there is no experienced and qualified teacher that can’t handle and interact with this students, they will find it difficult to learn and even concentrate during the course of the study since they have natural hatred for the subject (Chemistry). According to Hughes (2011), teachers may find it challenging to establish positive relationships with students who display an overly confident demeanor. Teachers tend to view students as deliberately non-compliant and are apt to react harshly.

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According to Whitaker (2013), the main variable in the classroom is not the student, but the teachers, great teachers have high expectations of themselves. These teachers recognizes the importance of connecting of connecting with their students, that if they are unable to connect with them emotionally then influencing their minds may be impossible. Whitaker (2013) suggests that teachers are the first and perhaps the most important point in the student’s life.

According to Olumba (2013), the educational aims cannot be actualized if there is a poor relationship between the teacher and their students. Bringing the aim of education to reality depends on the orientation of teachers and the students in the educational system because good education required trained and committed teachers who will carry the students along with them to achieve the educational goals.

Statement of the Problem

The school system generally in Imo State Local Government Area has been associated with poor academic performance, formation of perpetual hatred to teachers, and neglect of some subjects which gave rise to serious problems for the realization of educational objectives.

Teacher student relationship to a great extent determines the academic achievement of students in Chemistry in public secondary schools in Ideato South. According to Bracey (2009) most students develop the feelings of hatred on their teachers and this has played a very big role in determining their achievements in chemistry. This means that if the students have poor relationship with the teacher, understanding the subject taught by the teacher will be a problem. In the sight of the above problems, the researcher therefore intend to carry out this study in order to find out the extent to which teacher student relationship affects the academic achievement of chemistry students in public secondary schools in Ideato South L.G.A Imo State.

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Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to find out the effects of teacher student relationship on the academic achievement of Chemistry students in Ideato South Local Government Area of Imo State. Specifically the study intends to find out:

  1. The influence of teacher student relationship on academic achievement of Chemistry students.
  2. The psychological influence of teacher student relationship on academic achievement of Chemistry students.
  3. The causes of teacher-student relationship.
  4. Ways to prevent poor-teacher-student relationship.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be of benefits will go a long way in helping all stakeholders of education which includes teachers, students, parents and educational planners.

Teachers will benefit when there is improvement in the relationship between them and the students, because it will serve as sense of direction to them by helping them to understand and know the reason why students perform below standards academically.

Students will benefit there is cordial relationship between them and their teacher. More knowledge will be acquired because when there is cordial relationship the students can always go to their teacher and relate their problems to them and more emphasis will be laid on it.

Parents will benefits because their children being the students will learn better and achieve very well academically. Therefore parents will be pleased to spend on the academic growth of their children.

Educational planners will benefit when there is improvement in the relationship between students and their teachers because the educational goal that the educational planners set out will be achieved since their intentions is for the school to achieve the aims, goals and objectives.

Scope of the Study

For an efficient and successful work to be carried out, the researcher limits the study to effect of teacher student relationship on the academic achievement of Chemistry students. The study is limited geographical to public secondary schools in Ideato South Local Government Area of Imo State.

 Research Questions

The following research questions are formulated to guide the study;

  1. What re the influence of teacher student relationship on academic achievement of Chemistry students?
  2. What are the psychological influence of teacher relationship on academic achievement of Chemistry students?
  3. What are the causes of poor student-teacher relationship?

What ways/measures can be adopted to prevent poor teacher-student relationship?

Pages:  54

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF         

Chapters: 1-5                                                      

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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