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History & International Studies

A History Of St.Paul’s Anglican Church Ogidi, Ogbotu; 1964 – 2015




This work trace the history of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Ogbotu from 1964, the year when the church was founded to 2015 when the first ever Synod was held in the church coupled with the construction of the Belfry to match her parish status. The work aims at tracing the history of the Anglican Church in the time under review and its economic, educational, political and socio-religious impacts to the people of Ogbotu in Ikenga Ogidi community . Primary and Secondary sources were used to achieve this aim and the historical method of research was adopted in documenting this work. Findings showed that St.Paul’s Anglian Church started as a Sunday School outfit (religious school) at the Nanri Ntakala School, then at the central community school iyi-enu Ogidi before it was transferred to Ogbotu in Ikenga mainland area of Ogidi. The church grew and developed to a first class church now called St. Paul’s Anglican Parish, Ogidi. St. Pau’ls Anglican Church gave birth to two churches namely –St. John’s Anglican Church Ndiagu Ikenga Ogidi and St. Michael’s And All Angels Church, Ogidi (SMAACO). 



Church history has been an important part of the cultural history of every nation and through the centuries, thousands of books have been written about it, so was the case of the Anglican Church.

The name ‘Anglican’ means ‘of England’, but the Anglican Church exists worldwide. It began in the sixth century in England when Pope Gregory the Great sent St. Augustine to Britain to bring a more disciplined apostolic succession to the Celtic Christians. The Anglican Church evolved as a part of the Roman Empire but the Celtic influence was folded back into the Roman portion of the Church in many ways, perhaps most notably by Charlesmagne’s tutor Aiden. The Anglican Church has spread worldwide first by English colonization and then by English speaking missionaries.

The Anglican Church, although it has apostolic succession is separated from the Roman Church1.

The Anglican Mission came into Igbo land precisely in 1857 with Onitsha as the first spot of the missionary propagation. From Onitsha, the mission spread to other parts of Igbo land (Ogidi inclusive). The Anglican Diocese on the Niger is the mother diocese (oldest) of the church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). It is one of the 10 Anglican Diocese in the province of Niger within the church of Nigeria. The diocese was created in 1864 as the diocese of the Western Equatorial Africa. All Saints Anglican Cathedral at Onitsha is the seat of the Anglican Diocese in the Niger. The planning of the Cathedral begun in 1964 after World War II, a site was chosen overlooking the Nigeria review and close to the river market in the city. The construction of the cathedral began when the foundation stone was laid by the then colonial Governor, John Macpherson.

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The Anglican diocese on the Niger (All Saint Anglican Cathedral Ozalla, Onitsha) encompassed a number of archdeacons under the diocese including Ogidi archdeaconry that birthed St. Paul Anglican Church Ogidi, Ogbutu Village during the period under review2.

Moreover, the major thrust of this work is the history of St. Paul Anglican Church, Ogidi. This research work points out the in depth discussion on the history of the church.


1.1   Background to Study

The Anglican Church has an all embracing tradition. It is catholic and evangelical, liberal and conservative, charismatic and Pentecostal in tradition. According to a one time arch bishop of Canterbury, George Carey, Its (Anglican’s) style vary from the simple to the elaborate, from evangelical to catholic, from charismatic to traditional or indeed a combination of these various traditions.

Consequently, Anglicanism lives with a broad spectrum of opinion and traditions within its membership.

The main contrast is between the Low Church tradition (i.e the evangelicals) and the High Church tradition (i.e Anglo-Catholics). Originally a product of English Christianity, that contrast has marked many of the other churches of the Anglican Communion through the bias of the missionary agencies.

Before the spread of Anglican missionaries in Igbo land, the people of the land was in complete spiritual darkness as the light of the gospel was yet to be extended to the people. The Anglican Church thus became the mother of the Christian Mission in Igbo land in 1857. The word of God which the Anglican Church first preached and taught in Onitsha from 1857 thus became the sin qua non for an effective Evangelico-pentecostal tradition among the entire Igbo people3.

It is worthy to note that the history of Anglican Church in Igbo land dates back to the Niger-Delta expedition of 1830 – 1857. After the 41 expeditions, the white missionaries realized that Africa was best evangelized by Africans. This realization led to Ajayi Crowther being given the privilege of playing a prominent role in the mission team pf West Africa especially the Igbo Mission. He was ordained for the Niger mission on Trinity Sunday in 1844 and consecrated as the first ever black Anglican Bishop. After the widespread of Anglican Church in Igbo land, Anglicanism soon found softer grounds in which the gospel and education could be spread to all the nooks and crannies of Ogidi

As earlier noted, the history of St. Paul Anglican Church, Ogidi came into existence as a result of expansion and spread of Anglican churches in other areas of Ogidi, by the archdeaconry headquarter under the diocese on the Niger4.

1.2   Scope of Study

This research work is an examination of the history of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Ogidi, Ogbotu autonomous community from 1964 to 2015. Hence, the work is centered on Ikenga Ogidi mainland areas which will in turn discuss the history, origin, growth and development of St. Paul’s Church.

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The periodization of this work is from 1964 – 2015. The choice of 1964 marked the beginning and origin of St Paul’s Church Ogidi. 2015 on the other hand was the year St. Paul embarked on constructing a Beltry to match her Paris status and it was also the year that marked the first ever synod to be hosted at St. Paul parish Ogidi since its existence.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The aim of this work is to trace the History of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Ogbotu from 1964 to 2015.


The Objectives are:

  1. To have a clear insight of Ogidi Archdeaconry, its growth and development;
  2. To examine the history of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Ogidi and its impact on the people of Ogbotu in Ikenga, Ogidi;
  3. To have a clear understanding or view on the establishment and expansion of new Anglican Churches by St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Ogidi
  4. To examine the growth and development of the new Anglican Church that were established by St. Paul’s Anglican Church.


1.4       Conceptual Clarifications

For the purpose of a clear understanding of this research work, the following concepts have been defined as would be used in the course of the work.

  1. Parish: It is a small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor.
  2. Anglican Communion: It is the third largest Christian Communion. It was founded in 1867 in London, the communion has more than 85 million members within the Church of England and other national and regional churches in full communion.
  3. Archdeaconry: It is defined as the district or residence of an Archdeacon. It is the district for which an archdeacon is responsible.
  4. Diocese: It is the territorial jurisdiction of a bishop. Diocese in Christian churches is a territorial area administered by a Bishop.
  5. Synod: It is an assembly of clergies and sometimes also the laity in a diocese or other divisions of a particular church. It is a special council of members of a church which meet regularly to discuss religious issues5.

1.5       Literature Review

Books on the history of St. Paul’s Anglican Church Ogidi are rare and few. Prior to the production of the history books of the church, account of the early beginning were only available in randomly deposited documents or in the memories of some elderly people which becomes unavailable when they pass on. None the less, books are provided to give the historical account of the church.

In History of St. Paul’s Parish, Ogidi, Obi Ezegbo gives a detailed account of the parish. He also state how the church began as a Sunday School Outfit at the Nanri Ntakala School then at the community central Ogidi. According to him, the growth of the church was as a result of the zeal and spirit which the members of the church exhibit for the things of God6.

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Orji Uzowulu in his book, St. Paul’s Anglican Church Ogidi, information is provided about the growth and development of the church. He also noted that the establishment of new churches on the other parts of Ikenga Ogidi mainland area by St. Paul Anglican Church. The book explains the causative factors which prompted the need for the establishment of the new churches. St. Paul Church played a prominent role in ensuring that Christianity gain a foothold in Ogidi communities in which the new churches were established7.

Ibezim A. Chibuzo in his book, Advent of Christianity in Ogidi also gave an account on how Anglicanism found its way in Ogidi and how it was spread to every other parts of Ogidi and to the neighboring towns. Emphasis are made on the tremendous growth in evangelism and expansion of education in Ogidi in this very book8.

In A History of St. Paul Anglican Church, Ogidi, Sunday O Okafor gives a brief account of the history, growth and achievements of the Church. He highlights the impacts and contributions of the Church to the society. He made mention of how the church had built the social, economic and religious life of its people9.

The above books are written down to have a better comprehension on the history of St. Paul’s Anglican Church Ogidi which is our main thrust of the research work.

1.6       Significance of Study

This Research Work will be a major breakthrough in the historical reconstruction of St. Paul’s Parish,Ogidi. This is because:

  1. It marks a watershed in the history of the church under review due to the scarcity of historical materials on the topic of discuss;
  2. This research work will afford the people of Ogbotu in Ikenga, Ogidi and beyond an opportunity to have firsthand knowledge of the history of St. Paul Anglican Church, Ogidi.
  3. This study will also evaluate the contributions of St. Paul’s Church Ogidi to the communities at large.
  4. This research work provided exhaustive account of the inception and growth of St. Paul Church Ogidi and the need to know more about its history.

1.7       Research Methodology

This research work will make use of primary sources of information which will include oral interviews – verbal or recorded information and archival material which posses useful and reliable information and knowledge on this topic of discuss.

The research will also make use of secondary sources such as textbooks, journals, newspapers, articles and internet papers. Information that will be generated from these sources will be analyzed methodologically by historical and analytical research methods.

Pages:  80

Category: Project

Format:  Word & PDF         

Chapters: 1-5                                                      

Material contains Table of Content, Abstract and References.


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