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Business Education

Assessment Of Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (Siwes) On The Performance Of Business Education Graduates As Perceived By Business Owners In Asaba




The study was to examine the assessment of student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) on the performance of business education graduates as perceived by business owners in Asaba. To achieve the essence, the study was divided into five chapters. Three research questions were raise and answered in the study, related literature were reviewed in the study. The study used a descriptive survey. The population comprised of two hundred and twenty four (224) registered private business owners in Asaba, Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. Sample of the study was a simple random sampling technique which was used to randomly select one hundred and twenty five (125) private business owners out of the two hundred and twenty four (224) populations. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire which was validated by two lecturers from the school of business education. The method of data collection was mean statistics to answer the research questions. The findings revealed that; students’ industrial work experience scheme (SIWES), inadequate supervision of students on (SIWES) and inadequate provision of facilities influences the performance of students in industrial work experience scheme (SIWES). Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that; adequate supervision should be done by the tertiary institution to assert that the students is doing the right thing, adequate provision of facilities should be done by the owner of any organization accepting the IT students, and student should value the important of SIWES and grab the opportunity to acquire the basic needed to explore.



Background to the Study

Business education is a part of technical and vocational education which is studied in secondary and tertiary institutions in the country, that is universities, polytechnics and colleges of education (Olaiya 2015). According to Nwaokolo in Ekpenyong (2014), Business education is divided into two parts: office education, which is vocational in nature for office careers and general business education which is a programme that provides information and competences needed for managing businesses.  Akerejola (2017) stated that the primary objective of Business education is to foster the acquisition of the necessary business competencies needed to effectively function in the world of work, either as an employee or an employer of labour, the need for ensuring that the theoretical knowledge acquired by students is matched with their practical knowledge gave room to the establishment of Student Industrial Works Experience Scheme (SIWES).

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Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is one of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) programmes and it was introduced in 1974 due to the inability of engineering and technology students in Nigeria universities and polytechnics to meet the practical aspects of their training (Ojokuku, 2015). That is, the needs to enable students match their theoretical school knowledge with the practical aspect of their training in industry. According to Ekpenyong (2011). One of the principles underlying any industrial work experience scheme for students in institutions of learning is the desire to marry the practical with the theoretical learning which characterizes conventional classroom situations with a view to striking a balance between theory and practice.

Linn and Miller (2015) defined assessment as any of a variety of procedures used to obtain information about student performance. Linn and Miller went further to state that assessment can be refers to the full range of information gathered and synthesized by teachers about their students and their classroom.  Jam (2017) opined that performance is the ability to study and remember facts and being able to communicate your knowledge verbally or on paper. In other words, academic performance refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers.  Academic performance generally refers to how well a student is accomplishing his or her tasks or studies.

The assessment of Students Industrial Work Experience (SIWES) has thus, been a cause of concern to education, economic planners and business owners at large, particularly with respect to graduate employment. There are also mixed concern about how much of it that actually help students academic performance and job readiness after graduation. While some institutions and programs permit SIWES for only three months, other go for up to one year. There has been several research literature, in the area of student work experience and its assessment on student development of fitness for the challenges of the job market.  For effective and efficient work experience, it is good that the above guidelines are followed. The students industrial training enable students match, therefore the industrial training experience scheme has become part of the curriculum of education and necessary requirement for graduation in all engineering technology courses in Nigeria universities and polytechnics.

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However, this research if focused on examining the assessment of student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) on students after completion of the programme.

Statement of Problem

Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a laudable skills acquisition programme which is geared towards technological development of the nation. However, the scheme cannot  be  said  to  have  achieved  the  desired  objectives  due  to  many    factors ,   ranging    from    the    structural    causes    of    performance problems that have plagued the system, but also increasing  number  of  students  and  institutions  which  place  undue  pressure  on  the  few  surviving  industrial  organizations  and  most  students  on  attachment  in  places  of  convenience  without giving considerations to the relevance of the workplace to their course of studies.

Assessment of SIWES on the performance of business education graduate cannot be over emphases because there is a lot of factor affecting the student performance. Based on interaction with some business owners the research was able to specify the factors affecting the assessment of SIWES on the performance of business Education graduates which include; lack of adequate supervision, non singing of necessary materials like ITF form 8 and students logbooks at their places of attachment, difficulties of students in getting placement state, unnecessary delay in the payment of students and supervisors allowance among others.

Based on the above factors, the researcher therefore sort to investigate on the assessment of students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) on the performance of business education graduates as perceived by business owners in Asaba.

Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of this study is assessment of students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) on the performance of business education graduates as perceived by business owners in Asaba.

Specifically the study shall sort to:

  1. Determine the effectiveness of Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) towards student development.
  2. Determine how inadequate supervision of students on SIWES affect the performance of business education graduates
  3. Examine how inadequate provision of facilities affect the performance of student I industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)
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Research Questions

The study was guided on the following research questions:

  1. To what extent does effectiveness of students’ industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) influence students development?
  2. To what extent does inadequate supervision of students on industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) affect the performance of business education graduates?
  3. To what extent does inadequate provision of facilities affect the performance of student in industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)?

Significant of the Study

The research will be of immense benefit to business educators, school administrators, the government and business education graduates. The research will be of great benefit to the business educators because it will enable them to become aware of the benefits of industrial training, it will on the other hand help school administer to be able to understand specific problems which relate to the students of business education in their industrial training after which the school administers can be able to plan further strategies for their solution to conduct their training properly to the student effective and efficient experience.

This study will be of huge benefit to the government and the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) it will enable them to see the prospect of their effort towards the programme and also serve as a means of solving the problems faced by trainees and cause possible amendment to be made to ensure the continuity of the programme, it will also help the ITF to know if their aim and objects is being fulfilled

Scope of the study:

The scope of the study focuses on assessment of students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) on the performance of business education graduates as perceived by business owners in Asaba. Based on the study it restricted to determine the factors responsible for assessment of students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) on the performance of business education graduates as perceived by business owners in Asaba and does factors are lack of inadequate supervision, non signing of necessary materials, inadequate provision of facilities among other.

Pages:  63

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF               

Chapters: 1-5                                          

Source: Imsuinfo

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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