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Education Mathematics

Use Of Information And Communication Technology (ICT) In Teaching Mathematics Students In Senior Secondary School In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State




The study examined the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching mathematics students in senior secondary school in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. To achieve this, the study was divided into five chapters. Three research questions were raise and answered in the study, related literature were reviewed and theories related to the study were also revealed in the study. The study used a descriptive survey. The population of the study consists of all fifty (50) mathematics teachers teaching senior secondary schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State, sample of the study comprises of all the fifty (50) mathematics teachers available in the selected senior secondary schools which makes the sample to be a manageable one. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire which was validated by one lecturer from the department of mathematics and an experts in measurement and Evaluation. The method of data collection was mean and standard deviation and t-test for testing the hypothesis. The findings revealed that information and communication technology (ICT) facilities utilized influence the teaching of mathematics in senior secondary school, adequate provision of information and communication technology facilities influence the teaching of mathematics in senior secondary school and incompetence of teacher influence the use of information and communication technology in teaching mathematics in senior secondary school. Finally, the study concluded that information and communication technology cannot be overemphasized in teaching mathematics because it helps to facilitate teaching and learning of mathematics senior secondary school in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.   



 Background to the Study

Mathematics is one of the most important core subjects offered at the primary and secondary school levels of Nigeria educational system. It is of great usefulness to every human being and to the economic growth of any nation (Azua 2017), Azua further stated that the aims and objectives of Mathematics teaching at this level of education are to help develop further conceptual and manipulative skills and their applications, provide an intermediate course of study and meet the needs of potential mathematicians, engineers, scientists and other professionals, such as businessmen, administrators and architectures.

Mathematics is foundation of science and technology and the functional role of mathematics to science and technology is multifaceted and multifarious that no area of science, technology and business enterprises escapes its application. Today, we live in a kind of this increasingly focused on technological advances, and the meeting is required for the various human actions from simple to complex things. The mathematical knowledge is of utmost importance for the individual relates to society and the environment in which he lives.  Yusuf (2018) stated that the field of education has been affected by Information and Communication Technology, and which in turn have undoubtedly affected teaching, learning and research. UNESCO (2011) also submitted that teachers need to use teaching methods which are appropriate for acquiring needed knowledge in particular societies. Students were not only to acquire an in-depth knowledge of their school subjects but also to understand how they can generate new knowledge, using information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool (Sanmi, 2016)

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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a tool that comprise of electronic devices which are utilized for the information and communication needs of institutions, organizations, students and individuals. Such electronic devices include computers (software and hardware), networking, telephones, video, multimedia and internet (Nwakundo, Oguejiofor & Nwakundo, 2016). The use of information and communication technology (ICT) creates a powerful learning environment and it transforms the learning and teaching processes in which students deal with knowledge in an active, self-directed and constructive ways (Volman & Van Eck, 2018). ICT is not just regarded as a tool, which can be added to or used as a replacement of existing teaching methods, but seen as an important instrument used to support new ways of teaching and learning. It should be used to develop students’ skills for communication, problem solving and lifelong learning of mathematics (Voogt, 2013).

In the same vein, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is often perceived as a catalyst for changes in teaching styles, learning approaches and access to information (Watson, 2015). The use of ICT has changed the conventional ways of learning and proposes the need to rethink education in terms of a more current context (White, 2016). Also Guzel (2011), concluded that the effectiveness of the use of computer through the teaching process has contributed to the teaching of mathematics. Therefore, there is the need for the mathematics teachers and students to familiarize and acquaint themselves with ICT tools to enhance effective teaching and learning of the subject. Teaching is becoming one of the most challenging professions due to rapid expansion of knowledge which requires modern technologies that necessitate the use of ICT. ICT has become within a short time one of the basic building blocks of a modern society. Many countries now regard the understanding of ICT and the mastering of its basic concepts as part of the core of teaching and learning process of education (UNESCO, 2014).In this study, learning refers to the process whereby learners acquire and master knowledge and skills imparted in them by the instructor through interaction with ICT tools in relation to their academic performance and application of the acquired skills and knowledge.

Onasanya, Shehu, Ogunlade and Adefuye (2015) in their study of teacher’s awareness and extent of utilization of information communication technologies for effective science and health education in Oyo state, Nigeria. Their findings show that the level of their utilization of ICT resources for teaching science and health education was found to be very low and there exists a significant difference between the male and female science teachers in their level of utilization of ICTs, with the male out-performing their female counterparts with higher mean scores. This implies that there is low utilization of ICTs resources for teaching science and health education in Oyo state, Nigeria. The study therefore sought to find out the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Senior Secondary Schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

See also  Comparism Between Male And Female Achievement In Mathematics In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State

Statement of Problem

There has been a perceived feeling that, the ability of the teacher to teach by simply using verbal approach could not enable him/her achieve the optimum objective of imparting knowledge to students. The reason being that, some teachers though professionals may be or are constrained to express themselves very well for the students to grasp firmly the instructions. Apart from that, students naturally suffer from attack of forgetfulness and so no matter how explicit the teacher might sound, the students may not understand and even grasp what is taught. The students  inability to keep meditating over jumble of words places him or her in the dilemma of not remembering much has been taught, thus causing the performance of the learner to be poor. This is because, a student who is battling with remembering or the one that did not even understand the lesson at all will not have that retentive memory to be able to perform very well, and also mathematics is a course that is supposed to be taught with different instructional materials such as projector, flashcard, chart, calculator, and also different Microsoft office packages that will help them retain what has been taught by the teacher.

Despite the important of ICT in teaching and learning of mathematics there has been a problem militating against the use of ICT in mathematics teaching and learning which include: inadequate ICT facilities in the schools, poor ICT policies, limited information infrastructures, poor perceptions of using ICT in education among teachers, lack of teachers computer literacy, sporadic power supply and insufficient financial support are another set of deterrent militating against successful usage of ICT facilities and resources in teaching of mathematics in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. For that reason, government need to provide enough ICT resources and to train teachers on the effective utilization of the available facilities it their teaching process in order to solve the problem Ajayi (2018).

Based on the obvious challenges from the background of this study, that made the researcher to investigate on the use of ICT in teaching and learning of mathematics in Senior Secondary School in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Research Question

The following research questions were raised to guide the study:

  1. How does the Information and Communication Technology facilities utilized in teaching Mathematics in Senior Secondary School?
  2. How adequate is the provision of Information and Communication Technology facilities for teaching Mathematics in Senior Secondary School?
  3. How does incompetence of teacher influence the use of Information and Communication Technology in Mathematics in Senior Secondary School?

Research Hypotheses

Following the subject of this research work embarked upon by the researcher, two hypotheses are formulated to guide the study.

HO1: There is no significant difference between male and female mathematics teachers using ICT.

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Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of this study is to assess the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching Mathematics students in Senior Secondary Schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. Specifically, the study sought to determine:

  1. The extent for the use of information communication technology facilities in teaching of Mathematics in Senior Secondary School.
  2. Whether there are adequate provisions of information communication technology facilities for teaching of Mathematics in Senior Secondary School.
  3. How incompetence of teacher can influence the use of information communication technology in teaching of Mathematics in Senior Secondary School.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study could be of immense significance to students, teachers, parents, school authority and the society.

Students could benefit from the findings and recommendations of this study because it would help them to be able to be more aware of the information communication technology in the school. This study will enable students to get more involved in the utilization of information communication technology due to the benefits derivable from it.

Teachers could find this study beneficial because with the findings and recommendations of this study, teachers would avail themselves of the opportunity to get involved in the use of information communication technology because of the numerous benefits that can be derived from it. With the study also, information communication technology and their functions.

Parents could benefit from this study because it would enable them to know the benefits their children/wards derived from using the information communication technology in their academic work or activities. Parents themselves, will avail themselves of the opportunity of knowing the importance of information communication technology through this study and those who do not use information communication technology would start to use it as it is beneficial to all human activities.

This study could assist the school authority to be able to know more about information communication technology and its functions especially in the life of the full-time student. The recommendations of this study would enable the school authority to expand its policy on the availability and usage of information communication technology in the school system in Nigeria.

The society could benefit from this study, because it will assist the society to be information communication technology friendly due to the advantages it has. This study will afford the society to know more about information communication technology and its functions in the world today.

 Scope of the Study

The focus of this study is to ascertain the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Senior Secondary Schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. The study sought to cover all the senior secondary school in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Pages:  70

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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