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Library & Information Science

Relevance Of Information And Communications Technology (Ict) Services In A Modern Library




Many studies have investigated management and organization of Academic libraries in Nigeria. There are few studies in the area of relevance of Academic libraries in Imo state. This study is on relevance of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in a modern library setting: A case study of Federal University of Technology (FUTO). 5 purposes of the study and 5 research questions were drawn in respect to this study. The instruments used in data collection for this study includes interviews and questionnaire. The methods are frequency counts and percentages. According to my research question 1 which are the types of ICT facilities available,I found out that about 300 questionnaires were distributed,275 was returned at hand and 194 students (70.5%) indicated that computers were the most used ICT facilities in the library.Research question 2 is on the adequacy of staff strength and capacity and 200 students(72.7%) indicated that the staff strength and capacity is highly adequate. That is,the FUTO library is not lacking any staff. Research question 3 is on the militating factors affecting ICT services in FUTO library. 190 students (69%) indicated that poor facilities is one of the factors affecting ICT services in FUTO library. That is,the library does not have standard facilities.



This chapter is presented under the following sub-headings: background to the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study, purpose of the study, significance of the study and research questions.

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Background of the study

Relevance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services to clientele in FUTO library is the focus of this study. Information and Communication Technology are used to describe system only recently in use and those destined for use in the foreseeable future. Information and Communication Technology services has been defined as all the electronic infrastructure and facilities employed by libraries to improve and provide efficient services such as facilities in broad terms consist of hardware, software and communication links between the services outlets of the same library and similar outlets of different library to facilitate the sharing of common resources, for example library network, ICT utilizes computer.

According to Madu (2004), computers are linked together to one another forming large network. The telephone systems are being digitalized and their collective technology capabilities are now able to provide such services as on-line information, electronic mail, facsimile transmission, etc. Information and Communication Technology services have made the library staff to handle information in a variety of forms. Information conveyed by speech, textural materials, pictures or table of numerous can be deal in easy way. These evident about the new technologies that are have the inherent or operations of libraries considering the geometric growth rate of publication and other communication systems.

The library that automates its operations using computer and peripheral equipment’s invariably work more efficiently and save the time of their users better. More efforts should be made in the computerization of every library. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services like the digital computers, perform the routine but essential tasks at rapid speech which is far greater than-would have been expected from manual operation. Libraries performs various ICT services including author search, subject search, keyword search and combination search of Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs).

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Statement of the problem

It is undoubtedly clear that Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services or computerization can be very influential in matters affecting the libraries. In this regard, the Information and Communication Technology services became inevitable in every academic library as dispensation because of its roles. The absences of computer or ICT services in FUTO library has been a source of concern for most users whose interests lie on library and document services, much as they believe that the prevailing situation has been stalling progress.

The researcher attempt to delve into this area of study to find out the relevance or extent of provision of ICT services using FUTO library as a case study

Scope of the study

The scope covered the relevance of Information and Communication Services in the Federal University Of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) Library, Imo State. It will investigate relevance of ICT services in terms of the types of ICT facilities available, adequacy of staff; types of services rendered to clientele and their satisfaction as library users; and the militating factors affecting ICT services.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study includes the following:

  1. To determine the types of ICT facilities available in FUTO library
  2. To find out if there is adequacy of staff
  3. To determine types of ICT services rendered.
  4. To determine user-satisfaction of the services rendered by staff, and.
  5. To find out the militating factors affecting ICT services in FUTO library.
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Significance of the study

Several studies have been investigated of Information and Communications Technology and technology in ICT but there are a few studies in the relevance of Information Communications and Technology (ICT) services in modern libraries. This study therefore is on Relevance of Information Communications and Technology (ICT) services with focus on FUTO library. The findings of the study will therefore be of great significance to staff, students, clientelle of academic libraries in Nigeria. It will also support plans for library development.

Research Questions

The following research questions are asked:

What types of ICT facilities are available in FUTO library?

2 How adequate are the staff strength and capacities in providing ICT services in FUTO library?

  1. What types of ICT services are rendered by FUTO library staff?
  2. To what extent is user-satisfaction established from the level of services?
  3. What are the militating factors affecting ICT services in FUTO library?

    Pages:  51

    Category: Project

    Format:  Word & PDF               

    Chapters: 1-5                                          

    Source: Imsuinfo

    Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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