Education History
Strategies That Enhance Teaching And Learning Of History In Secondary Schools In Oru West Local Government Area
1 year agoon
This research work investigated on the strategies that enhance teaching and learning of history in secondary schools in Oru West Local Government Area of Imo State. In accordance with the purpose of the study, four (4) research questions were formulated. The study is mainly descriptive which aimed at finding out the strategies that enhance teaching and learning of history in secondary schools in Oru West Local Government Area of Imo State. One hundred and twnty (120) questionnaires were used. Decision type of analysis was used. The findings of this study revealed that the problems that affects the teaching and learning of history in Secondary School in Oru West LGA includes lack of instructional materials, non-availability of history teacher and the strategy that is mostly effective in teaching and learning of history is classroom discussion and excursion with seminars and also that if government can equip both students and teachers in te study of history than it will help in teaching of the subject in Oru West. We therefore recommended that Educational authorities should provide the necessary instructional materials to be used during the teaching and learning; Educational authorities should ensure that substantial number of qualified teachers of history should be recruited and Educational authorities should ensure that training measures such as relevant textbooks such as relevant textbooks, seminars, excursion to archaeological sites and lots more should be given to history teachers in order to improve their teaching skill.
In this chapter, we discussed the researcher’s background of study, statement of problem, scope of the study, purpose of study, significance of study and research questions
Background of Study
There are different subjects as secondary schools that deemed essential in contributing to national development and forging international cooperation and integration. These subjects range from Arts to Sciences and are recognized as genuine fields of academic scholarships. According to Fisher, (2018) history was long being seen as a subject that falls within the general arts, and has a long time, enjoyed a place in Nigeria’s curriculum. The effective teaching and learning of History could be traced informally to the pre-colonial days when parents and elderly persons recounted the past of their communities to younger generation through folktales, music, and other art forms (Boadu, 2016). These were chief means of conveying invaluable lessons and values that were highly cherished in traditional societies. The effective teaching of history took a formal turn in the colonial period when it was taught in the schools established by the missionaries and those established by the British colonial officials. In the period after colonialism, history was amongst the four subjects which were taught and examined in the First School Leaving Certificate(FLSC). History was also offered as an elective subject in the Secondary Schools (form 1 to 5) for Arts students who wrote the School Certificate and General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (SC/GCE ‘O’ Level). At the sixth form, history still remained one of the subjects offered for the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE ‘A’ level) examination. With the introduction of the 1987 educational reform, history was incorporated into social studies at the basic school level and offered as an elective for General Arts students at the Senior Secondary School level (Cobbold & Oppong, 2017). However, some aspects of history are assimilated into citizenship education and social studies which are taught at the Upper Primary, and Junior/Senior Secondary School (JSS) levels respectively. As it stands, students stand to gain a full appreciation of history as a subject only when they choose it as an option in the General Arts course at the Senior Secondary school level.
As a study of the past, history draws on significant events of the past to inform the present and to safeguard the future. In effect, history does not study the past in isolation from the present, but relates intricately, the successes, achievements and failures of antecedent generations to the contemporary case and sets the stage for a better living in the morrow. With the seemingly importunate problems society is subjected to, especially in the 21st Century, the utility of history cannot be overlooked as most of the current problems facing society have deep-lying historical geneses. The universalistic worth of history notwithstanding, it is one of the least patronised subjects in Ghana. For instance, Dwarko (2017) compared the entry statistics among history, government, religious studies and economics for the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination in Nigeria (now West African Senior School Certificate Examination, WASSCE) organised by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) between the period 2000 to 2005. In the comparison, it emerged that over the period, history recorded the least increase, that is, 70% as against 230%, 160%, and 140% increase in government, religious studies, and economics respectively. Subsequently, out of the 150,590 General Arts students who sat for the WASSCE in 2006, only 10.3% offered history as compared to 45.0% who offered economics. Further decline was seen from 2007 onwards when the proportion of history students dwindled to a little over 9% compared to enrolment in other subject areas in the Arts.
The foregoing picture points to the fact that the subject has become increasingly unpopular among students in Ghana. Despite its overwhelming importance (Yilmaz, 2018), history is gradually losing its grip on Ghana’s education system. A question that is certainly worth an answer is; what accounts for the current state of history in the country? Historians, history educators and history students may be quick to point to a host of factors relating to pedagogy, availability of human and material resources, and the turn of attention towards the so-called economically viable subjects. Though it might be difficult to hold a single factor as the cause, the problem certainly cannot be dissociated from how the subject is taught. For instance, Boadu, Awuah, Ababio and Eduaquah (2014) observe that for some time, history teachers have adopted the classical methods of effective teaching with little or no innovation. Since interest in the subject is gained primarily through how the subject is taught and/or presented to learners, issues and conditions surrounding the effective teaching of the subject might plausibly explain the current state of history especially at the secondary school level. The issues raised above point to a need to seek teachers’ and student’s views as to what factors hamper the effective teaching of history.
Studies have shown that most History teachers are tied to using the traditional mode of delivery, with little or no innovation (Boadu et al., 2014). This could possibly be as a result of the fact that most History teachers are not exposed to, or trained on the tenets of handling the subject effectively, or that, teachers lack the commitment towards effective teaching the subject as it should be taught. Effective teaching of History connotes, among other things, bringing the subject to life and making it appealing to the intellectual and emotional faculties of students who are learning. It goes over and beyond oral presentation or narration of events, or the use of lectures, but embraces a complex mix of overarching understanding of content and the art of effective teaching. This understanding is paramount in creating an environment in which students can gain mastery over historical concepts as well as improve their skill of thinking historically. Thus, the uniqueness of the subject is that which should feed and inform teachers to adopt innovative strategies towards making their effective teaching effective to create better understanding environment for the students (Taylor and Young, 2014).
This understanding is paramount in creating an environment in which students can gain mastery over historical concepts as well as improve their skill of thinking historically. Thus, the uniqueness of the subject is that which should feed and inform teachers to adopt innovative approaches towards making their effective teaching effective.
Statement of Problem
In the past, visiting our old parents are very enjoying because they fill our minds with a lot of stories, folktales and may more which they experienced or were handed over by their parents too. As a matter of fact, some of these stories may fade away by some parents that may not have the opportunity to hand it over to the next generation due to some reasons like untimely death, personal decisions and many more. Hence civilization has helped to organize the content of these stories in a lively manner by incorporating it in school curriculum to be studied as history. After going through the some secondary schools in Owerri Imo State, your eyes maybe filled with tears on the sorry state of how students perform in a very good subject like history. This was a very old subject that is supposed to be taken serious but the interest and its understanding is on the decrease. Hardly will you see students being proud to discuss history subject like preferred subjects like physics, chemistry, Biology, etc are being recognized. Problems from effective teaching and learning of history may be ascribed to be fuelled by both teachers and students. The recent performances of students in the external examinations like WAEC, NECO, GCE, etc especially secondary school students in Owerri, Imo state is low.
There are various problems affecting the effective teaching and learning history in all secondary schools. Such problems are not limited to non-availability of recent textbooks in history, wider coverage of the syllabus, also poor foundation of the secondary school pupils and inability to speak simple English, this make it so difficult for pupils to cope in history classes. Lack of motivation on the part of parents and pupils, methodological problems and the emergence of new subject like social studies and civic contributed to the problem affecting effective teaching and learning. The aforementioned factors have put the effective teaching and learning of History in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State in a difficult situation. Hence the researcher in this study is poised to determine the strategies for improving student’s interest in the effective learning of history in Secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State.
Scope of Study
The study will be carried out in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo state. Then will focus on to determine the strategies that enhances effective teaching and learning of history in Secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study was to determine the strategies that enhances effective teaching and learning of history in Secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State. Specific Objectives of this study are to:
- Identify the problems affecting effective teaching and learning of history in Secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State.
- Ascertain the methods that will enhance effective teaching and learning of history in Secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State.
- Identify the strategies that will enhance effective teaching and learning of history in Secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State.
- Determine Government influence on strategies that enhance effective teaching and learning of history in Secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State.
Significance of Study
The findings of this research will be useful to the following stakeholders, students, teachers, society, etc:
- To let all the stakeholders in history and the government to know the problems facing effective teaching and learning history and ways of solving them in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State.
- It would encourage the teachers to use best effective teaching methods/strategies when effective teaching history and this would increase performance of students in history classes in Owerri, Imo State.
- It will help the students to learn effectively.
- The study would give reasons why history should be included in primary school curriculum up to senior secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State.
- To proffer lasting solution to the problems facing learning and effective teaching history in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State.
- Finally, the findings of this research is expected to add to the body of knowledge on “strategies that enhance effective teaching and learning of history in Secondary Schools in Imo State” and also basis for future research.
Research Questions
The following Research questions are posed to guide the study:
- What are the problems affecting effective teaching and learning of History in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State?
- What are the methods that will enhance effective teaching and learning of History in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State?
- What are the strategies that will enhance effective teaching and learning of History in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State?
- What is Government influence on strategies that enhance effective teaching and learning of History in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State?.
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