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The Strategies For Minimizing Of Cultism In Secondary Schools: A Case Study Of Ihiala Local Government Area Of Anambra State.




The study is on “The Strategies for Minimizing of Cultism in Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State.”. The study has five objectives and six research questions. Survey research design was used for the study. The population studies in this work comprised of teachers and students in the ten secondary schools in Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State  and the sample size was fifty three (53) teachers and sixty three (63) students were randomly selected. Questionnaire was used for collection of data while simple percentage and frequency counts table was used to analyse the research questions. The findings reveal that Lots of factors led to the establishment of cultism in our secondary schools. These factors are environmentally induced by some sociological variables like peer pressure, poor parental upbringing, ignorance, quest to power and material acquisition, family background need to belong etc. secret cult groups are illegal and as such government and institutions are unable to apprehend cultists because they are not registered and nothing is known about them. In spite of all these cultism can be curbed. Based on the findings, study therefore recommends that the government, law enforcement agencies, the church and the colleges should jointly tackle cultism. Seminars and workshops should be organized with an effective and efficient moral instructor. Laws should be made against cultism and the adequate punishment prescribed.



This chapter presents background to study, statement of problem, scope of the study, purpose of the study, significance of the study and research questions.

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Background of the study

There is no fear of contradiction or any reasonable doubt that fraternities exist in the institution of learning all over the world taut the form that of Nigeria is taking calls for concern. Surprisingly cultism has permeated into the primary and secondary schools and then matures in the tertiary institutions for the diabolical missions. Cultism now poses a daring challenge to government, parent, teachers, the church and the society at large. Its activities have completely eroded the guiding principle which is to produce intellectuals through sound moral and academic training on the principle for which these schools were built.

On a larger society cultism has seriously violated natural law as cultists are fond of killing themselves and offering themselves to be used by other people to spill blood and commit crimes. In view of this threat cultism poses on the society, it calls for strategic minimization to redeem our society from moral decay and anarchy. This brings to focus the crux of this project, strategies for minimization of cultism in our secondary schools. When cultism strikes it is always a tale of sorrow and bloodshed. They neither obey nor respect any law or authority during their operation, anybody who dares to cross their path would either be maimed or killed. Cultists have also expanded to our secondary schools. They have also become more violent and murderous. They no longer hide their identities though the use of deadly weapons and instruments.

Balance education can only be given and received in our secondary schools with conducive atmosphere i.e. schools that are no populated with the cult members. To achieve the above, every patriotic citizen of this nation has a crucial role to play in checking the activities of the cultists in our secondary schools. If cultism is not eradicated our value system will be a thing of the past and we will live in a crime infested society where man is a wolf to man.

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Statement of the Problem

In the laws of the Federal republic of Nigeria l990 chapter 423 section 4 sub section I and II controlling and regulating the activities of the student union in our secondary in Nigeria, states that societies operating within our secondary schools in Nigeria and pursuing activities which are not in the interest of national secondary society, public order, public morality or public health are regarded as secret societies which are also illegal and as such unlawful. Why do must student join secret cult operating within the environments of our secondary schools?

Are these cultists not aware how un-conducive cultism is in reaction to the pursuit of meaningful and useful academic work in our secondary?

Scope of Study

The scope of study is to determine whether cultism exists in our secondary schools and to find out the possible strategies for minimizing its existence.

The study covers all the levels (both Junior and senior secondary) of secondary school students in Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Purpose of Study

The urge of violent blood bath in schools, new wave of robbery are all linked to school cults. Cultism has taken the shine off ivory tower. The researcher decided to embark on this project for the following reasons;

  1. To determine the factors responsible for the establishment of secret societies in our secondary schools especially in the 1990’s
  2. To identify why some students prefer spending most of their time attending meeting of secret cults than spending time with their studies.
  • To determine the effect of the activities of cultism on the students, principles and academic activities in our Secondary schools
  1. To explore the various legal provisions of the issue of cultism in our secondary schools.
  2. To look for all means of extracting secret cult in our secondary schools.
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Significance of study

The result of these studies will help to minimize cultism in our secondary schools. It will also enable authorities to understand effects of secret cultism in our secondary schools and look for solutions to the problem. It is also hoped that the study would help the society take appropriate measures in the minimization of secret cults.

 Research questions

To guide this study the following research question were posed;

  1. What do people really understand by the word cultism?
  2. What factors are responsible for the joining and establishment of secret cult in our secondary schools?
  • How do the cult activities affect activities in our secondary schools?
  1. What danger does cultism pose in the Nigerian society?
  2. Are there legal provisions provided by the government to check the activities of secret cult in our secondary schools and how these laws can effectively aid in the minimization of cultism in our schools?
  3. What role does the media play in the minimization of cultism in our secondary schools?

    Pages:  56

    Category: Project

    Format:  Word & PDF               

    Chapters: 1-5                                          

    Source: Imsuinfo                            

    Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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