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Business Education

Effectiveness And Usage Of The E-Learning Technologies For Enhancing Accounting Students’ Performance In Federal College Of Education (Technical) Asaba




This study was carried out to ascertain the effectiveness and usage of the E-learning technologies for enhancing accounting students’ performance in Federal college of education (technical) Asaba. The population of the study comprised of sixty-seven (67) 200level (NCE II) regular and twenty-one (21) 300level (NCE III) part-time students in accounting department of the Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta State. Due to the manageable number of respondents, all the eighty-eight (88) students were used for the study. The instrument that used for data collection is a structured questionnaire, which was structured by the researcher and validated by two experts in Accounting Department of Federal College of Education (technical) Asaba for face and content validation. The corrections and suggestions made by the experts reflected on the final copies of the instrument.  The copies of the questionnaire items were administered to the students and teachers (lecturers) in accounting department of federal college of education (technical) Asaba, Delta State by the researcher with the help of 4 students and 81 instruments were retrieved and analyzed using mean statistics. Based on the analysis, it was found among others that e-learning technologies such as laptop, desktop, interactive whiteboard, and smart phones are available for enhancing accounting students’ performance, the available e-learning technologies are accessible by both lecturers and students for enhancing students’ performance and inadequate supply of electricity and lack of maintenance affects the use of e-learning technologies. On the basis of the findings, it was recommended among others that there should be constant electricity supply in the college to encourage the use of e-learning technologies, government should provide e-learning technologies to enhance students’ performance and there should be training and re-training of staff on the use of e-learning technologies.




Background to the study

Electronic learning or e-learning as popularly called has been variously defined by different authors. Like the name sounds electronic learning is learning via electronic means. E-learning involves use of electronic media (The internet, DVD, CD-ROM, video tape, television, cell phones etc.) for teaching and learning at a distance.

E-learning is the use of technology to deliver solutions that enhance knowledge and performance. E-learning is an inclusive term that describes educational technology that electronically supports learning and teaching. It is a technological medium that assists in the communication of knowledge and its development and exchange, also e-learning includes multimedia learning. The participants enroll by sending e-mail to the instructor (lecturer/teacher). The instructor sends out learning materials by electronic means to each participant. Participants submit their assignment electronically to the instructor and receives corrections later. In this way E-learning is established.

E-learning was useful and utilized in some parts of Nigeria during the outbreak of the pandemic, (Covid 19) in 2020 a lot of schools in Nigeria started on-line learning because students could no longer go to the classrooms for lectures due to the lockdown. This was to reduce the spread of the deadly disease.

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The Wikipedia (2012) refers to e-learning as the use of electronic media and information communication technologies (ICT) in education broadly speaking, it includes all forms of educational technology in teaching and learning, e-learning is synonymous to multimedia learning, technology enhance learning (TEL), computer based interaction (CBL), computer based training (CBT) computer assisted intrusion or Computer aided instruction (CAT), internet based training (IBT), web-based training (WBT), online education, virtual education, virtual learning environment (VTE) which is also called learning platforms and digital educational collaboration (DEC) E-learning has brought a lot of changes and innovations into various fields of educational institutes.

According to Johnson (2017), internet enhance positive impact and comprehensive learning packages. Obikaeze and onyechi (2011) defined e-learning as a formal and non-formal education that uses electronic delivery method such as internet based learning delivery packages, CD ROM, Online video conferencing, website or e-mail to manage the relationship between teachers and students. Azih and Nwosu (2011) define e-learning as a pertinent tool for effective teaching and learning. The use of e-learning technologies in teaching/learning of accounting education courses is very important (Ikpo, 2014).

Teaching and learning is a process that includes many variables. These variables interact as learners work towards their goals and incorporate new knowledge, behaviors and skills that add to their range of learning experiences.

Education is the best legacy a nation can give to her citizens especially the youths. This is because education is very important in the development of any nation or community. According to Ekwesili (2016), Education is what goes on from one generation to another generation. In this context, education is the process of socializing the child to grow up as a fulfilled member of the society through informal, formal and non-formal process.

According to Cambridge dictionary enhancing means the quality, amount or strength of something. Wikipedia defined effectiveness as the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output.

Accounting concepts refers to the basic assumptions rules and principles which works as the basis of recording of business transactions and preparing accounts. Accounting concepts such as Business entity concept; Money measurement concept; Going concern concept; Accounting period concept; Accounting cost concept; Realization concept; Matching concept. Etc.

Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to the business. Accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators and tax collection entities.

Accounting is one of the key functions for almost any business. It may be handled by a bookkeeper or an accountant. Accounting is the process of financial information about a business, organization or individual is recorded, classified, summarized, interpreted and communicated. Drawing from field such as information technology, law, statistics, business and economics, accounting is a multi-disciplinary subject that focuses on organization of individuals’ economic activities.

Accounting students are learners that are trained to gain advanced theoretical and practical knowledge of accounting and finance, master computational and calculation skills and techniques used in professional accounting practice and gain a broad understanding of the accounting finance and commercial sectors, often within an international context.

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According to Akande in Dimbisso (2017), academic performance refers to a successful accomplishment or performance in a particular subject and is indicated by grades, marks and scores of descriptive commenaries (Dimbisso 2017), says that academic performance refers to how students deal with their studies and how to cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers in a fixed time or academic year.

Knowledge may be defined as a collection of information or skills acquired through experience (Practical understanding) or education (theoretical understanding).

Technology is the making, modification, usage and knowledge of tools, machine techniques, crafts, system and method of organization in order to solve a problem, improve a per-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle or perform a specific function. Technology has been the major aspect to drive this concept of e-learning. Technology has affected the society and its surroundings in a number of ways. New technologies should be introduced into accounting education program to enhance account students’ performance verme (2014). Some of the methods that can make e-learning effective in order to enhance accounting students’ performance are:

  • Organizing e-learning training and re-training program for accounting teachers
  • Provision of automatic alternative source of electricity
  • Adequately subsidizing teachers and encouraging students to own personal computers, laptops or smartphones
  • Periodically evaluating accounting teachers on the extent of the utilization of e-learning.
  • Adequate provision of e-learning facilities and infrastructures.

Technology used for the methods of E-learning can be classed into; audio visual and audio technologies

Audio visual technologies according to Clegg (2014) is the electronic media possessing both sounds and visual components such as slide tape presentations, films, television programs, corporate conferencing and live theatre productions. Audio has to do with listening to a material or learning via listening. Examples of audio and audio visual gadget are phones, laptops, projectors, desktops, radio, television etc.

Statement of the problem

The facilities available in most tertiary institutions (school) are not adequate to enhance students learning and performances. This becomes a struggle for students to cope and grow. Performance is vital because the level of success students achieve from the school as far- reaching implications for their personal and professional lives (Grainen 2015).

The availability of teachers that are technologically vast in most tertiary institutions are not enough in enhancing students’ performance. Therefore, one of the key obstacle for e-learning implementations includes lack of information technology inclined teachers.

Some of the e-learning technologies available for teaching and learning in higher institutions according to Robert (2016) are projectors, computers, interactive board and wifi network. Ronald (2016) also found that technologies like desktop, laptop, projectors and printers are available for e-learning in higher institutions.

The use of these technologies according to Robert (2016) are inadequate electricity supply lack of trained personnel, poor connectivity and maintenance.

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This study therefore seeks to investigate the effective use of E-learning technologies for enhancing accounting students’ performance in Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba.

Purpose of study

The general purpose of this study is to establish the impact of the effective use of E-learning technologies on accounting students. This study will:

  1. Determine the extent to which e-learning technologies are available for use by teachers to enhance accounting students’ performance in FCE (T) Asaba.
  2. To find out the extent of accessibility of available e-learning technologies by teachers for enhancing accounting students’ performance in FCE (T) Asaba.
  3. To find out the major challenges on the use of e-learning technologies for enhancing accounting students, performance in FCE (T) Asaba.

Research questions

The following research questions were raised to guide the study:

  1. To what extent are e-learning technologies available for use by teachers to enhance accounting students’ performance in FCE (T) Asaba?
  2. To what extend are e-learning technologies accessible by teachers for enhancing accounting students’ performance in FCE (T) Asaba?
  3. What are the major challenges on the use of e-learning technologies for enhancing accounting students, performance in FCE (T) Asaba?

Significance of the study

The finding of the study would be of great benefit to the students, teachers, school administrators and other researchers.

The findings could be of benefit to the students in the sense that it will help to promote pride in their schools, stimulate their interest in technological skills and improve their learning conditions. This is because E-learning has no age restrictions therefore carries all learners along.

The findings could enable the teachers to appreciate the need for E-learning. It could improve teachers’ knowledge on the usage of electronic learning facilities and how to use certain websites and Apps on the phones as well as other gadgets as a means of a “Virtual Classroom”. It will also help them learn the skills necessary for using this E-learning technological gadgets.

The findings of the study could help the school administrators to know the importance of E-learning technology and also ensure that these facilities are available for both the teachers and students.

Other researcher could benefit from this study because it would serve as a reference material when carrying out a similar study or modifying this present one as the case maybe.

Scope of the study

The scope of this study is the effectiveness and usage of the E-learning technologies for enhancing accounting students’ performance in Federal college of education (technical) Asaba.

This study is delimited to e-learning technology available for use, e-learning technologies accessibility and challenges on the use of e-learning technologies. This study covered only Accounting Education students and it is being carried out in Federal college of education (technical), Asaba.

Pages:  50

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo                                     

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.




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