Education Physics
Effect Of Stimulation And Project Methods On Academic Achievement Of Physics In Senior Secondary Schools In Owerri West Lga Of Imo State
3 years agoon
The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of stimulation and project methods on student’s academic achievement in physics in senior secondary schools in LGA. Three research questions and hypothesis were formulated and a quasi experimental group research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study comprised of 1,163 physics students of the 31 senior secondary schools in the area of study. However, samples of 160 SS2 physics students were randomly drawn from the total population. The method of data collection was through the use of a Physics Achievement test (PAT) questionnaire which was structured on a four point likert scale. The data were analyzed using arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using analysis of covariance. The results indicated that use of stimulation method facilitates student’s achievement in physics teaching. Also, the problem of gender difference in the academic achievement of secondary school has been eliminated. Result of the hypothesis revealed that there was no significant difference (≤0.05) in the mean achievement scores of male and female students. The study recommends amongst other things, teachers should endeavor to use stimulation strategy in the teaching of concept of physics as it will help them get acquainted to stimulation skills.
In this chapter, the researcher presents the background of the study, statement of problem, the scope of study and purpose of the study. Equally presented are significance of the study, research questions and hypothesis.
Background to the Study
Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves. Over the years, physics is one of the oldest academic discipline and through its inclusion as astronomy, perhaps the oldest. Physics is a natural science, based on experiments, measurements and mathematical analysis with the purpose of finding quantitative physical laws for everything from the nano world of the microcosms to the planets, solar systems and galaxies that occupy the macrocosms. The basic laws in physics are universal;’, but physics in our time is such a vast filed that many sub-fields are almost regarded as separate science.
Physics is the foundation for natural science and also has practical implication for our everyday lives. In fact, modern life is dominated by technological developments based on discoveries in physics, from Ultra-fast computer to renewable energy technologies. Advance in physics often enable advances in new technologies. For example, advance in the understanding of electromagnetism, solid state physics and nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products that have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as television. Industrialization and advance in mechanics inspired the development of calculus. Physics as the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism and the structure of atoms.
Teaching method in Greek language “Metahodos” means a way- Method is therefore derived from ‘metahodos’ (Esu & Inyang-Abia, 2004) and it means the right way for our purpose. From this teaching method can be said to be a chosen systematized and ordered correct way through which the ‘act of teaching’ is performed in order to achieve the set objectives of instruction (Mezieobi,Fubara & Mezieobi, 2008). Various teaching methods are used by teachers in teaching of government aimed at bringing about meaningful learning and the realization of Government objectives. . This includes lecture method, demonstration method, discovery method, project method, inquiry method, simulation method among others. There is no particular teaching method that is said to be the best at all times. A good teacher uses different method to teach different unit of the curriculum, bearing in mind the nature of the units. Physics made up of different units, therefore there is need to use different method that appeal to the units to teach for a better achievement in Physics. NERDC (2007) recommended the use of interactive and participatory approach in teaching physics to making learning active.
There are varieties of teaching methods for teachers to choose from, depending on the situation. There are methods that are teacher-student centred, for example, computer assisted instruction, engagement approach, discussion, problem solving, and so forth, and others arc student-centred. For example role play, individualized instruction, project method, discovery and so forth. Some of these methods are more appropriate for a particular group than others. For instance, some are gotten for younger learners and some for older students, while some are good for some subject areas than others. In addition’, some are used to develop specific information that is not generally found in reference textbooks, others are used to illustrate certain procedures and skills, or to stimulate interests along the new line of thought.
Instructional methods according to Yusuf (2012) should be selected based on the type of instructional objectives that are expected to be achieved. Objectives set at the psychomotor and cognitive domains will require learner-centered teaching methods such as project mentor and simulation methods. Also, the subject to be taught the size and number of students, the time available for the teacher to cover the scheme of work or course outline, interest of the learner, age, class, intellectual capacity, student background and materials available should be put into consideration before selection is made. However the teacher adopts method in teaching led to student’s achievement (Miriogu, 2012 Udeji, 2007; Udousoro 2002). The issues relating to achievement as it concerns instructional strategies or method used in teaching need more clarification. Therefore there is need to investigate more learner centred, activity oriented method or innovative method like simulation and project method and its effects on achievement in physics.
Simulation therefore is an innovative teaching method which is Learner centred activity-oriented teaching strategy. The word simulation comes from Latin word ‘similis’ meaning Mike’ that is to act like, to resemble, to pretend to be, . Additionally, the format of simulations ranges from computerized games to elaborate, role-playing scenarios (Moore, 2009). While not all simulations involve role playing, for the purposes of this study role-playing simulation will be used. Role-play simulation refer to active learning techniques in which students try to ”become another individual and. by assuming- the role, to gain a better understanding of the person, as well as the actions and motivations that prompt certain behaviours…[and] explore their [own] feelings” (Moore, 2009: 209).”Simulations give students the chance to apply theory, develop critical skills, and provide a welcome relief from the everyday tasks of reading and preparing for classes” (Kanner, 2007). Simulation is an educational tool where students learn through the application of theory and decision-making to a simulated real-world business scenario. The use of simulation techniques where students are a.-K-wed to project themselves into new classroom roles helps to improve classroom dialogue, active participation and transfer of learning (Watson, 1986). This study therefore tries to find out the effect simulation on students achievement and retention in some Physics concepts at senior secondary school in Owerri education zone.
The project method is an active learning which enables student to become aware of and determine his/her stimulationability and learning needs, to learn, to be able to make knowledge operative and to perform group works in the face of real-life problems. The project method turns the student from passive information recipient to active, free self-learner and innovator, and it slides the emphasis of educational programmes from teaching to learning. This enables the student to learn new knowledge by facing the problems to be solved, instead of burdened contents (Cuhadaroglu, Karaduman, Onderoglu, Karadeinir & Sekcrel, 2013). By means of project method, some attitudes of students in relation to such areas as problem-solving, thinking, group communication, information acquisition and information sharing with others are affected positively. Hence, the most important role of the teacher in the project method learning being, operated in a student-centred manner is to facilitate learning activities by guiding students.
Ogunsaju (2004), states that the academic standard in all Nigerian institutions has fallen considerably below societal expectations. The learning of physics in secondary schools has not fared well in view of the end product resulting in the lack of understanding and consequently poor achievement and total nonchalance in the discharge of civic duties and responsibilities which the subject has as its cornerstone objective (Ugwu, 2013). Most students graduate from school without being able to exhibit the expected behaviour. Unfortunately evidence from literature showed that most teachers in Nigerian secondary school predominately use the project teaching method in teaching due to poor knowledge and none exposure to other learner centred method leading to poor achievement and retention (Anderson & Freedman, 2012; Omoniyi, 2006). Teaching in Nigeria still follows the traditional pattern even when the traditional method is neither promoting students” interest nor achievement in the subject (Iji, 2012). The whole process of education centres around two key concepts teaching and learning.
This therefore necessitated the need to explore other methods that may enhance students performance in physics. As such, this study was carried out to find out the effects of stimulation and project methods on senior secondary school physics students’ performance in Owerri.
Statement of the Problem
One of the leading causes of students’ poor performance in physics in senior secondary schools as reported by various studies conducted (Kurumeh, 2006; Greenwald, 2010; Posner & Rudnitsky, 2011) has to do with the instructional methods used by teachers, which are inadequate to bring about desired performance and classroom participation in both male and female students. Often time, the most used methods by teachers are the chalk and talk method and makes students to become passive Other studies (Okebukola, 2002) also found that many Nigerian teachers mostly used the Project Lecture Method that centres on the teachers, textbook, chalk and the chalkboard. Under this method, a teacher is seen as a disseminator of knowledge, the knower of the answer and a teacher who heavily relies on textbooks as the only available instructional material; conveys facts and procedures to students and hardly encourages students to engage in practical and creative learning activities.
As revealed by the Chief Examination Report (CER) results from 2015 to 2019, the performance of students in physics in public secondary schools in Imo State was 31.28%. 11.91%, 41.6%, 44.7% and 29.1% respectively which revealed poor performance? Also, as stated by the Chief Examiners’ report of 2015/2016, it was revealed that students had inadequate knowledge of subject (physics). The report showed that students lack knowledge of plotting graph, answering question that involve calculations, use of wrong terminology, failure to expatiate points and so forth. These identified problems could have arisen due to insufficient knowledge and teaching methods employed on the side of the teachers.
Apparently, stimulation and project methods is an instructional method that uses active learning strategies to engage students directly in the learning process, enhance academic performance and promote the development of important learning skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and ability to cooperatively work with each student. Properly implemented stimulation and project methods can lead to increased motivation to learn greater retention of knowledge, deeper understanding and more positive attitudes toward the subject being taught (Collin & Obrain, 2003). In view of the stated problems, the researcher was prompted to find out the effects of stimulation and project methods on senior secondary school students’ academic achievement in physics in Owerri West LGA, Imo State, Nigeria.
Scope of the Study
This study focused on senior secondary school three (SSIII) students offering physics. The scope of this study was limited to the following topics: motion under gravity, projectile motion, scalar and vectors. These topics were selected based on the organization of the physics curriculum.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to find out the effects of stimulation and project method on academic achievement of senior secondary school students in Physics in Owerri West LGA, Imo State. Specifically, the study sought to:
- difference in the mean achievement scores of physics students taught using stimulation teaching approach and those taught using project teaching approach.
- difference in the mean achievement scores of gender on students’ achievement in physics when taught using stimulation teaching approact
- the interaction effect of gender and teaching method on achievement of student in physics
Significance of the Study
This study is considered to be significant in a number of ways to Teachers of physics, curriculum developers, Ministry of Education Officials, Examination Bodies, Textbook writers, Parents, Students and future researchers.
Through the findings of this study, teachers will learn the characteristics of the stimulation and project method, both its pros and cons, and provide some practical alternatives teaching methods for teachers who do not think the method fits their teaching philosophy. Similarly, the outcome of this study would help the teacher to check and improve on the method and quality of teaching which would in turn improve the performance of students in both internal and external examination. It would also help them in evaluating their performance in the teaching of the various aspects of physics curriculum contents. The result of the study would reveal the aspects of the physics curriculum that are not properly implemented by teachers. This may lead to improvement in such aspects of the curriculum for greater performance among the students.
Physics teachers who teach students will utilize the outcomes of this study to promote effective ways to motivate and increase students learning of physics by guiding the students in their approach to stimulation and creating conducive environment for competency in stimulation and project methods among students. The finding will also help in suggesting the way forward in the inculcation of stimulation and « project methods in learning physics concepts as well as aid towards solutions to arising problems. It is hoped that the result of this study will encourage physics teacher to plan sequence, and organize properly. The contents of physics in order to enhance and encourage students to avail themselves to the learning opportunities that is available in stimulation and project methods.
Findings from this study will hopefully benefit the curriculum developers as they would utilize the factors that are found to promote effective ways of using stimulation and project methods of teaching and developing materials that could effectively enhance the teaching and learning of physics this research. I will equally be of great use to the curriculum developers as it will help them to suggest relevant teaching methods for teaching different topics in the curriculum. Hence, students’ academic performance will improve through the use of appropriate teaching methods.
This study will be of great significance to Federal Ministry of Education and States Ministries of Education. The findings will stimulate them to re-orient their physics teachers through workshops and seminars/conferences on the use of stimulation and project methods in their teaching process, to enhance the quality of teaching and learning at the secondary school level. In the same way, the outcome of this study would help the Ministry of Education to check teachers’ improvement on the method and quality of teaching which would in turn improve the performance of students in both the internal and external examination. Bodies like Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) that carry out research, discuss and disseminate research findings can use the result of this research to facilitate effective teaching and learning of physics curriculum and seek to inculcate team spirit in students through stimulation and project methods, This therefore would lead to improvement in the way the curriculum is being implemented by the teachers for greater performance among the students.
Parents would as a result of the findings be able to advise their wards on strategies that students can adopt for effective simulation in physics. Teaching of physics using stimulation and projects method will enable students to search and find community actual problems, propose sound solutions to those identified problems and change them throughout their life/ The practical experience will develop analytical, creative, participatory decision making, leadership and active citizenship skills and abilities among students, willingness and skills for realizing personal responsibility as a citizen. The students would be able to analyze various situations independently, express and defend personal opinions and and develop action plans.
Likewise, students can use the result of this research to adopt effective study habits and achieve better performances in test. As stimulation and project methods turns the student from passive information recipient to active, free self-learner and problem solver, and slides the emphasis of educational programmes from teaching to learning. This research will enable student to learn new knowledge by facing him/her the problems to be solved, instead of burdened contents. By means of stimulation and project methods, some attitudes of students in relation to such areas as problem-solving, thinking, group works, communication, information acquisition and information sharing with others will be affected positively.
Research Questions
The following research questions were posed to guide the study:
- What is the difference in the mean achievement scores of students taught physics using stimulation teaching approach and those taught using project teaching approach?
- What is the difference in the mean achievement scores of male and female students taught using stimulation teaching approach?
- What is the interaction effect of gender and teaching methods on achievement in physics?
Three null hypotheses guided this study which is tested at 0.05 levels of significance.
- There is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of students taught physics using stimulation teaching approach and those taught using project teaching approach
- There is no significance in the mean achievement scores of male and female students taught using stimulation teaching approach
- The interaction effect on gender and teaching methods are not significant
Pages: 80
Category: Project
Format: Word & PDF
Chapters: 1-5
Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.
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