Using waste plastic as a secondary material in construction projects would be a solution to overcome the crisis of producing large amount of waste plastic in one hand and improving the structure’s characteristics such as resistance against cracking on the other hand.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of adding waste (Low density polyethylene) plastics in road pavement. Marshall Properties, tensile strength ratio, bulk specific gravity, boil test as well as maximum specific gravity of asphalt mixture containing different percentage (0-20%) of the waste plastics were evaluated. Results showed that the stability and flow values of asphalt mixture increased by adding waste crushed plastics into the asphalt mixture. Further, it was shown that the bulk specific gravity and stiffness of mixtures increased by adding lower amount of plastic bottles; however, adding higher amounts of plastic resulted in lower specific gravity and mix stiffness.
In addition, it was concluded that the mixtures containing waste plastics have lower OAC values compared to the conventional mixtures and this may reduce the amount of asphalt binder can be used in road construction projects. Besides, the mixtures containing waste plastics showed significantly greater fatigue resistance than the conventional mixture.
A road is a way vehicles and other type of traffic (human or animals) which may or may not be lawfully usable to the public at large (OUWA. O. HELEN, 2007)
According to A.S Horibly (7th edition); road is a hard surface built for vehicle to travel on road failure in the other hand is a situation whereby a road fails to perform its function effectively. It is when a road fails to provide a skid resistance, smooth and high quality riding surface.
As soon as a road is constructed and commissioned for use unforeseen increase in a road susceptible to failure due to traffic and weather.
Failure to quickly carry out maintenance on the failed portion through routine maintenance could lead accident, high cost of maintenance of even reconstruction which is very expensive in order to restore the road surface to its original safe standard.
Roads failure shows up as defects that reduce the riding quality of a road and its safety. This is caused by factors such as water trapped in pavement or base, heavy traffic loading, flooding. Use of poor quality materials thermal movement, lack of /poor drainage system, aging, mitigation of road failure of longitudinal, transverse and random cracking, crazing fretting, bleeding edge deterioration on failure, inadequate drainage, shoulder failure, footway failure, washout of embankment etc.
This road failure may result from elastic deformation, consolidation of .ne base and subsoil, elastic deformation or the combination of both elastic and plastic deformation. The problem of road design is related that of structural design (building) in the sense, that a building must support its own weight and its imposed road, and the road is transferred through the successive members to use foundation beneath. Similarly, a road structure must.
This aim of this project work is to investigate the various causes of movement failure in Nekede-Ihiagwa road in Imo state Nigeria and also to ascertain their possible remedies.
This project is intended to aid the construction workers that are going to embark on the construction of the Nekede-Ihiagwa Road in Imo state ‘Nigeria on the best way to carrying out the project since all the ‘formation on the road has been ascertained
An investigation was carried out like the collection of soil sample for laboratory practical and photography from the fail zone in Nekede-Ihiagwa road in Imo State Nigeria, transfer its load through successive layers of the road, wearing course and sub grade to the distributed soil on which it rests.
Nekede-Ihiagwa road in Imo state Nigeria has developed problems for over ten (10) years now. Since then, it has been observed what these problems keep increasing due to traffic, weather, and failure to carryout proper maintenances on the road. Because of these, Nekede-Ihiagwa road in Imo state Nigeria study has been considered and necessary to investigate as much as possible, the various causes of the failure and also to ascertain remedies to the failure this work investigation so much on different pavement defects. The defects occur a result of failure depending on the portion of the road affected are two (2) groups to road defect namely, structural defects and ace defects.
Pages: 66
Category: Project
Format: Word & PDF
Chapters: 1-5
Source: Imsuinfo
Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.