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Library & Information Science

The Implementation Of Resource Development Policies In The Management Of Academic Libraries In Imo State, Nigeria




This study examined “the implementation of Resource Development policies in the management of academic libraries in Imo State, Nigeria”. The study was guided by four (4) objectives of the study and four research questions. Two key theories formed the foundation for this study, which are Resource- based view (RBV), Institutional Theory The research design for this study was descriptive survey. The area of study is Imo State, Nigeria. 70 library staffs in the three different institutions.  Proportionate sampling technique was used. Self-structured rating scale was used as instrument for data collection for the study.  Descriptive statistics of mean scores were used to analyze data. The findings of the study are; That majority agreed that Budget allocation and User service are  the existing resource development policies in academic libraries; That majority agreed that Technological integration, User service and Assessment and Evaluation as  the extent of compliance to resource development policies;The respondents agreed that up to date resources, improved access to library services and advanced technologies such as online databases are  How resource development policies impact library management. The study recommended that; The government and school board should improve the  existing resource development policies in academic libraries with the enhanced and current developments to promote effectiveness; extent of compliance to resource development policies in the academic should be improved to facilitate the resource development policies in Imo State; The resource development should be equipped and improved to promote more impact on the resource development; The school board and governments should provide solutions to tackle the challenges faced.



This study is being carried out under the following subheading: background of study, statement of problem, scope s the study, purpose of study, significance of the study and research questions

Background of the Study

The library is the nerve center of academic activities in universities and is a bank of knowledge with varied and useful information carried in different kinds of material, each of which has its unique way of handling. The academic library is an important agent in the pursuit of academic excellence in higher institution. Its main goal, according to Umuakwe and Oyebinama (2009), is to support the objectives of the host institution which has to do with learning, teaching, research and administration. Academic libraries, according to Oyelude (2002), are libraries that are found in tertiary institutions which include universities, polytechnics and colleges of education. However, these academic libraries in universities are also regarded as research libraries because among their objectives are the provision of materials in support of postgraduate, faculty, external and collaborative researches. This shows that libraries are very important in institutions of higher learning because they assist the institutions to achieve their aims and objectives by providing information that will meet the information needs of the users. It is also evident that, the extent to which the institution is able to carry out its laudable objectives portrays how well the institution’s library has been supportive in the provision of all the essential information resources.

Academic libraries are crucial components of educational institutions, serving as information hubs that support teaching, learning, and research activities. In Imo State, Nigeria, academic libraries play a vital role in providing students, faculty, and researchers with access to diverse and relevant information resources. These resources include books, journals, electronic databases, multimedia materials, and other forms of information necessary for academic pursuits.

A deficient collection that is built on uninformed decision can have adverse effects on the academic library and subsequently in attainment of the goals of the parent institution. Therefore, every academic library requires a workable information resource development policy to guide its decision on resource development. The academic library is charged with the responsibility of ensuring academic performance through collection building, maintenance access and use. In addition, it supports the attainment of goals of its parent institution The development of an academic library collection is not just the duty of the librarian; it is a cooperative effort between librarians and the teaching faculties. A deficient collection can have an adverse implication on the institution. It is because of this that Olanlokun and Adekanye (2005) averred that it is imperative that the collection must be developed in such a way that it will meet the aspiration of the library patrons. This implies that it is only with adequate library collection policy that academic libraries could reach the academic goals of their parent institutions. As Chukwu (1998) pointed out, the major indicator of a good library is the quality of its collection. Imo State is located in southeastern Nigeria and is home to numerous tertiary institutions, including universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. The academic libraries within these institutions serve as knowledge repositories and information centers, facilitating access to scholarly resources and supporting the academic endeavors of students and faculty members.

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According to Owusu-Ansah (2013), academic libraries in Nigeria face various challenges, including inadequate funding, limited resources, and outdated infrastructure. However, despite these challenges, academic libraries in Imo State continue to strive towards providing quality information services to their users. The management of academic libraries involves various activities, such as collection development, cataloging and classification, circulation, reference services, and information literacy instruction. Resource development policies form the foundation of effective library management by guiding the acquisition, organization, and maintenance of library collections. Resource development policies are essential frameworks that outline strategies for acquiring relevant and diverse resources, ensuring their accessibility to library users, and maintaining the quality and relevance of the collections over time. These policies provide guidelines for library administrators and staff on budget allocation, selection criteria, collection assessment, and weeding practices.

In Imo State, academic libraries have recognized the importance of resource development policies in enhancing their operations. However, the implementation of these policies may face challenges due to factors such as limited funding, inadequate staff expertise, and rapidly evolving information needs of library users. Imo State, located in southeastern Nigeria, is home to several tertiary institutions, including universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. These institutions rely on their academic libraries to support their educational objectives and provide a conducive environment for teaching, learning, and research. The academic libraries in Imo State serve as information repositories, offering access to a vast array of scholarly resources and facilitating the intellectual growth of the academic community.

Academic libraries play a crucial role in supporting the educational endeavors of students, faculty, and researchers by providing access to diverse and relevant information resources. In Imo State, Nigeria, academic libraries serve as essential components of educational institutions, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and promoting intellectual growth. These libraries house extensive collections of books, journals, electronic databases, multimedia materials, and other resources that are vital for academic pursuits.

Despite the importance of academic libraries, they often face challenges in Nigeria. Owusu-Ansah (2013) points out that inadequate funding, limited resources, and outdated infrastructure are common challenges faced by academic libraries in the country. These challenges can affect the ability of libraries to acquire and maintain up-to-date collections, provide quality services, and meet the evolving information needs of their users. However, academic libraries in Imo State continue to strive towards overcoming these challenges and providing valuable resources and services to their users.

Effective library management requires the formulation and implementation of resource development policies. Resource development policies serve as guidelines for acquiring, organizing, and maintaining library collections to meet the information needs of users. These policies play a crucial role in ensuring that academic libraries have the necessary resources and services to support the educational goals of their institutions.

However, academic libraries in Nigeria, including those in Imo State, face several challenges. One prominent challenge is the issue of inadequate funding. Owusu-Ansah (2013) highlights that insufficient financial resources allocated to academic libraries hinder their ability to acquire new resources, upgrade infrastructure, and provide quality services. Limited funding also affects the ability to subscribe to expensive electronic databases and journals, restricting access to cutting-edge research materials.

To manage their collections effectively, academic libraries rely on resource development policies. Resource development policies serve as guiding frameworks that outline strategies and procedures for acquiring, organizing, and maintaining library collections. These policies help ensure that academic libraries have diverse and relevant resources to meet the educational and research needs of their users.

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Resource development policies encompass various aspects, such as budget allocation, selection criteria, collection assessment, preservation, and weeding practices. They provide a roadmap for library administrators and staff to make informed decisions about resource acquisition and management, ensuring that the collections align with the institution’s curriculum, research focus, and evolving information needs (Isioma & Nwosu, 2018).

Furthermore, academic libraries in Imo State often struggle with limited resources and outdated infrastructure. The availability of physical space, shelving, seating, and equipment poses challenges in accommodating the growing collections and meeting the diverse needs of users. Inadequate infrastructure and outdated technologies hinder efficient library operations, including cataloging, circulation, and access to electronic resources .Limited resources and outdated infrastructure further exacerbate the challenges faced by academic libraries in Imo State. The availability of physical space, shelving, seating, and equipment can pose significant obstacles in accommodating the growing collections and meeting the diverse needs of library users. As highlighted by Akpa (2020), many academic libraries in Nigeria lack modern technologies and infrastructure, which adversely impacts their operations, including cataloging, circulation, and access to electronic resources.

Implementing effective resource development policies is crucial for academic libraries in Imo State to address the challenges they face. As noted by Isioma and Nwosu (2018), resource development policies enable libraries to optimize their limited resources, prioritize acquisitions based on user needs and curriculum requirements, and ensure the relevance and quality of the collections. These policies also provide a framework for evaluating and preserving materials, as well as strategically removing outdated or underutilized items from the collection.

Statement of the Problem

Academic libraries in Imo State, Nigeria, face several challenges in the effective implementation of resource development policies. These challenges hinder the libraries’ ability to optimize their limited resources, meet the information needs of their users, and provide quality services. The following problems have been identified: Inadequate Funding, Academic libraries in Imo State in some cases,grapple with limited financial resources, which hinder their ability to acquire new resources, update collections, and provide necessary services. Insufficient funding restricts their capacity to subscribe to expensive electronic databases and journals, leading to limited access to current research materials (Owusu-Ansah, 2013). Limited Resources and Outdated Infrastructure, The availability of physical space, shelving, seating, and equipment poses significant challenges for academic libraries in Imo State. Inadequate resources and outdated infrastructure hinder the efficient organization, management, and access to library collections, impacting library operations and services. Lack of Expertise: The absence of continuous professional development programs and training opportunities for library staff can impede the effective implementation of resource development policies. The lack of expertise and knowledge in modern collection management practices, technological advancements, and evolving user needs may hinder the libraries’ ability to make informed decisions. Evolving Information Needs: The changing information landscape and user preferences pose challenges for academic libraries. With the emergence of digital resources and technologies, users expect seamless access to a wide range of electronic resources. Failure to align resource development policies with these evolving needs may lead to a disconnect between the collections and services offered by the libraries and the expectations of the users (Nkiko et al., 2019).

These problems underscore the need to critically examine the implementation of resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo State. Addressing these challenges is crucial for improving the management of library collections, enhancing user satisfaction, and ensuring the libraries’ relevance and effectiveness in supporting teaching, learning, and research activities.

Therefore, this study aims to investigate the current state of resource development policies, identify the challenges faced by academic libraries in their implementation, and provide recommendations to overcome these challenges. By addressing these problems, the study seeks to contribute to the enhancement of library management practices and the effective utilization of resources in academic libraries in Imo State.

 Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the implementation of resource development policies in the management of academic libraries in Imo State, Nigeria. Specifically, it aims to examine the current state of resource development policies, identify challenges in their implementation, and provide recommendations for improvement. The study will primarily concentrate on academic libraries within Imo State, including libraries in universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. These institutions represent the major stakeholders in higher education and have academic libraries that cater to the information needs of students, faculty, and researchers.

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The scope of the study encompasses various dimensions of resource development policies, including budget allocation, selection criteria, collection assessment, preservation, and weeding practices. It seeks to understand the existing policies and practices employed by academic libraries in Imo State and evaluate their effectiveness in addressing the challenges faced by these libraries.

Significance of the Study

The implementation of resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo State holds significant importance. By examining the current state of these policies and identifying challenges in their implementation, this study aims to contribute to the improvement of library management practices and address the specific needs and constraints faced by academic libraries in Imo State.

The findings of this study will provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of existing resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo State. This knowledge will enable library administrators and policymakers to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, collection development, and management. By identifying areas of improvement, such as budget allocation strategies, collection assessment criteria, or preservation practices, this study can help enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of resource development practices in academic libraries.

Furthermore, understanding the challenges faced by academic libraries in implementing resource development policies is crucial for developing targeted solutions. This study will identify barriers and obstacles that hinder the effective implementation of resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo State. One of the significant challenges is the issue of limited funding. According to Onyancha and Omwocha (2018), inadequate funding is a prevalent challenge faced by academic libraries in Nigeria, resulting in difficulties in acquiring new resources, updating collections, and providing necessary services to library users.

Furthermore, the changing information needs and preferences of library users pose a challenge for academic libraries. As stated by Nkiko et al. (2019), the emergence of digital resources and technologies has transformed the way users seek and access information. Academic libraries must adapt to these changing information landscapes and align their resource development policies with the evolving needs and preferences of their users. Failure to do so may lead to a disconnect between the collections and services offered by the libraries and the expectations of the users.

By addressing these challenges, this study aims to contribute to the enhancement of resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo State. It seeks to provide recommendations and strategies to overcome barriers such as limited funding, lack of expertise, and changing information needs. The findings of this study will help academic libraries in Imo State better align their resource development policies with the needs of their users and improve the overall management and effectiveness of their collections.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of resource development policies in the management of academic libraries in Imo State, Nigeria. The study aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

  1. To ascertain the existing resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo State.
  2. To establish the extent of compliance to resource development policies.
  3. To explore the impact of resource development policies on library management.
  4. To identify the challenges faced in implementing resource development policies.

Research Questions

To guide the study, the following research questions will be addressed:

  1. What is the existing resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo State?
  2. What are the  extent of compliance to resource development policies?
  3. How do resource development policies impact library management?
  4. What are challenges faced in implementing resource development policies?

    Pages:  74

    Category: Project

    Format:  Word & PDF               

    Chapters: 1-5                                          

    Source: Imsuinfo

    Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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